The sex trade...

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Why then do men got to strip clubs exactly? I'm interested to know.

Women who do the same behind their husbands backs are cheating yes. But I define cheating as doing anything you wouldn't do in front of your significant other, so I'm a little left of center on that.

Beyond curiosity, I'm not sure why women would go. Personally I have no desire, but that's just me.

Men go to strip clubs for a number of reasons. A. They enjoy the company of the girls B. They are alone and would like someone to talk to C. They are getting divorced D. They enjoy watching the girls dance and do pole work E. Bachelor parties F. A place to hang out with the guys. G. Why go to a normal bar and sit and have lunch by yourself, when you can be entertained?

Besides working at one, I also enjoy going to look at the women, b/c women are beautiful. And it's a great form of entertainment.
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:clap:clap:clap:clapAbsolutely.....personally i would much prefer my husband to be watching naked women than sleeping with them... ;)

I absolutely agree with guessangel n sophie...there is nothing wrong with dancing, would you take offense to belly dancing? does that qualify as a "sex trade".

I admire and respect anyone with the ability to get up there and do that.....:p


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I agree with Wedz - I'd rather my husband be off watching naked women than laying in bed with one.

I've been to strip clubs and I totally agree with GuessAngel - women are beautiful and it's a fun time you can share with your partner/husband/so etc etc etc.

I wouldn't go to a male strip club - sorry but I'd rather see a handsome man in a great suit than dancing with his junk in my face.


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I completely an unequivocally disagree with this. I am guessing that perhaps you have never actually been to a strip club? If you honestly believe that the only reason men go there to fantasize about having sex with the strippers, then you clearly don't have an understanding of what goes on in most men's heads. You only know the cliches and stereotypes. Do you also believe that all of the women who go there are also there for the same reason? Are they also being unfaithful to their significant others? Does this also mean that they are gay or bisexual?

Selling the idea of sex is no more wrong than selling the idea of violence, perfection, fame, or any idea that is desired but unobtainable. So many people feel that if society doesn't suppress these desires, or "clean up" this nations morals, that we're all doomed (to hell supposedly). People want what they can't have, trying to remove it just makes them want it that much more.


Having way too much fun
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My opinion is thus: stripping is morally wrong, in my opinion. It's using sex, yes sex, to earn money, no matter how you try to soften it. Men don't go there for the art... they go there to fantasize about having sex with women. The strippers may not actually have sex with the men that go there, but you're still selling the idea of sex.

Secondly, when some try to say that it hurts no one, I can certainly beg to differ. There are many men who go to such establishments who are married. In my opinion, when they go to such establishments, they are being untrue to their spouse. To those women who are ok with such, it's not, but to those women who have no idea that their husband is spending hundreds of dollars to fantasize about other women, and would not feel comfortable with that, it is extremely hurtful. As with any such addiction, as it has become for many men, it hurts their families, their spouses, and certainly their children. The same can be said of any addiction, such as alcohol, gambling, or drugs. All of which can be considered, not by all, but by some, morally unethical.

It has also been said that because I've never been a stripper, I have no grounds to say that it's wrong. In this case, I can say with absolute certainty that I find it morally unethical, just as I do with stealing, drugs, etc. That would be like saying because I've never stolen anything I can't consider it wrong. In this case, not an applicable argument.

As far as it being degrading, I don't take it as being respected when a man looks at me as simply a sex object, and not as a person. This is, of course, my personal take on things. Personally, I'd much rather be respected for the person I am, the whole person, and not just what I look like on the outside.

As far as being naked being accepted in society, and it being prudish not to want to see naked people, well quite franky I can assure you there's only one person I want to see naked, and that's my SO. I think that many others are with me in that. I'd much rather not have to see naked people, and I think those that want a naked society should seek asylum in nudist colonies, where there are groups of such people who find nothing wrong with it. Modesty is a virtue, IMO, and so it shall remain in my eyes.

It's not my intention to offend others by my opinions, and I certainly agree to disagree here. I know everyone doesn't find selling sex morally unethical, and I accept that. I personally do.

My main intention with this thread, was to point out a common theme, and that is while most people (mainly men) say they are ok with the sex trade, none of them would want their daughters involved in it. A bit hypocritical I think.

I also understand that guys are involved in the sex trade as well, but they are quite the minority, nor are they looked down upon like women are for being involved in it.

Based on the part in bold text I can safely assume that you have never bought or owned anything from Victoria Secrets or any other lingerie store. Because if you have, then you are directly contributing to the sex trade as you have defined it. Victoria Secrets uses half naked models to sell their product and when you purchase their "goods" you are financially supporting these half naked women that are "degrading" themselves as you put it.


Or am I?
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Based on the part in bold text I can safely assume that you have never bought or owned anything from Victoria Secrets or any other lingerie store. Because if you have, then you are directly contributing to the sex trade as you have defined it. Victoria Secrets uses half naked models to sell their product and when you purchase their "goods" you are financially supporting these half naked women that are "degrading" themselves as you put it.

Yeah, we should be wearing these


Minor Axis

Well-Known Member
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Yeah, we should be wearing these


Well whomever that is would look good no matter what she wore, although it's not exactly flattering to the tummy region. :) If we have decided that "sex trade" is anything sold using sex appeal, then it's a huge subject. I assumed initially "sex trade" ment prostitution or sex slavery.


Having way too much fun
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Yeah, we should be wearing these


The point I was trying to make was that she can't condemn one part of what she refers to as the "sex trade" while supporting another. Either it's immoral by her standards or it isn't.

I fully support Victoria and all she stands for. :D



Or am I?
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The point I was trying to make was that she can't condemn one part of what she refers to as the "sex trade" while supporting another. Either it's immoral by her standards or it isn't.

I fully support Victoria and all she stands for. :D


They come in black too you know



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Yes strippers, porn stars, and hookers.

What are your thoughts? Nothing wrong with making a buck off of silly men wanting to give strippers their money in hopes of something more? Porn stars making big bucks off of men wanting to watch them do whatever? Hookers getting money for providing sex?

Do you feel any of these trades have a negative affect on women in society?

If you're ok with it, how would you feel if your daughter went into one of these trades? Would you be supportive and proud they're using their body, instead of their intellect, for money?

Do you think it's ok because men are willing to pay for these things? I've heard a few say they should do it because they can. Do you think people should sell drugs, steal, and kill because they can, and because it pays well? They need to feed their children too after all.

i can trade things for sex?


Peter Parka

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If women (or men) want to do that of their own free will, cant see any problem with it. Of course legalising it makes it even safer and brings more money into the country. I want a government which is going to give me safety, not dictate morals.