Peter Parka
Well-Known Member
No--I'm not--simply pointing out that perspective is everything. What is a "just" war? When is military action justified? In 1945 it was easy to determine an enemy. In 2008, they fight like cowards--they kill innocent people, they hide like rats. And we've had ENOURMOUS success in crippling Al Queda. That's something you know nothing about because the media doesn't want you to know that.
Here--read this regarding Al Queda:
Al-Qaeda In Iraq Reported Crippled
Now seriously--have you read ANYTHING like that anywhere? No--and you would likely not because you my friend are being fed exactly what they want you to be fed. What I find interesting about people on the left is they think the only kind or propoganda is positive propoganda from the right, but the absence of accurate reporting by the left wing media is every bit the propoganda as presenting false facts. And if you beleive you've been presented accurate facts, you are really naive.
As you can probably guess, I dont read the Washington post the same as I wouldn't expect you to read the Harlow Star.