This is Why the Occupy Wall Street Movement Keeps Growing

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Because of asshole cops like this. His name is John Pike and his title is “Lieutenant of Police” for UC Davis.

The dude makes quite a nice salary at $116,000 per year. I hope this fuckwit loses his job and goes bankrupt. There is no excuse for this.

Here's his work info from Anonymous:

What a fucking moron to pull this shit in front of all those cameras.

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Peter Parka

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Dosen't matter how much you look at that, the guy is a complete cunt and abusing his position, the same as most police I'm come across do.

Alien Allen

Froggy the Prick
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I wish there had been more tape from earlier leading up to that.

Before lynching him I would question if he was given orders to do that and if so from who?

I seriously doubt if they were just sitting there and not refusing to leave there would have been this happening.

Don't take that as my condoning what happened. The same as I would not condone Anonymous for posting that info on him.

John I ask this seriously though. What are police supposed to do when protesters refuse to disperse? You are old enough to remember how things spin out of control as they did in the 60's as at Kent State.


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I wish there had been more tape from earlier leading up to that.

Before lynching him I would question if he was given orders to do that and if so from who?

Some orders can be legally disobeyed and common sense and decency demand it in situations like this.

I seriously doubt if they were just sitting there and not refusing to leave there would have been this happening.

It's called civil disobedience - the same techiniques Martin Luther King Jr. used during the Civil Rights Movement.

Don't take that as my condoning what happened. The same as I would not condone Anonymous for posting that info on him.

What is wrong with Anonymous posting that information? He is a public servant at a public university abusing students on public property. Hundreds of cameras captured his actions. Many states require public servants salaries be published or at least made available in some fashion to the public.

Further, this is how Anonymous framed the issue:

D0X: UC Davis Pepper Spraying officer, Lt. John Pike. Please be respectful in your condemnation of this act of brutality.

That is much more consideration than was given those seated students.

John I ask this seriously though. What are police supposed to do when protesters refuse to disperse? You are old enough to remember how things spin out of control as they did in the 60's as at Kent State.

I was in first grade when Kent State happened - even so, calling out Army National Guard troops to quell a constitutional protest is something one would expect from the USSR of the time or China, not in the United States.

Why was any police action necessary at all? In all likelyhood, those students would have left on their own eventually - everybody has to use the restroom.

There is simply no excuse for what Lt. John Pike did - and I truly hope he suffers for his actions legally and financially - along with his superiors that condone his actions.

Alien Allen

Froggy the Prick
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anonymous posted his home address

which reeks of anarchy as it basically is begging for somebody to go there and stir shit up.

the truth will come out and he will be dealt with accordingly I would hope and expect.

it is easy John to tell somebody to disobey an order. Many will willingly give up their jobs by doing so but I can see why one would not.

Kent State was a prime example of when a protest can turn into something unplanned for. I have not read up on it in a long time but as I recall those National Guard were not excited to be there and were scared shitless.

As I have said before protests can turn ugly on a dime. The vast majority are peaceful and it only takes a few to stir things up. I watched the Chicago protests back during the 68 election. It was not a surprise what happened. This kind of violence can happen. In a perfect world it would not happen.

Alien Allen

Froggy the Prick
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These are AMERICAN CITIZENS for fuck sake!!! Interesting to see just how humanely the po-po treat protesters.

Hate to break the news but that kind of stuff happens EVERYWHERE when the right situation arises at protests.

Does not condone it but it is just a fact of life.


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anonymous posted his home address

That's as easy as opening up a telephone book or doing an internet search.

which reeks of anarchy as it basically is begging for somebody to go there and stir shit up.

Allen - surley you can see how over-used that word "anarchy" is. Just like "Communism" "Socialism" and "Marxism" - just more propaganda. If you are a cop and abuse citizens, then expect to answer for it with public outrage. Every American should be incensed and demanding justice.

the truth will come out and he will be dealt with accordingly I would hope and expect.

Unfortunately, without a public outcry and reems of bad publicity, the law enforcement culture will close ranks and protect itself even when its LEO's commit crimes against humanity.

it is easy John to tell somebody to disobey an order. Many will willingly give up their jobs by doing so but I can see why one would not.

I agree - it takes a strong moral constitution to do what is right in a situation like this. Clearly Lt. Pike lacked a moral compass to guide him.

Kent State was a prime example of when a protest can turn into something unplanned for. I have not read up on it in a long time but as I recall those National Guard were not excited to be there and were scared shitless.

That's not what I recall from the news accounts and video footage - those students were unarmed. And tell me - is it constitutional to call military troops out against American citizens? Is that the America you want to live in? Do you want to live in a para-military police state?

As I have said before protests can turn ugly on a dime. The vast majority are peaceful and it only takes a few to stir things up. I watched the Chicago protests back during the 68 election. It was not a surprise what happened. This kind of violence can happen. In a perfect world it would not happen.

Can you honestly compare the Occupy Movement to race riots? Come on Allen - Occupy is non-violent and you and even the opposition KNOW this. It does not take a perfect world to not beat unarmed citizens with batons, shoot them with rubber bullets and assault them with pepper spray.

Civil rights of American citizens are being trampled by government police forces and our fellow citizens are looking to justify it because they don't agree with Occupy? If we allow the rights of those we disagree with to be violated, it is only a matter of time until the tables will be turned against us by others. Then we will all be screwed.

Alien Allen

Froggy the Prick
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A couple of things stick out

The Davis Faculty Association, citing incidents at other campuses, demanded "that the chancellors of the University of California cease using police violence to repress nonviolent political protests.
so what are they supposed to use in these circumstances?
After written and verbal warnings, officers reminded the protesters they would be subject to arrest if they did not move their tents from the quad
I figured as much

A group of about a dozen protesters sat on a path with their arms interlocked as police moved in to remove additional tents.
guess they ignored the warnings

At one point, protesters encircled the officers and blocked them from leaving, Morain said. Cut off from backup, the officers determined the situation was not safe and asked people several times to make room............

Annette Spicuzza, chief of campus police, said officers in riot gear were unable to get out after they were encircled.

There is always two sides to a story.

Should they have tazered the protesters instead. Billy Clubs?

What is one to do when faced with a situation like this? Just walk away and let them have their way?


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so what are they supposed to use in these circumstances?
I figured as much

What are they supposed to use? How about common sense?

guess they ignored the warnings

So they deserved to get pepper sprayed while sitting on a sidewalk not causing any public safety concern to any other person?

There is always two sides to a story.

And the police have no justification for their side, particularly Lt. Pike.

Should they have tazered the protesters instead. Billy Clubs?

I'm still amazed that you - a fellow American - are continuing to attempt to justify police brutality against peaceful protesters.

Did all those black students led by MLK deserve to have the fire hoses turned on them too allen?

Did those black students deserve to have the dogs turned on them?

Did those black students deserve to be beaten and killed?

What is one to do when faced with a situation like this? Just walk away and let them have their way?

What were those kids sitting on the sidewalk hurting besides the pride of the police officers?


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A couple of things stick out

My pleasure.

I'm thinking you should have mentioned this from the article not that it would matter to some people here.

" At one point, protesters encircled the officers and blocked them from leaving, Morain said. Cut off from backup, the officers determined the situation was not safe and asked people several times to make room, Morain said. One officer used pepper spray when a couple of protesters and some of the 200 bystanders moved in, she added. "


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My pleasure.

I'm thinking you should have mentioned this from the article not that it would matter to some people here.

Like who? I read the article before you ever posted it here Mr. Guyzer-come-lately. ;)

Yup, two sides to every story, right Guyz?

" At one point, protesters encircled the officers and blocked them from leaving, Morain said. Cut off from backup, the officers determined the situation was not safe and asked people several times to make room, Morain said. One officer used pepper spray when a couple of protesters and some of the 200 bystanders moved in, she added. "

Did you even watch the video Guyzer? The cops were all laughing and smiling. They were under no threat whatsoever.

The cops are working overtime making shit up to cover their asses. Of course, good citizens like yourself could never believe cops would lie, right?

Alien Allen

Froggy the Prick
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My pleasure.

I'm thinking you should have mentioned this from the article not that it would matter to some people here.

" At one point, protesters encircled the officers and blocked them from leaving, Morain said. Cut off from backup, the officers determined the situation was not safe and asked people several times to make room, Morain said. One officer used pepper spray when a couple of protesters and some of the 200 bystanders moved in, she added. "

I saw it but forgot to add it.

John that came from CNN which is not a right wing lackey source.

I am trying to paint the other side of the picture.

You do not know me well enough yet but I can assure you if somebody says black I will say white. If they started with white I would say black.

We have a different bias in many cases. But my point is there are two sides to every story and you can find plenty of sites that skew stuff to fit their agenda so to speak.

As to Kent State I am not arguing the validity of sending in the Guard. But I can assure you damn near every one of them went into the Guard to avoid going to Nam. They were faced with something they were unprepared for. And there are lots of anecdotal stories about how they were scared shitless.


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John that came from CNN which is not a right wing lackey source.

And the CNN article in no way justified the police action. It stated what a "police spokesperson" said. Just like you said - there are two sides to the story, and the video does not back up what the cops are trying to get us to believe.

I am trying to paint the other side of the picture.

You do not know me well enough yet but I can assure you if somebody says black I will say white. If they started with white I would say black.

The black and white is quite clear in this case. Lt. Pike abused his authority by hosing down those seated students with pepper spray.

We have a different bias in many cases. But my point is there are two sides to every story and you can find plenty of sites that skew stuff to fit their agenda so to speak.

I am biased on the side of civil rights and severly limiting police power against American citizens.

As to Kent State I am not arguing the validity of sending in the Guard. But I can assure you damn near every one of them went into the Guard to avoid going to Nam. They were faced with something they were unprepared for. And there are lots of anecdotal stories about how they were scared shitless.

I'm not clear on why you keep referencing Kent State - other than the fact our government is repeating the same mistakes today as they did in the 60's. This time, instead of the military, the government is using para-military police forces against unarmed, peaceful protesters.


Having way too much fun
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My pleasure.

I'm thinking you should have mentioned this from the article not that it would matter to some people here.

" At one point, protesters encircled the officers and blocked them from leaving, Morain said. Cut off from backup, the officers determined the situation was not safe and asked people several times to make room, Morain said. One officer used pepper spray when a couple of protesters and some of the 200 bystanders moved in, she added. "

Ok, let's look at this logically...

If students surrounded the officers and cut them off from backup, wouldn't it make more sense that the police would move those individuals and not go after the ones that were sitting there with locked arms?
Seriously, put yourself in that situation. As you are approaching people sitting down locking arms refusing to move and people start closing in around you making you nervous, which group are you going to confront?

And watch that video, that officer is not acting like he is nervous at all. He is casually strolling back and forth spraying the sitting students.