Not even dignifying it with a response. Simple fact of the matter is, The Plaestinian government is rife with Hamas leadership, which is considered a terrorist sect by...well virtually everone on the planet except Hamas sympathisers.
Execpt in the West Bank, where the government is rife with... Fatah leadership!
Yeahh... Qassam Brigades marching on Tel Aviv! Thats gotta take some balls.
100 is a very liberal estimate by me, (its lower, I know. But I am not sure by how much). Alien Allen has the most correct estimate IMO. And of course, even ONE rocket is unacceptable.
I am not the Isreal-is-completely-evil-and-every-action-they-take-is-totally-wrong kind of person. I honestly think that Isreal has the right to defend itself. But, invading a small strip of coast for a small amount of rockets is a bad idea. Not only does it soldify Hamas's power in Gaza (Even if Isreal fucks them up), but it gives further rationale for its extremeist views.
Secondly, a confilct like this only creates new recruits for Hamas (or any Islamic extremist group). A boy who has lost half his family in an airstrike is probably going to want to destroy Isreal. See what I mean?
To me, its just a constant cycle of hate.