Sure To Offend Some: Just My Opinion

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The cake is a metaphor
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There is a lot of debate about Nazi Germany and whether or not they would have invaded beyond mainland europe if not for the declaration of war.

But, put that aside and imagine how different the world would be if the tables had turned; and it was the allies that had surrendered. If it had been Hitler and Tojo meeting in Potsdam, to debate the future of their new world.

If you can't see, with this in mind, how important the sacrifices made were, then you have a look at yourself.
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Alien Allen

Froggy the Prick
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Sorry young fella, you just lost my respect. You and your ideas do disservice to people who have willingly and unwillingly put their lives on the line so squirts like you have time to rationalize your screwy ideas into what you consider good logic. Having served and losing family to wars that were totally necessary to save innocent lives of strangers, I am offended by kids who have the freedom to play and study only to turn into video gamers and TV freaks who think they have all the answers. I have stated that the last justifiably war in my my mind was WW2 and that the wars following were ill thought out misadventures which wasted good and willing men to the carnage of war machines, but you dishonor all military men and women, hero's all in my view. If the saving of an entire people isn't good reason as it was in WW2 then I can't imagine one that is. Shove your spoiled child bullshit and grow up.
Nicely stated Jim

It is utterly amazing the nonsene that comes out of some of the younger people. I can go with all the wars after WWII being bullshit but to label WWII in with them is utterly incredible. Perhaps some of these idealists would prefer we speak German or Japanese. Yeah Hitler was one righteous dude eh??


In Memoriam - RIP
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I'm a dick? You insult me, my family, my friends and every single person who's ever had the balls to put on a uniform and step into the line of fire in situations that you can't even possibly conceive of...and I'm the dick here?
I didn't insult you or your family...


Well-Known Member
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When I was in the service, every time some stupid shit was brought up on the news like some celebrity divorce scandal or something, I would say "If this is the worst news that's happening, we must be doing our job well."


New Member
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You have all completely missed my point. Its not that I don't respect what they have done, its that they shouldn't have had to do what they did. If we truly are this great intelligent species, why are we still going to war? In school we're taught that violence isn't the answer, yet millions of people have lost their lives over a disagreement in ideology. You have focused too much on my supposed disrespect to the soldiers. All I am saying is that they have died because humanity can't practice what it preaches and has yet to evolve into what it claims to be.

Unlike the rest of you I cant look at the past wars and celebrate gloried killers, no matter the cause. Its amazing, you kill someone in a city and you're rendered a psychopath, you kill someone in a war started by two governments and suddenly your seen as this hero who should be cried for.

Maybe its not clear, but all I mean is that innocent people are having to kill other innocent people because two governments cant agree, they refuse to agree, and thus they send others to kill each other in their name. War is a waste of humanity in my opinion, and by now we should be above it.

You can claim my ideology to be because of my age, but I find it hard to believe that one day I will be able to justify the death of others.
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Back By Unpopular Demand
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I didn't insult you or your family...

I find it hard to accept todays veterans as a hero for my country. They enlist at their own accord. Back when the draft was in play alot of people didn't have this freedom and were forced to fight which I will clearly get the utmost gratitude for.
I'm one of "todays veterans", as are my brother and several members of my extended family, and literally almost all of my friends. Questioning the character and honor of their service is a downright insult not only to them but everybody who has ever served, and I'll be damned if I'm going to sit here and let you spout off ignorant comments like this without saying something. I think they've at least earned that much.


Doddering Old Poop
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You have all completely missed my point. Its not that I don't respect what they have done, its that they shouldn't have had to do what they did. If we truly are this great intelligent species, why are we still going to war? In school we're taught that violence isn't the answer, yet millions of people have lost their lives over a disagreement in ideology. You have focused too much on the soldier. All I am saying is that they have died because humanity can practice what it preaches and has yet to evolve into what it claims to be.

Unlike the rest of you I cant look at the past wars and celebrate gloried killers, no matter the cause. Its amazing, you kill someone in a city and you're rendered a psychopath, you kill someone in a war started by two governments and suddenly your seen as this hero who should be cried for.

Maybe its not clear, but all I mean is that innocent people are having to kill other innocent people because two governments cant agree, they refuse to agree, and thus they send other to kill each other in their name. War is a waste of humanity in my opinion, and by now we should be above it.

You can ideology to be because of my age, but I find it hard to believe that one day I will be able to justify the death of others.

What you dont get is that no matter if you agree or disagree with war, the men and women who go off to fight for your country are doing you a great service. The service to your country is what you respect.
This aint a perfect world and we are certainly not a perfect species. Wars will happen again and people will have to fight them. You arent speaking German, Japanese , or Russian right now because people were brave enough to stop those who would impose their rule upon us. Those people deserve our respect.

BTW you arent going to get very far in this world by disrespecting people and their family and friends.



Back By Unpopular Demand
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When I was in the service, every time some stupid shit was brought up on the news like some celebrity divorce scandal or something, I would say "If this is the worst news that's happening, we must be doing our job well."
I was in a chow hall in Iraq when the news about the famous racehorse Barboro's death broke on CNN. The horses owner said "If America is looking for a hero, they don't need to look any farther than Barboro." It was an epic fail. :D


Well-Known Member
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wow. I think everyone needs to calm down. Everyone has their opinion. Some people support troops and some people don't. Get over it.


Back By Unpopular Demand
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You have all completely missed my point. Its not that I don't respect what they have done, its that they shouldn't have had to do what they did. If we truly are this great intelligent species, why are we still going to war? In school we're taught that violence isn't the answer, yet millions of people have lost their lives over a disagreement in ideology. You have focused too much on my supposed disrespect to the soldiers. All I am saying is that they have died because humanity can't practice what it preaches and has yet to evolve into what it claims to be.

Unlike the rest of you I cant look at the past wars and celebrate gloried killers, no matter the cause. Its amazing, you kill someone in a city and you're rendered a psychopath, you kill someone in a war started by two governments and suddenly your seen as this hero who should be cried for.

Maybe its not clear, but all I mean is that innocent people are having to kill other innocent people because two governments cant agree, they refuse to agree, and thus they send others to kill each other in their name. War is a waste of humanity in my opinion, and by now we should be above it.

You can claim my ideology to be because of my age, but I find it hard to believe that one day I will be able to justify the death of others.
I don't have much of a problem with what you're saying so much as how you're saying it. War is stupid, anyone who's ever been or knows someone who's been can tell you that. That being said, there is a big distinction between supporting a war and supporting the troops. The troops don't get to pick and choose where and when they fight, they do their jobs regardless, and that is something to admire and respect. Hate the "leaders" making the decisions all you want, but don't take it out on the military.


New Member
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What you dont get is that no matter if you agree or disagree with war, the men and women who go off to fight for your country are doing you a great service. The service to your country is what you respect.
This aint a perfect world and we are certainly not a perfect species. Wars will happen again and people will have to fight them. You arent speaking German, Japanese , or Russian right now because people were brave enough to stop those who would impose their rule upon us. Those people deserve our respect.

BTW you arent going to get very far in this world by disrespecting people and their family and friends.


Now you're just putting words in my mouth and making me look like some punk kid who would piss on grave for a laugh, which I am not!

I never once stated that I don't respect the troops, and I never once stated that I don't respect their families. I have family members who have died in the two current wars, and one that feels like she isn't going to see her home ever again. You have no clue how much I cry thinking about the fact that my sister may die for something that never needed to be if humanity wasn't so moronic.What I have stated is that I can not get my head around the supposed need of killing of another person, without any real attempt at peace. I cant understand the fact that after so many God damn years, these retards who we elect cant get their heads out of their fucking asses, and instead would send people who are serving their country, because they love their country, out to die. People serve their countries every day, and they do it without having to kill another person. I brought up WW2 because if like Hitler had the sense to sit down and have peace talks, or even just try to understand those who he wanted to murder, there wouldn't be such a waste of life like we have witnessed. If George Bush had the common sense to not threaten Sadam, even after no weapons were found, and wasn't so strong headed about this war, I'd still be seeing some of my uncles and cousins at this years Christmas. I'd also have my sister trying to give me one of her "Fab make overs" right now.

Again, you older people can call me ignorant, you can blame this all on my age, but its people who are my age trying to make a difference. We're the people out their helping people and countries less fortunate than us and trying to prevent wars. If world peace is ever to come, its not going to be through your ideology that to serve you country you have to kill another person, or wars are here to stay like gravity. Its going to come by discovering the similarities we each share and trying to build on them.


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Violent, evil people and regimes are likely to exist as long as the human species does, and so long as that is the case there will be a need for soldiers and police. Even Gandhi stated that when confronting evil the worst thing do do is nothing. He was not against violent resistance, he stated that nonviolent resistance was preferable. But it's not always possible.

Those who have done nothing to make the world a place where there is less of a need for soldiers and police to do their jobs keeping us safe have no right whatsoever to do anything but honor them. In the case of our current war, I cannot help but feel for our soldiers who are having to risk and lose their lives to clean up a mess our government created by training and arming people who thanked us by killing innocent civilians on our own soil. You had better believe they're fighting for our safety.

tim :eek


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In school we're taught that violence isn't the answer

it never is but sometimes its the only solution. THAT is something they dont bother telling you. you should not like war, you should want to avoid it. but that doesnt mean you tuck tail and run either. you defend yourself, not sit there and whine "cant we just get along?" thinking you can talk your way out of a punching match.

im sorry the bullshit they feed you doesnt fit the world you're just starting to see around you but this is how the real is, innocent people die EVERY FUCKING DAY. people are raped and murdered, megalomaniacs put national "pride" and adherence to strict dogmas before feeding their own people. these are not people you can reason with every time. you can not talk them down every time. we all wish it was easy dealing with bullshit in the world but it isnt and them lying to you that somehow if you think the world is peaches and cream then suddenly it is has done more harm to you than you'll ever know. not every thing can be solved with a conversation, if it was, WE'D BE DOING IT FOR A LONG TIME.

maybe if you were taught about the real world you'd be better prepared to deal with the injustices of it.


New Member
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I don't have much of a problem with what you're saying so much as how you're saying it. War is stupid, anyone who's ever been or knows someone who's been can tell you that. That being said, there is a big distinction between supporting a war and supporting the troops. The troops don't get to pick and choose where and when they fight, they do their jobs regardless, and that is something to admire and respect. Hate the "leaders" making the decisions all you want, but don't take it out on the military.

I've never once tried to take anything out on the military. If anything, I've tried to state that their deaths have been pointless and un- needed. If those in charge, and humanity as a whole would smarten up, then there would be no need for war. I've also stated that I'm sickened by the idea that one day it could be me out there shooting someone my age or younger because they are serving their the country they love. The idea that I dont respect these people is really starting to annoy me, I respect every soldier past and present for standing up for what they believed in. I respect every soldier who manned and did what their country told them to do. I can not however feel some sort of pride in the fact that what was asked of them, and the actions in which they carried out lead to a loss of another life.

I personally love some of the soldiers out there right now serving their country.
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Doddering Old Poop
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I've never once tried to take anything out on the military. If anything, I've tried to state that their deaths have been pointless and un- needed. If those in charge, and humanity as a whole would smarten up, then there would be no need for war. I've also stated that I'm sickened by the idea that one day it could be me out there shooting someone my age or younger because they are serving their the country they love. The idea that I dont respect these people is really starting to annoy me, I respect every soldier past and present for standing up for what they believed in. I respect every soldier who manned and did what their country told them to do. I can not however feel some sort of pride in the fact that what was asked of them, and the actions in which they carried out lead to a loss of another life.

I personally love some of the soldiers out there right now serving their country.

I think what got most of us riled up is the way you stated your case originally.

I have no respect for those who get us into unnecessary wars or those who feel our military is their dick extension.
I am all for the deathmatch approach to solving our violent conflicts. Put the leaders in dispute into an arena and let them battle it out. Sell it on pay per view. There would probably be a lot more diplomacy and a lot less death if that was the case.

Alien Allen

Froggy the Prick
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I've never once tried to take anything out on the military. If anything, I've tried to state that their deaths have been pointless and un- needed. If those in charge, and humanity as a whole would smarten up, then there would be no need for war. I've also stated that I'm sickened by the idea that one day it could be me out there shooting someone my age or younger because they are serving their the country they love. The idea that I dont respect these people is really starting to annoy me, I respect every soldier past and present for standing up for what they believed in. I respect every soldier who manned and did what their country told them to do. I can not however feel some sort of pride in the fact that what was asked of them, and the actions in which they carried out lead to a loss of another life.

I personally love some of the soldiers out there right now serving their country.

Bull shit:thumbdown

Nice way to try to weasel out of your pacifist bullshit. You are one of the dreamers who dismisses the fact that humans are animals. There will always be those who want to be superior to others and thankfully we had the balls to destroy Hitler.

I have a hard time accepting people who fight in wars as my hero. I also have a hard time looking back at things like World War one or two and thinking, “Thanks to all the soldiers who gave their lives for what free countries currently have.
Yeah there was no friggin disrespect to the military. You would not have any free friggin countries.
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Number 2, Rafael!
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Look as I previously said, you may not agree with the war. But the point of remembering those who lost their lives in war is exactly that, for them, not for where they were, that's really by the by, its the fact that they went, served their Country and if they died doing it then that happens. They knew it was a risk.

Here's one to argue over, I dont agree any compensation should be paid to the familes of those who lost their lives. They knew the risks of going to war and the fact that they may have died.


In Memoriam - RIP
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Here's one to argue over, I dont agree any compensation should be paid to the familes of those who lost their lives. They knew the risks of going to war and the fact that they may have died.
that's very true and what about these couples that marry hastily because they are being shipped off to war?


Active Member
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If someone broke into your house & tried to rape your wife, would you ask them to sit down under a flag of truce & talk out the terms. Do you think that they would. I think that this shows a very naive view of the world & human behaviour.

There has always been war between different human tribes & frankly I do not see this ending soon. As the world population grows so will the pressure on some countries to seek out new lands or die. This will result in more wars. Religion is only an excuse for the war at the moment, wars are about many different things such as ideaologies like communism - Vietnam & Korea - or racism, like battles in Australia, South Africa & North & South America against indigenous peoples. Remember when we took their land - were they not entitled to fight back?

As the human race, we set ourselves up on this pedestal as the dominant race, but how far are we above animals?

We may have put ourselves up on a pedestal but that does not mean we belong there, we are animals & we instinctively fight to survive. It is my belief that there are always way too many alpha males & that many of these gravitate towards roles in the military, Police & fire fighting - some take up crime. These people have always been expected to fight for the tribe - we used to call them warriors - unfortuantely the tribe still needs them.

It is only religion which really states that killing is bad & we set up laws to enforce those views - there are still many instances where killing is quite legitimate - but without these warriors, many of us would not be free men. We owe them a lot.


Back By Unpopular Demand
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Here's one to argue over, I dont agree any compensation should be paid to the familes of those who lost their lives. They knew the risks of going to war and the fact that they may have died.
At least over here, the military offers life insurance. Each service member pays for it on a monthly basis, just like any other job. If they die, the money goes to the beneficiaries they designate, just like any other job. It's no different than any other person who buys life insurance.

that's very true and what about these couples that marry hastily because they are being shipped off to war?
And what the fuck is that supposed to mean?