Minor Axis
Well-Known Member
Remember the good ole days when the war was hot, we were kicking the snot out of a foreign dictator, all the connected companies were robbing the U.S Treasury, banks were handing out money to anyone with a pulse, Executives were living large, Bush and company was taking the country to the edge in the name of good ole greed. And the Republican Party and most conservatives, thought if you did not in your heart believe in torture for the collective security, have you car adorned with an American Flag and several ribbon icons, you just weren't patriotic?
What a change since January. All the patriots are now the rebels. I guess it's just patriotism as they define it, it's only worth while when the government is making all the mistakes they refused to acknowledge as mistakes but helped their political goals (at the time). And most of all, all those people they were looking down upon who did not support the biggest mistakes of our lifetime. It's more than a bit hypocritical don't you think?
What a change since January. All the patriots are now the rebels. I guess it's just patriotism as they define it, it's only worth while when the government is making all the mistakes they refused to acknowledge as mistakes but helped their political goals (at the time). And most of all, all those people they were looking down upon who did not support the biggest mistakes of our lifetime. It's more than a bit hypocritical don't you think?