Republican Judgement

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Minor Axis

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Alternate Title: Manipulating the Sheep

Rachel Maddow Show Aug6,2012

Rachel hit it out of the park last night discussing Tim Phillips (Americans for Prosperity) backed by the Koch Brothers, Ralph Reed (right hand of God), and Jack Abramoff (convicted lobbyist). If you watch the video the details start pouring out about 2.5-7 minutes in. These guys are slime buckets. Both Reed and Phillips, are now in the middle of super packs and Republican election efforts.

The two main tidbits
-In a former endeavor to keep the "Made in the USA" label on products coming out of Marianas sweat shops, in an effort to assist Tim Phillips, Ralph Reed, encouraged conservative Christians to write Congress on behalf of these sweat shops also involved in prostitution, to keep the lablel because, the workers were being exposed to the teaching of Jesus while they worked.

-Ralph Reed who once declared gambling a cancer on society, received millions of dollars in tribal casino proceeds from Abramoff (he represented a tribe). Reed also whipped up Christian support to prevent other tribal competing casinos from opening up. And is now working with Tim Phillips to convince Christian's why they must vote for Romney and not Obama.
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I haven't watched the vid yet, but I decided last week that I would try to catch Maddow's show nightly since I can stream it "live" (at the time they broadcast it). She is not snarky like Laura Ingraham, doesn't spin/outright lie like Sean Hannity, and isn't as strident or vitriolic as her lib cohorts. She picks things that fit her ideology, for sure, but that's expected. I want to know her opinions. She lays them out well - professionally and maturely.

Minor Axis

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if the shoe fits it must be a shoe


For me and Maddow, the question is she being truthful or not? I see truth. Of course, conservatives like you will say I see only what I want to...but I doubt you'd acknowledge it even if there was truth.

Her latest tack regards feigned outrage at Obama policies. She specifically mentioned Wheaton College who is OUTRAGED by Obamacare dictating that emergency contraception be required. That's fine except before Obamacare, the health coverage they offered to their employees all ready included emergency contraception coverage.

Then she moved on to Romeny whose latest add claims that Obama has removed the "required work" part of Federally mandated welfare. She points out this is blatantly false. In fact on behalf of a long list of Republican Governors, the Administration granted waivers to State programs so they could experiment with how to make their welfare programs more effective. This did not remove the "required work" mandate, but there Romney is peddling lies. Anything to get everyone to stop wondering how much taxes he paid over the last 10 years. :D


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Is it really important to you, personally, that Romney make his taxes public? Do you honestly believe he has broken the law?

The Obama campaign clearly and openly wants to exploit that he took advantage of legal deductions so that they can get everyone off the obvious (to me) fact that their policies aren't significantly different where it applies to centralizing power and control in Washington.


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For me and Maddow, the question is she being truthful or not? I see truth. Of course, conservatives like you will say I see only what I want to...but I doubt you'd acknowledge it even if there was truth.

Her latest tack regards feigned outrage at Obama policies. She specifically mentioned Wheaton College who is OUTRAGED by Obamacare dictating that emergency contraception be required. That's fine except before Obamacare, the health coverage they offered to their employees all ready included emergency contraception coverage.

Then she moved on to Romeny whose latest add claims that Obama has removed the "required work" part of Federally mandated welfare. She points out this is blatantly false. In fact on behalf of a long list of Republican Governors, the Administration granted waivers to State programs so they could experiment with how to make their welfare programs more effective. This did not remove the "required work" mandate, but there Romney is peddling lies. Anything to get everyone to stop wondering how much taxes he paid over the last 10 years. :D
It is really cute how you can see hypocrisy and lies with crystal clarity when it comes to repubs, but somehow dems only have halos to you.

Minor Axis

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It is really cute how you can see hypocrisy and lies with crystal clarity when it comes to repubs, but somehow dems only have halos to you.

Damn it, you are wrong, but i'm glad you think I'm cute. :p

I don't see halos, I see relative harmfulness. Dems are inept, but Reps are about 10x more harmful. I place my sights on worst problem first. If I saw another group who provided answers, I'd gravitate to them.

Minor Axis

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Really? So what lies and/or hypocrisy have you seen from the dems lately, hmmm?
As I said I'm focused on the greatest threat. That's your and Allen's job. I'll comment on them when you pitch them.

Romney is flat out lying his ass off. When I point it out, you and Allen are there trying to discredit me. What does that say about you two? If you are defending them, you must love their shitty dreams for this country and for supposed Libertarians, you're two big hypocrites.


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Romney is flat out lying his ass off. When I point it out, you and Allen are there trying to discredit me.
Because you deserve it! You only acknowledge one piece of a matched set of liars, implying that the other piece is lily-white and blameless. It's not that you're not telling the truth, but that you're only telling half ... and DENYING that the other half even exists (except this pussy lip service like you just gave).

Half-truth is a whole lie.

Kyle B

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Prolly because I deal with academics all the time & you deal with real people. ;)

Funny you should bring that up. I definitely know Bill O'Reilly has a BA and he probably also has a Masters or JD, yet wrote a shitty book about Abraham Lincoln that failed to cite its sources properly. Doesn't hurt his ego though or book sales. You think as someone who has gone through acedemia, that he'd know better.

Well, he did go to a party school lol.

Kyle B

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I thought he did cite sources in his book?

I thought it was a good read. Learned a lot of things which if were true I did not know.

He had a "Notes" section in his book and broadly cited Google Books lol .

I actually tried to get my copy of the book signed by him. I learned last minute that he was at his Alma-Mater doing a book signing. If you could make it there, then he'd sign your copy. I tried to get there on time, the drive was only about an hour or so, but just missed him by a few minutes. The line was super long and he only signed a small amount. Understandable. I decided to buy the book anyways lol.

However, I really enjoyed the autobiography that he wrote (or co-wrote - whatever).

Minor Axis

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Because you deserve it! You only acknowledge one piece of a matched set of liars, implying that the other piece is lily-white and blameless. It's not that you're not telling the truth, but that you're only telling half ... and DENYING that the other half even exists (except this pussy lip service like you just gave).

Half-truth is a whole lie.

You and Allen are polar opposites. If you were really neutral or open minded, you acknowledge when I posted something with a ring of truth, which I do ALL THE TIME. But I can count on both you and Allen to discount anything good I say about Democrats and or bad about Republicans. You are no where close to being neutral and you vote Republican. My point is that despite your continued insistence that you think they are all bad, you spend all of your time defending the GOP, you GOP lover. :p

I'll give you another chance. ;) The Aug 9, 2012 Rachel Maddow show, she spoke of vote suppression in Ohio. That GOP leaning counties were going to be given more voting opportunities, the polls, by having the polls open longer/more days, BUT that in Democrat leaning counties this was being denied by the State political forces in charge.


Why is this not major news around the country? Why is the Federal Government not all over this? Can anyone make a reasonable case why this is not outrageous?

Found at
Now, in heavily Democratic cities like Cleveland, Columbus, Akron and Toledo, early voting hours will be limited to 8 am until 5 pm on weekdays beginning on October 1, with no voting at night or during the weekend, when it’s most convenient for working people to vote. Republican election commissioners have blocked Democratic efforts to expand early voting hours in these counties, where the board of elections are split equally between Democratic and Republican members. Ohio Republican Secretary of State Jon Husted has broken the tie by intervening on behalf of his fellow Republicans. (According to the Board of Elections, 82% of early voters in Franklin County voted early on nights or weekends, which Republicans have curtailed. The number who voted on nights or weekends was nearly 50% in Cuyahoga County.)
"I cannot create unequal access from one county board to another, and I must also keep in mind resources available to each county,” Husted said in explaining his decision to deny expanded early voting hours in heavily Democratic counties. Yet in solidly Republican counties like Warren and Butler, GOP election commissioners have approved expanded early voting hours on nights and weekends. Noted the Cincinnati Enquirer: “The counties where Husted has joined other Republicans to deny expanded early voting strongly backed then-candidate Barack Obama in 2008, while most of those where the extra hours will stand heavily supported GOP nominee John McCain.” Moreover, budget constraints have not stopped Republican legislators from passing costly voter ID laws across the map since 2010.

I thought he did cite sources in his book?

I thought it was a good read. Learned a lot of things which if were true I did not know.

So the question is did you learn anything?
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Alien Allen

Froggy the Prick
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Minor it was a great read. Easy reading and informative and not political

you should get a copy and pretend it was written by somebody else.

Help me out on this Ohio thing. Are they claiming that the state controls voting in individual districts? If so I have not heard of this. I thought elections were state wide and all had the same hours and dates. If not and it is done at the local level then how is it that so called democrat areas can not dictate control the time allowed to vote.