I agree with everything you said in the 2nd and 3rd paragraphs...and apologise. I re read my post and saw that I had the word YOU in there...I certainly didnt meean YOU Tim...(although it deifinitely reads that way) I should have typed THEY...as in a general "they".
I HAVE studied different religions and theories...thats how I've come to have the beliefs I do. I am NOT as I stated "religious" per se...and I am still reading and learning.
Its funny how a lot of you are calling them "Fairy Tales" though, when the majority of the Bible is full of "horror stories."
I didn't take offense to your post
And when I say fairy tales, I'm not just referring to religion, I really mean fairy tales... Like flying fire breathing dragons, trolls, fairies, magical kingdoms, flying carpets and of course most of the stories told by religion... they are all the same, right?
So why do we need to be more respectful to the person that believes the earth was completely flooded and all the animals were saved on a boat vs the person that believes that fairies and trolls are real?