Holy SHIT! I just caught this last night at a midnight showing.
The audience clapped 6 times before the movie even started(That's more than when I saw The Incredible Hulk). Total of 16 times(10 more throughout the movie).
Heath Ledger destroyed as The Joker. He was fucking amazing. Probably the second best character in the movie(Just under Batman of course. But I don't really know, he may have been better than Batman, it's hard to decide on).
The movie was the best movie of this year, hands down. This is coming from a kid that used to hate Batman by the way. So obviously it was awesome.
I'm still on a natural high from the movie, and I can't even describe very much how amazing this was still. It'll take a day or two before it kicks in that I seriously just saw this movie.
Like bass_man said, I don't want to spoil ANYTHING. It's best going into this movie having only seen the trailers. This movie beat SAW, seriously. Fuck that, it blew SAW out of the water.
The Dark Knight is honestly one of those movies that people will talk about for years. If you don't see this, you're not going to be in the loop. And it will NEVER be the same as it was on opening day(Or a midnight showing better yet). Seeing this on DVD won't do it justice. It'll never be as good as it was last night.
Go see The Dark Knight right now!
It was epic. Ledger stole the show as the Joker. More tomorrow, I need sleep. Gotta get up at 7 for work.
I got home at fucking 5am, just woke up at 7:30pm. That's how intense the movie was.