I’m not saying "There is no god". All I’m saying is that there is no evidence for the existence of any kind of god or supernatural entity and therefore, no logical reason to believe in them. All the evidence that we have from reality gives us good reason for believing there is no such thing. There remains an infinitesimally small possibility that there may be gods, which cannot be completely ruled out - but that would also apply to fairies, unicorns and hobgoblins and mermaids. We look at the lack of evidence for those supernatural entities and accept that they are myths....why do we not do the same for other supernatural entities like gods and say .... given what we understand about people, mythology, science, etc. that it is very unlikely that the myths and legends that have been randomly and arbitrarily dreamed up by ignorant people 1000s of years ago have any basis in reality.Maybe you've all ready discussed it in this forum and I guess this thread is not the place to start it, but how can you be so sure there is no god and nothingness after physical death? That too is a matter of faith.