The World Wants Obama

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Peter Parka

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Obama win preferred in world poll

All 22 countries in a BBC World Service poll would prefer Democratic nominee Barack Obama to be US president, ahead of his Republican rival John McCain.
Mr Obama was favoured by a four-to-one margin across the 22,500 people polled.
In 17 of the 22 countries surveyed the most common view was that America's relations with the rest of the world would improve under a President Obama.
If Mr McCain were elected, the most common view in 19 countries was that relations would remain about the same.
The poll was conducted before the Democratic and Republican parties held their conventions and before the headline-grabbing nomination of Sarah Palin as Mr McCain's running mate.
BBC diplomatic correspondent Jonathan Marcus says the results could therefore be a reflection of the greater media focus on Mr Obama as he competed for the presidential candidacy against Hillary Clinton.
International ties
The margin of those in favour of Mr Obama winning November's US election ranged from 9% in India to 82% in Kenya, which is the birthplace of the Illinois senator's father.
On average 49% preferred Mr Obama to 12% in favour of Mr McCain. Nearly four in 10 of those polled did not take a view.

On average 46% thought US relations with the world would improve with Mr Obama in the White House, 22% that ties would stay the same, while seven per cent expected relations to worsen.
Only 20% thought ties would get better if Mr McCain were in the Oval Office.
The expectation that a McCain presidency would improve US relations with the world was the most common view, by a modest margin, only in China, India and Nigeria.
But across the board, the largest number - 37% - thought relations under a president McCain would stay the same, while 16% expected them to deteriorate.
In no country did most people think that a McCain presidency would worsen relations.
US poll
Oddly, in Turkey more people thought US relations would worsen with an Obama presidency than under Mr McCain, even though most Turks polled preferred Mr Obama to win.
In Egypt, Lebanon, Russia and Singapore, the predominant expectation was that relations would remain the same if Mr Obama won the election.

The countries most optimistic that an Obama presidency would improve ties were US Nato allies - Canada (69%), Italy (64%), France (62%), Germany (61%), and the UK (54%) - as well as Australia (62%), along with Kenya (87%) and Nigeria (71%).
When asked whether the election as president of the African-American Mr Obama would "fundamentally change" their perception of the US, 46% said it would while 27% said it would not.
The US public was polled separately and Americans also believed an Obama presidency would improve US ties with the world more than a McCain presidency.
Forty-six per cent of Americans expected relations to get better if Mr Obama were elected and 30% if Mr McCain won the White House.
A similar poll conducted for BBC World Service ahead of the 2004 US presidential election found most countries would have preferred to see Democratic nominee John Kerry beat the incumbent George W Bush.
At the time, the Philippines, Nigeria and Poland were among the few countries to favour Mr Bush's re-election. All three now favour Mr Obama over Mr McCain.
In total 22,531 citizens were polled in Australia, Brazil, Canada, China, Egypt, France, Germany, India, Indonesia, Italy, Kenya, Lebanon, Mexico, Nigeria, Panama, the Philippines, Poland, Russia, Singapore, Turkey, the UAE and the UK. A parallel survey was conducted with 1,000 US adults.
Polling firm GlobeScan and the Program on International Policy Attitudes carried out the survey between July and August.

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the world would like to see obama as the u.s. president, but really this just doesn't matter. the democrats severly weekend there chances of getting there candidate in office when they let the media sway them away from clinton. the media and democrates nearly completely ignored the jermiah wright issue. obama wrote in his book that he followed wright for some 20 years ,(give or take) then said he never heard him spew his anti american rehtoric (such as blaming the u.s. for 9/11). mccain is the only republican candidate that could possibly beat a demacrat after 8 years of bush and they put him up against a very inexperienced politician who already has dicrepencies in his statements.

things just got worse after the republicans said the lipstick on the dog statement was sexist. i thought that was realy stupid untill the democrats said the community organizer statement was racist... at that point i just had to make myself a gin and tonic.

clinton would have beaten mccain and like her husband possible could have fixed the defficiet. the more time that passes the more we'll see the american public swing toward mccain. i believe that mccain can lead, i believe biden is ready, i think obama (like bush before) hasn't shown enough experience, and i think palin is redicules (but hot!).

what the world wants just shouldn't be a concern. the world didn't want putin as prime minister of russia either i'm sure.


Punk Rock Soldier
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Im very very back and forth on who I want to vote for. It almost changes daily. On one hand, its very easy to assume that since the debacle known as the Bush Presidency was caused by Republicans that the wise choice would be to hand it to the Democratic party. But Obamas inexperiece is something of a concern to me.

My biggest issues is #1) Our slumping economy, and 2) getting the hell out of the middle east and stop acting like we're the fucking world police. I havent seen either candidate convince me they have much interest in those subjects, or at least have a blueprint to do it.


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My biggest issues is #1) Our slumping economy, and 2) getting the hell out of the middle east and stop acting like we're the fucking world police. I havent seen either candidate convince me they have much interest in those subjects, or at least have a blueprint to do it.

fwiw, i think the economy is here to stay...their will continue to be slumps and booms, but we're sliding into something closer to pariety this century...

you can thank captialism for was inevitiable, in spite of those who cheerlead for america here...
and if you think about it....because of them too :ninja

as far as the mideast....neither one is gonna rock the boat too much, tho both see the wisdom, imo, in making ourselves more invisible there...the big diff, i'm thinkin, is in their views on the motivations behind iraq....that's were the policy issue is.


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The very fact that the world wants Obama leads me to not want Obama.
there's a lot a folks feelin that way, i'm afraid :(

folks who don't seem to understand that "being leader of the free world" is a pretty empty boast when the world don't care anymore


Back By Unpopular Demand
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there's a lot a folks feelin that way, i'm afraid :(

folks who don't seem to understand that "being leader of the free world" is a pretty empty boast when the world don't care anymore
Yes, and I'm sure everyone polled has America's best interest at heart. Everybody else in the world wants America to prosper and maintain its superpower status. :smiley24:


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Yes, and I'm sure everyone polled has America's best interest at heart. Everybody else in the world wants America to prosper and maintain its superpower status. :smiley24:

yeah, they do want to prosper....some see america's current foreign policy as standing in the way...specifically, as not living up the boast we cling to

no doubt about it, the world is becoming more and more of competitive global environment....more and more nations are capable of, and beginning to, excercise THEIR self interest....

aka freedom

so if we are truely the leader of all that, it's time to start paying attention...if we're not, then we need to stop pretending.


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other contries need to stop blaming the u.s. for there problems from what i've seen. giving countries millions or billions of dollars to keep basese in there countries, the untaxed money our soldiers spend at these foreign countries,and the millions of dollars the free world doesn't have to spend on research and developement for thier military's should be sufficient.

it's a plain fact that other countries blame the u.s. for their problems. the chineese blamed the intentional slowing of their economy on the u.s. saying that the housing market collapse was the reason for the higher taxation used to slow their out of control growing economy (the u.s. did the same thing after wwII to quell inflation). mexico with all of it's natural resouces including a large amount of oil even blames the u.s. for it's problems. fact is the mexican government is so corrupt it failed to build up it's infrustructure, so now it's farming industry is in serious trouble. the richest man in the world is mexican and mexico has no middle class but the world still want's to blame the u.s. for mexico's problems because of nafta. fact is the the 10 to 1 ratio of peso's to dallors should have been enough to off set the subsities the u.s. needed to compete with mexican farming. instead the corrupt government allowed mexicos rich to use the money for gain and the country as a whole is suffering for it. hell, if the second lagest industry after oil is money being sent from family members from people illigally in the U.S. you know you have problems.

as for being the leader of the free world, that takes leading, not just a figurehead.

watermelon man

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Man guys I just wanna say that if McCain is voted in I'm going to Canada forget this place!

I mean the guy votes with Bush 95% of the time so basically it'd be another four years of what we have now and I do not look forward to that!

No offense to McCain supporters!

Fox Mulder

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Yes, and I'm sure everyone polled has America's best interest at heart. Everybody else in the world wants America to prosper and maintain its superpower status. :smiley24:

Exactly. Europe's had an "American envy" problem for coming on a generation now. Anything that weakens America is good for Europe--hell we have 3 or 4 state that would be in the top 10 economies in the world if they were countries. No doubt the sheep prefer a sheep leading America instead of a wolf!

Maybe when we want to learn how stand around with our heads up our asses while terrorism continues for 50 years more like it has in Europe for the past 50 years we'll consult the Europeans!!! :D

Peter Parka

Well-Known Member
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Exactly. Europe's had an "American envy" problem for coming on a generation now. Anything that weakens America is good for Europe--hell we have 3 or 4 state that would be in the top 10 economies in the world if they were countries. No doubt the sheep prefer a sheep leading America instead of a wolf!

Maybe when we want to learn how stand around with our heads up our asses while terrorism continues for 50 years more like it has in Europe for the past 50 years we'll consult the Europeans!!! :D

You really just summed up why the USA is hated to much, your fuck off, we're america, fuck everyone else attitude. Thanks forperpetuating the stereotype.:clap


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fwiw, i think the economy is here to stay...their will continue to be slumps and booms, but we're sliding into something closer to pariety this century...

you can thank captialism for was inevitiable, in spite of those who cheerlead for america here...
and if you think about it....because of them too :ninja

Yeah cause socialism and communism never have ups and downs. :24::24:

Fox Mulder

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You really just summed up why the USA is hated to much, your fuck off, we're america, fuck everyone else attitude. Thanks forperpetuating the stereotype.:clap

What's the cause and what's the effect?

Also, that's another HUGE misconception that the media feed you people in Europe--that America is hated. Hell for being hated, your people sure enjoy everything America has to offer--you watch American movies, American TV shows, you use American products, you post on American boards, and you look to Americans for help when your countries are invaded. I suggest you go over to Normandy and count the number of American soldiers burried there the next time you decide to Hate America! :rolleyes:

Peter Parka

Well-Known Member
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What's the cause and what's the effect?

Also, that's another HUGE misconception that the media feed you people in Europe--that America is hated. Hell for being hated, your people sure enjoy everything America has to offer--you watch American movies, American TV shows, you use American products, you post on American boards, and you look to Americans for help when your countries are invaded. I suggest you go over to Normandy and count the number of American soldiers burried there the next time you decide to Hate America! :rolleyes:

Keep going with your stereotypical arrogant American attitude, you're perpetuating that stereotype even more.:clap


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:unsure:"your people?"....And do i fall under this catergory as well then?...and you just said you didnt stereo-type?:willy_nilly:

Peter Parka

Well-Known Member
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What's the cause and what's the effect?

Also, that's another HUGE misconception that the media feed you people in Europe--that America is hated. Hell for being hated, your people sure enjoy everything America has to offer--you watch American movies, American TV shows, you use American products, you post on American boards, and you look to Americans for help when your countries are invaded. I suggest you go over to Normandy and count the number of American soldiers burried there the next time you decide to Hate America! :rolleyes:

Oh and I have relatives burried in Normandy who died in the war and I am very thankful of theAmerican soldiers who faught over there too so stop with all your narrow minded bullshit, it was a WORLD war remember? my relatives diedand faught to stop us being turned into a Nazi state not because the USA told us too, who only joined when they got attacked.

Fox Mulder

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Keep going with your stereotypical arrogant American attitude, you're perpetuating that stereotype even more.:clap

LOL! :D Yeah--you say the world hates America and what you expect is for us to bend over and take it up the ass. I got news for you--usually when you tell someone you hate them, you don't get humility, you get animosity. Like I said cause and effect.

The problem with Europeans is you think what you see in movies and television and what your media tells you is accurate. You have no fucking idea what its actually like in America or what Americans are like. Americans are not arrogant, you perceive them as arrogant. And again its ironic that you use "sterotypical" because that' exactly where you get your impressions from and where you've come up with your opinions--based on the sterotype your media presents to you.

It kind of like if I said you've got rotten teeth and you smell like shit because you never take a bath. That's a stereotype of an Englishmen. Its probably true in your case, but its not in most people's cases!!! :24: