Quite ironic that arguably more people have been killed throughout history because of religion than any other reason. Far more than those killed because of political or territorial wars.
Now THAT I can agree with. In keeping with the OP, talking about human nature, heroes and war, really, it's arguable that there's no war that's ever been fought that didn't have some economic motivation, even the "noble" ones (without a Depression and hyperinflation the opportunity would likely not have arisen for a Hitler, for instance, and the Palestinians and Jews in Israel today are fighting over LAND, not religion).
Religion has more often than not been historically used to give legitimacy to war and grasps for power. Let's face it, without the Romans Christianity would have largely died off, and what they made it into is a shadow of its origins in mystic Judaism. Tight rein over dogma, and torture and execution for dissenters was used to consolidate power throughout the history of the church, then religion was used to justify the Crusades (which was really more about trade) and it's arguable that the Crusades never really ended, we're still fighting them now.
Yep, if you're a person of faith, or a free thinker, don't trust religion if you value your life.
Noble sentiments about how we oughtta be oughtta die quickly in the examination of how humans really conduct themselves. But if you want to change how that is in the case of government, since you wonder how it is we are so warlike, at least vote, try to get into government, join the media and try to sway public opinion, but for the love of God don't take it out on soldiers, police and their families. I know you say you aren't, but then every so often some little barb slips out, that you'd be wise to reexamine.
tim :eek