And this statement completely sums up the reason I had my boys circumcised. And it was this point and this point only that drove my decision, yet Edgray has yet to address this.
Read back, I did address it, and it's been addressed many times in this thread.
Alright, without hitting every point and completely tearing into your statements, let me try to sum it all up for you...
Please show me where I am throwing around disinformation... (besides the bathing part

Again, everything you're saying.
You pointed out my statements on desensitization.... well take a moment and go back and read exactly what I said. I clearly said that if it's true that I would have more sensitivity if I was natural, that it isn't something I would want. Because I am plenty sensitive. I am not missing out on anything, trust me.
Of course you are. If you can walk around with your glans rubbing against your underwear without discomfort, then you have lost sensitivity. It's that simple.
When I make love to my wife, the sensation is so incredible that I have a hard time from going over the top. And that's sensation in the head of the penis, not the shaft. That has nothing to do with a mental problem, it has everything to do with feeling so fucking good that you explode... Now like most men, I try to divert my attention away from the pleasure to control and prolong to experience. That's using your mental abilities and has nothing to do with sensitization, foreskin or where Jupiter is in orbit.
So you can stop with the crap about being circumcised will desensitize your penis/glands. Because I wouldn't want any more sensation and I would bet my left nut that there isn't a circumcised man on this site that would say that he wishes he had a more sensitive penis.
When you've got a foreskin, you don't have to worry about any "diversion of pleasure", because the penis functions AS IT WAS DESIGNED TO DO. The fact you have to do that shows that your bits and pieces are not working as they should! It's really not a difficult concept to grasp. If you have to worry about control or prolonging, you're not functioning properly. Having sex you should never, ever, have to worry about "prolonging the experience", it should just be that way. Can't you see that you've just admitted you have a sexual dysfunction? Never in my life have I ever needed to be concerned with any of that, I can go as long as I need, with total control over when I finish, without a single thought. I don't need to try to "control the pleasure" because my penis works as nature intended, doing what it needs to do, when it needs to.
A friend of mine back in the UK was circumcised. I remember, we were talking about sex one night, and he told me he used to recite the squad for his favourite football team in his head to stop himself from finishing too soon. I'd never heard of something so utterly ridiculous in my whole life. He asked me what I thought about, and I told him that I didn't think about anything, I just live in the moment, nature does the rest. He didn't understand the concept either.
Also, you really should look into how many men are regrowing their foreskins, and read their stories. They're not doing it for a laugh, but to get back the sensitivity that circumcision robbed them of.
So yeah, that was all wrong. You wrongly assume that sensitivity = blowing your load. That couldn't be further from the truth. There's just so much more to it than that.
In summation, as we'd already concluded in this thread ages ago, the
ONLY VALID REASON for circumcision is some kind of
social normality. That is, if you're born in the US, where circumcision is the normal, social normality is the ONLY possible valid reason you can give. ALL of the other reasons are just horse shit.