The only thing endangering the middle class are socialist policies.
What particular socialist policy is endangering the middle class? Just one. Be specific.
When you try pass the money around in an effort to be fair it does not prop up the middle class. It weakens it.
What money exactly has been passed around to prop up the middle class?
LBJ's great society measures are a clear example.
Can you give a factual example? Again, be specific.
They have done nothing for the poor other than to make them feel entitled to get their piece of the pie even when they contribute nothing despite being able to.
So you are saying that poor people as you define them would rather live in a welfare housing slum infested with drug addicts, predators and crime and all manor of squalor than have meaningful work that they could easily get?
Sure there are some that can not contribute. It has nothing to do with them. Its the rest that get money for doing nothing. Why is that? Why can they not be forced to do menial labor in return if physically able?
Why can't people like you be forced to think?
Ever think that the bottom 50% of income earners in the United States earn only 12 % of all earned income?
Ever think about the fact that the top 1% earns more than 20% of all earned income?
Ever think about that 30% of remaining income that makes up what is left of the middle class?
Ever think about corporate welfare? Oil subsidies? Big ag subsidies? Tax breaks for moving an American factory to Indonesia?
Ever think about the middle class wages that decline year after year?
Ever think about the 1,000,000 Americans that file bankruptcy due to medical bills each year?
Nah, you don't think about those FACTS, do you? You just think about how the bottom 50% of income earners are getting away with that obscene 12%.
Blaming the poor for America's current problems - yeah, that's logical - for non-thinkers.