What Obame is doing really is copying the dutch, central european model. And I think, but of course I am an outsider and I haven`t really submerged myself in the subject, it would be an improvement. When I watched the news last day I heard some politician in the US call it "a dangerous experiment with our healthcare" but what Obama wants and what we have here is almost identical. And we aren`t devastated, our healthcare is fine and financially we are all okay (except for the crisis of course.) Our country functions well, and in Holland there are no people who are affraid to go to the dentist just because they are anxious about what the bill could be. It is all covered in the standard state-insurance. No rotten teeth here. (Of course that is not really treu, there are people in Holland with rotten teeth, but you know what i mean.) But of course I don`t know how the real situation is in the US I only see what I can see on the sometimes sensationalistic news. But I have to admit the speeding tickets here are very high. But the normal conveniences are of a normal price, and we in Holland, like in most europeans live in prosperity and I don`t think we would have much more value for our income if my family would move to the US. And Canada also has more or a less the same insurance model I thought, and they are`nt doing bad for themselves either.
Now I am reading trough the topic I see that Obama is rejecting an Canadian type of health care. Well, I am not a Canada expert either, so I don`t know if the European model (if you don`t look to the south like Spain and Portugal and to Britain, cause they have different models) is the same as the Canadian model. But maybe I was wrong about Obama wanting the same system as in The Netherland/central Europe but the dutch media sure tries to convince us of that.