Active Member
Only problem is that you liberals are so hell bent on penalizing the rich to pay for all the goodies that you ignore the facts
Oh, so you're one of those people who think the rich should somehow pay less in taxes?
Contrary to popular belief, most rich people didn't get to where they were because they were nice people. In fact, some Psychological disorders (namely personality disorders, which make people unpredicatable assholes) are more prevalent among CEO's and other high status people, than they are among convicted felons.
Politicians too, are quite wealthy. Seeing them enact tax cuts for them and their best buddies is the ultimate conflict of interest. Something that, isn't fair.
Under the Bush tax cuts, a middle income family can only expect to save only $100 a year. Opposed to the wealthy, who could save up $24,000 per year. The rich need to pay their share. Me, being from a lower-middle class family, am really perplexed to see why the wealthy bitch about higher taxes, when they earn about 20x the amount my parents do.
Spoken like a died in the wool liberal. :clap
Only problem is that you liberals are so hell bent on penalizing the rich to pay for all the goodies that you ignore the facts. Revenue has always increased when there were tax cuts. Sorry, I know the truth hurts.
Ugh. I really hate that 'liberal' label. What have I said to indicate that i'm a liberal? Was it because I implied that Reagan's economic polices sucked?
Anyway, using that term really doesn't advance the debate, and i'm really perplexed why so many right-leaning people in the United States use it to deride other people's thoughts and ideas.
In contrast that term is seldom used in Australia, probably because our conservative party is actually called the 'The Liberal Party of Australia'. Anyway, since that has nothing with the debate, i'll move on...
The cumulative effect of Reagan's tax cuts resulted in a net loss of government revenue over his term.
And your claim about revenue always increasing following tax cuts is by no means a slam dunk. Tax cuts in 1981 saw a 10% decrease in tax recepits the following year. Also, most people that claim the 'reducing taxes creates more revenue' argument don't take into consideration underlying economic factors that may cause revenue to increase, correlation does not always imply causation.
Reagan was given promises about cutting spending which congress backed out on. And yeah he increased the military budget. Since when is fortifying our military to make sure we are capable of protecting ourself a bad thing?
It becomes a bad thing when you purge the budgets of social programs to help pay for it.
yeah baby, spend, spend, spend. You liberals are so in bed with this guy you do not even know what a stimulus package is. It is supposed to be something that provides an immediate boost to the economy. All his plan is just an infusion of money into liberal programs with it costing us a massive amount of money with no immediate impact. That makes anything done in the past that you claim damaged the country pale in comparisom. We could shut off the stimulus plan right now and do our kids and grand kids a favor because the plan did not do anything yet and now that things are starting to stabize the plan will do nothing but ratchet up inflation. This is voodoo economics at its best and coming from the smartest man on earth we were told over and over again.
Eww. Okay, two things.
1.) I'm not a big fan of Obama
2.) I never said I supported the stimulus package, I just said that something beneficial may come out of it. Unlike Bush for example, who raked up the national debt up to almost 7 trillion, with nearly nothing to show for it.