I don't mind,it's just a word,If they want to be called it ,let em. :thumbupx
Nah!! there is a difference between a mule and a mare
I don't mind,it's just a word,If they want to be called it ,let em. :thumbupx
Yes.The Gays issue. Are we in the West just another Iran?
In terms of hypocrisy that is.
Are we just pots calling the kettle black in these issues while hypocritically doing the same as Iran and other countries who we are trying to preach to in terms of human rights?
Can we expect them to change their views which in a sense are more honest than our own?
Are Christians and Muslims world wide no better than the Iranian Muslims?
Are we just hypocrites and homophobes and chauvinists at heart?
Are we just bullies?
Some people just don't get the gay thing. I don't. I cannot relate to same sex love or sexual activity. It's beyond my scope. It doesn't make me a bad people and more importantly I have that right. Yet, some people take that lack of understanding too far. Those types are most of who we all object to.
However I think it's going too far that we extend the ceremony of marriage beyond that of women and men. Unions fine, but not marriage.
It is true that the war for gay rights in America is not over but victory is sure. The Normandy landings marked the defeat of Germany in WWII but it was still several months before Hitler fell. The fundies have lost their Normandy but haven't fallen yet.
There is no bigger pleasure than sex but only with a woman!!Rest is all bullshit!
Just as well like most people I think Iran is a shit country and I have no intention of travelling there. A lot of Iranians seem to want to come and live in my country though, funny that
No, we should not be asking them to be less honest.
Should we start granting political asylum because of sexual persecution?
You may be right but since the U S as a nation just now repealed the DADT law says that we have a long way to go before we are seen as walking our talk.
On a scale of 100, we speak like we are 95% right whereas, we are at 30%.
There are still many who do not get it.
You know this from extensive trials with men do you?
Please tell.
mazur will not travel anymore. He has a great fear of sitting next to a Gay man and catching Gayness and there is also no way on earth that he will allow a male security guard to check his junk.
As he stated above, he has exrensive experience with Gay sex and is now like an ex smoker who has turned to preaching.
Not really. I will travel if and when I like but maybe for the sake of a woman or a friend but gays are NOT
in my dictionary!!
I feel gay and jocund with a wooooman only!!![]()
Gay marriage is insult to humanity, particularly as regards women who are born to serve that purpose.
Iran is not hypocrite, it says what is contained in their law.
If gay marriages can be allowed then why object to anyone marrying more than 4 persons or more???
A time may come when men's lust for sex would want him to marry animals too...in some part it is already
practiced by the Hindus of India. Then there is also eating of the dead. What moral reason you may have to object to all such orgies??? They are seemingly wrong and immoral.
I feel sympathy for those who are born 'gays' but I detest who adopt ''gay-hood'' just out of whims and lust for the same kind!!
There is no bigger pleasure than sex but only with a woman!!Rest is all bullshit!
you being a woooman are surely a lesboI like to call women like that, because it tends to buck up desire
to hump such deprived females![]()
Wow! just wow...are women also born to serve men by having your children, washing your clothes and making sure the food is on the table when you are hungry?
Women, like men, have more than sex to do....share their rights and duties equally. Women are NOT obliged to do what you are alluding to unless they wanted to. A mother is also a woman but yet she does everything in her power to do for her children. With man and wife, the matter is not so as a matter of right unless it is due to some 'mutual understanding' or out of natural love and affection.
You may believe that gay marriage is an insult to humanity,
Yes, I believe so...It is not only unnatural and licentious but also a stigma on the face of humanity.
This clearly says I am NOT for gays, if you are go ahead, nobody stops you!
but I thinkyou are an insult to the civilized world with your views about women.
This is a most offensive personal remark yet as a good Samaritan I don't want to respond with equal indignity..
and leave it for the able mods to take serious note of!
Yes, gay marriage is going to lead to cannibalizing babies (animal and human) while making love to your 4 same sex partners... :eek
I can see the connection...
Women are instrumental to making babies which is natural, gays are tools for destroying the natural right
of babies to be born!
No woman likes to share her man with other women but sometimes it does happen. What is better than having
married to more than one woman rather than cheating on your wife by having illicit relations with other women???
Taking 4 women as wives is OPTIONAL.....for a large population of the world. The basic idea behind it seems to provide safety , respect and a family to widows and orphans and curb prostitution in times of wars!!
Were you aware that the very same argument was made when we were fighting to allow mixed race couples to marry?
Gay-hood? Really? You need to get out of the closet and wake up. You make statements like this and expect people to believe you have an understanding of what it is to be homosexual?
It amazes me that people think they choose to be gay... Did you choose to be straight? Seriously, did you?
Okay, you tell me what is 'gay-hood' and why men try to drag up??
I don't say it but It is generally understood that drags are 'sick' and need to be treated for mental sicknesses.
however, there is an exception to it, ie, those naturally born as eunuchs....I feel sympathy and sorry for them.
If they could be treated for their 'organic disability' I am for them to get married but not for those who choose
to mimic women as such!
I am a believer in the Quran, the Bible and the Torah .. the teachings of which make me to stay 'straight'...
I shouldn't be shocked with your antiquated views seeing how you are from the capital of Pakistan...
What do you think Pakistani's are??? Many have lived in your country and know about it even before you might have been born!! A man kissing a man seems hateful to my conscience....as long as women are there for the job!! I stand for the dignity of WOMEN ....and salute this priceless gift of God to men!!
You just don't see that what you are saying is wrong. I will never change your view, it's how you were raised and being from where you are plays a huge role in that, I'm sure.
and I will stand by my assertion that your statements are an insult to women.
You are just trying to impose a heinous and baseless accusation on me....I protest.
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