The Gays issue. Are we in the West just another Iran?

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You're right, we should object to others having the same rights as us when it dosen't affect us in any way whatsoever.:sarcasm
You didn't need the sign.

Listen....don't overuse the word "rights" and "affect" is irrelevant. Unions are fine. Marriage has a definition and it shouldn't be changed. That shows a respect to married heterosexuals and I expect gay people to honor it.


Having way too much fun
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When it rains, drops fall equally on all. (if they don't hide under a fantasy umbrella!) Same holds true for

If men and women did not 'own' one another, the solemn contract of marriage
would just be a piece of tissue paper.

Once again you have it all wrong...

Marriage isn't about ownership, it's about commitment.

I don't own my wife but I have made a commitment to her the day we were married.
I own my dog, not my wife.

Peter Parka

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You didn't need the sign.

Listen....don't overuse the word "rights" and "affect" is irrelevant. Unions are fine. Marriage has a definition and it shouldn't be changed. That shows a respect to married heterosexuals and I expect gay people to honor it.

Let me get this straight - Larry King is getting his 8th divorce, Elizabeth Taylor is possibly getting married for a 9th time, Britney Spears has a 55 hour marriage, Jesse James and Tiger Woods are screwing EVERYTHING yet homosexual marriage is going to show disrespect to hetrosexual marriage?


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Once again you have it all wrong...

Marriage isn't about ownership, it's about commitment.

I don't own my wife but I have made a commitment to her the day we were married.
I own my dog, not my wife.

Either you are naive or weak in English!

I never said a man literally owns a wife...
man and wife are counterparts of each other...they are made for each other
""OWNS'' also means they are meant for each other...rain, hail or storm ...just like children belong to their
parents and vice versa!


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I agree on your last.

Here is how that hurdle is met.

Way too many do not as priests and preachers will not advise this because it closes the wallets.


what a waste of bandwidth! Lil do folks like to go thru all that bullshit on the Utube during a debate!!
Come with your own ideas, dude!! I didn't click on any of your posted vids here!

Greatest I am

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What you don't understand is the fact that when people say they want something back, like this flag for example. It only means that it was fine for what they thought it stood for because it wasn't offensive to them. But the second someone uses it for what they consider offensive to their tastes, then they want it back... But it was never theirs to begin with :dunno


[FONT=georgia, bookman old style, palatino linotype, book antiqua, palatino, trebuchet ms, helvetica, garamond, sans-serif, arial, verdana, avante garde, century gothic, comic sans ms, times, times new roman, serif]A man without religion is like a horse without a bridle. ~Latin Proverb[/FONT]

[FONT=georgia, bookman old style, palatino linotype, book antiqua, palatino, trebuchet ms, helvetica, garamond, sans-serif, arial, verdana, avante garde, century gothic, comic sans ms, times, times new roman, serif]doesn't it mean he is 'wayward' without harness?? [/FONT]

I guess that you have never seen a good rider handle a horse through good training instead of force.
That must be the way you handle women as well.

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You didn't need the sign.

Listen....don't overuse the word "rights" and "affect" is irrelevant.
Unions are fine. Marriage has a definition and it shouldn't be changed. That shows a respect to married heterosexuals and I expect gay people to honor it.

A brilliant remark by Shelgarr :24: :24: :24:


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[ =Greatest I am;1779192]

I guess that you have never seen a good rider handle a horse through good training instead of force.
That must be the way you handle women as well.


As if horses are only found in your country, ha!!

how can I tell you how i handle women unless you come nearer to witness?? :sigh:


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Shelgerr's argument carries weight and I have but to approve of it. Gay marriage is insult to humanity, particularly as regards women who are born to serve that purpose.
So are you saying that women who are gay are an insult to humanity? From reading your posts you seem to think that all women are good for is making babies and taking care of men. And if they are gay they don't do that? Well let me enlighten you. There are plenty of women out there who have kid/kids and are gay or bisexual. So that just leaves the issue of what else is a womans purpose in life.

I feel sympathy for those who are born 'gays' but I detest who adopt ''gay-hood'' just out of whims and lust for
the same kind!!
How do you know how it works? People don't adopt and I'm not going to use the word "Gay-Hood" but lifestyle cuz thats what it is. Most people are born gay and aren't able to come out of the closet until later in life because of various reasons. It's when they have a support group that they feel more comfortable. This goes for both women and men. And just cuz one come out later in life doesn't mean that it's all about whims and lust. I know of plenty of gay married people or gay people who are in a relationship who don't just fuck their brains out but enjoy a very happy compatible life together and do almost all the same things as straight couples.

There is no bigger pleasure than sex but only with a woman!! :) Rest is all bullshit!
That's true! Even women feel the greatest pleasure when having sex with another woman. ;) I don't have any idea what the "rest" is that you're talking about. Unless you don't think that a woman can satisfy another woman just as good as a man can both emotionally and physically. What you fail to understand is that gay relationships are based more on emotion than physical contact. You're living in the wrong time period maz.

[FONT=georgia, bookman old style, palatino linotype, book antiqua, palatino, trebuchet ms, helvetica, garamond, sans-serif, arial, verdana, avante garde, century gothic, comic sans ms, times, times new roman, serif]Homosexuality is a sickness, just as are baby-rape or wanting to become head of General Motors. ~Eldridge Cleaver, "Notes on a Native Son," Soul on Ice, 1968[/FONT]
It is not a sickness. It is a lifestyle choice that in the US is not a crime or anything. It is accepted by most of society that gays exist and have the same right to be with who they want. Sure there are protesters of this but nothing is going to change the mind of a gay couple to go "Straight" just cuz some people think what they are doing is wrong. Where do you come up with these quotes anyway? A gay bashing site???

Greatest I am

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what a waste of bandwidth! Lil do folks like to go thru all that bullshit on the Utube during a debate!!
Come with your own ideas, dude!! I didn't click on any of your posted vids here!

You do not click your own brain on so your reply does not surprise.

I could express what this man says in 5 minutes with something that would take you 20 to read but you would not take the time regardless.
Stay dumb.



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lol at "adopting gay-hood", someone doesn't just decide one day that they're gonna be gay from now on :24:


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lol at "adopting gay-hood", someone doesn't just decide one day that they're gonna be gay from now on :24:

Lol,i had to tell my mum this like a million times,anyway tbh I don't really mind if me and Lucie can't get married,still love her anyways,but she wants too so -:thumbup


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So are you saying that women who are gay are an insult to humanity? From reading your posts you seem to think that all women are good for is making babies and taking care of men. And if they are gay they don't do that? Well let me enlighten you. There are plenty of women out there who have kid/kids and are gay or bisexual. So that just leaves the issue of what else is a womans purpose in life.

What you said is not the generally and universally accepted meaning of what women are created for. They can be 'victims' of many evils yet mothers and wives.
I already stated: Men are for women, women for men, as simple as that.

How do you know how it works? People don't adopt and I'm not going to use the word "Gay-Hood" but lifestyle cuz thats what it is.
Most people are born gay and aren't able to come out of the closet until later in life because of various reasons. It's when they have a support group that they feel more comfortable. This goes for both women and men. And just cuz one come out later in life doesn't mean that it's all about whims and lust. I know of plenty of gay married people or gay people who are in a relationship who don't just fuck their brains out but enjoy a very happy compatible life together and do almost all the same things as straight couples.
I already stated I feel sorry and have sympathy for congenital eunuchs....because they were not made so by choice but due to biological reasons.

That's true! Even women feel the greatest pleasure when having sex with another woman. ;) I don't have any idea what the "rest" is that you're talking about. Unless you don't think that a woman can satisfy another woman just as good as a man can both emotionally and physically. What you fail to understand is that gay relationships are based more on emotion than physical contact.
you definitely ought to read Kama Sutra for the misery of sex-deprived women.
A woman needs a woman or a multispeed vibrator when she doesn't have a man!!:)

You're living in the wrong time period maz.
Yes, I am old-fashioned, would you deny me the right to speak or live????;)
It is not a sickness. It is a lifestyle choice that in the US is not a crime or anything. It is accepted by most of society that gays exist and have the same right to be with who they want. Sure there are protesters of this but nothing is going to change the mind of a gay couple to go "Straight" just cuz some people think what they are doing is wrong. Where do you come up with these quotes anyway? A gay bashing site???
If i posted from a gay-basing site it would make many a folk's hair stand on their heads!! This is why I am not using any 'religious' quote that would be too open and straight a 'punch' on the face of gayhood!!:)

Quoted in Jim Hill & Rand Cheadle, "The Bible Tells Me So", Anchor Books (1996), P. 69-70: "[homosexuals are] brute beasts...part of a vile and satanic system [that] will be utterly annihilated, and there will be a celebration in heaven." ~ Jerry Falwell

Enjoy this tooo.....

Chief Justice Moore, Alabama Supreme Court: "...the homosexual conduct of a parent -- conduct involving a sexual relationship between two persons of the same gender -- creates a strong presumption of unfitness that alone is sufficient justification for denying that parent custody of his or her own children or prohibiting the adoption of the children of others.... Homosexual conduct is, and has been, considered abhorrent, immoral, detestable, a crime against nature, and a violation of the laws of nature and of nature's God upon which this Nation and our laws are predicated. Such conduct violates both the criminal and civil laws of this State and is destructive to a basic building block of society -- the family....It is an inherent evil against which children must be protected."


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That is really sad that you frequent sites like that but it's your prerogative. *shrugs* Now i see that the internet and what you read on it is how you form and base your opinions. You are swayed by the ignorant.

A prayer:
Oh, Jeez, Guide me to the Right path, the path suggested by a cute sexy woman!!:)
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