It just bugs the hell out of you liberals that Reagan was elected doesn't it
Face it the guy was a hell of a salesman. The same as Clinton. One either supported their views or hated their views. Except for the peanut farmer I don't really bash former presidents all that much. As long as they shut up and do what past presidents historically do which is to quietly fade away.
Why is it the left is so hell bent on disparaging Reagan? He took a country that was in serious trouble which peanut boy damn near destroyed and give it hope and things turned around. Not really all that bad a record. Oh wait, I know, here will come the degregulation, blah, blah, blah, and that really our current problems all started with Reagan :24:
Oops I forgot there was a congress back then. They always seem to get a free pass except when it comes to the last 8 years :24: