Alien Allen
Froggy the Prick
Do you own car insurance because you want it, or because it's the law? Try driving your car without insurance and see how far that gets you. You are required by law to carry car insurance because it's a burden on everyone if you don't have it and get into an accident, same can be said with health insurance.
Right now I pay on average $1500 extra each year in health insurance to cover the idiots that don't have it. How is that fair for all the people that do pay for health coverage?
The way the system is set up right now, you can get health coverage without paying into the system. That puts the burden on the rest of us. So I buy into the idea that everyone should have some form of coverage... But not having any sort of public plan to choose from and fining people for not having it is a pretty shitty way of accomplishing it. This is the part of the bill I'm not very happy with. Hell, if anything is unconstitutional about this bill, it's this. There is a very good chance that it will be challenged in court and I can see where it would be over turned.
There is no mandate that one has to have a car
Ask Dana
Walks away with a smirk on his face
You need a better example. :nod: