Not trying to stereotype you. You are one of the good Christians as most Christians are. All I'm saying is I understand where the nuts get their ideas... from your Bible. According to the Bible, the penalty for breaking one of the Ten Commandments is death
. The first commandment is not to have any other God than Jehovah. So basically if you don't worship Jehovah then you should be killed.
What's wrong with that??? However, the killing of non-believers is ipso facto unjustified and wrong. However, it seems the 1st Commandment wants to give the deviates a chance??
No one believes that today. But Christians leave it in the Bible. Then some nut comes along and reads it and does it.
From a young age children are taught to revere the Bible.
I think that is fundamental to every religion....or learning discipline.
If Christians are going to do that then they have a moral duty to make sure the book they're elevating is worthy. Yet, most Christians haven't even read the book they're telling children to revere. That's messed up.
that's true but that doesn't mean telling children to revere the scriptures shouldn't be done. You learn from the
experiences of others, don't you? However, if elders haven't read the book themselves the younger folks may
get misguided by not reading the Bible or the Quran in whole and base their ''judgments' on random study which may be fallacious as well as dangerous!
But what about the skeptics who view all scriptures with doubt??? Where do
they stand without any ''code of life''??