Active Member
Re: RE: Smoking Bans
:funnah :funnah :rofl :rofl :rock :rock
Hell yeah!!!! If they legalized teh weeds i would NEVAR complain aboot smokers again!! [Rodney King] Cant we all just smoke a bowl???[/Rodney King]
HOTRODSnBOOZE said:It's gotten really bad here in Cali too. It's gotten to where I had to step outside to smoke a bowl during my sons Christmas play last year at his school. I was guna write a letter to Arnie regarding my total and utter dicontent, but by the time I got home, I forgot what I was mad about. *whiny voice* Stupid Rules!
:funnah :funnah :rofl :rofl :rock :rock
Hell yeah!!!! If they legalized teh weeds i would NEVAR complain aboot smokers again!! [Rodney King] Cant we all just smoke a bowl???[/Rodney King]