Republican Judgement

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Alien Allen

Froggy the Prick
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Minor you are right about republican leaders not blaming Bush for his spending.

I don't see any Democrats blaming Obama for his similar malfeasance either

Funny how that works

The only people who are not lapping at the republican and democrats drooling while spending are the Tea Party, true Conservatives and Libertarians

Just admit it. As long as the spending is for your social programs you liberals don't care about a deficit.

Same as the republicans pay lip service to wanting to control spending
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Minor Axis

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Just admit it. As long as the spending is for your social programs you liberals don't care about a deficit.

I realize you love lumping all liberals together as "irresponsible", but you are completely and totally wrong. A major part of my issue with Republicans is their insistence of coddling to the rich, refusing to use them as a revenue source. Lord they can afford it. I know poor babies, they suffer so at the hands of liberals.

For Your reading pleasure: GOP Townhalls go Pay-Per-View, GOP congressman bans protestors. The last thing we want is to admit protesters from the people we represent...

It will cost $15 to ask Rep. Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) a question in person during the August congressional recess.

The House Budget Committee chairman isn’t holding any face-to-face open-to-the-public town hall meetings during the recess, but like several of his colleagues he will speak only for residents willing to open their wallets.

Ryan, who took substantial criticism from his southeast Wisconsin constituents in April after he introduced the Republicans’ budget proposal, isn’t the only member of congress whose August recess town hall-style meetings are strictly pay-per-view.

Rep. Ben Quayle (R-Ariz.) is scheduled to appear Aug. 23 at a luncheon gathering of the Arizona Republican Lawyers Association. For $35, attendees can question Quayle and enjoy a catered lunch at the Phoenix office of the Snell & Wilmer law firm.

And Rep. Chip Cravaack (R-Minn.) took heat in Duluth this weekend for holding private events in his district’s population and media center — including a $10-per-head meeting to be hosted next week by the local chapter of the National Federation of Independent Businesses, which on its invitation notes that the organization “supported Chip in his stunning upset over longtime Congressman Jim Oberstar in the 2010 election.”


Doug Lamborn, the U.S. Representative from Colorado Springs who likened the debt-ceiling debacle and President Obama earlier this month to "dealing with a tar baby," is on a public relations roll.

Likely in response to the many protests his comment triggered, Lamborn's office now sports a sidewalk-facing sign that reads: "Private Property -- No Soliciting, No Protesting, No Loitering." (emph. added) (see photo below)

The Colorado Springs blog Not My Tribe presents images of the sign installed on August 11, as well as a screen shot of a pro-Lamborn rally held the next day, timestamped August 12. As ColoradoPols notes, evidently the no-protesting rule does not apply to pro-Lamborn demonstrations.

Charging admission to a town hall is stupid, unfair to your constituents, and unethical. Banning protesting at your taxpayer funded congressional office, appears to be a violation of the first amendment. And this is who you want representing you??? :yuk


Having way too much fun
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Minor you are right about republican leaders not blaming Bush for his spending.

I don't see any Democrats blaming Obama for his similar malfeasance either

Funny how that works

The only people who are not lapping at the republican and democrats drooling while spending are the Tea Party, true Conservatives and Libertarians

Just admit it. As long as the spending is for your social programs you liberals don't care about a deficit.

Same as the republicans pay lip service to wanting to control spending

Once again I want you to list out everything in the budget that is directly attributed to Obama.

You do realize that the largest percentage of increase in the debt/deficit is because the Administration finally put the shit on the books that has been left off by the previous administration to make it look better than it actually was.


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I realize you love lumping all liberals together as "irresponsible", but you are completely and totally wrong. A major part of my issue with Republicans is their insistence of coddling to the rich, refusing to use them as a revenue source. Lord they can afford it. I know poor babies, they suffer so at the hands of liberals.
Let me get this straight. Are you saying that no amount of spending is irresponsible as long as you can find somebody to pay for it?

Alien Allen

Froggy the Prick
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Once again I want you to list out everything in the budget that is directly attributed to Obama.

You do realize that the largest percentage of increase in the debt/deficit is because the Administration finally put the shit on the books that has been left off by the previous administration to make it look better than it actually was.

Guess you forgot about the trillion dollar stimulus eh? ;)

it worked so well he wants to have another stimulus. :willy_nilly:

Minor Axis

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Let me get this straight. Are you saying that no amount of spending is irresponsible as long as you can find somebody to pay for it?

My God. Only you and maybe Allen and maybe retro could imagine that. This is a waste of time debating the issues with use guys. :humm:
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Minor Axis

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Minor what exactly would you cut other than the military?

Well all of the social programs would have to be cut to reach a state of viability. Government will have to be trimmed, but it's most important functions must remain. This would be in combination with revenue increases from those who can afford it including including individuals and large corporations. The system requires income to function. This notion that all taxes are bad is complete and utter bullshit. Again the discussion must be, how much do we want to pay and what do we want from our tax dollars.

Maximized profits at the expense of everything else (otherwise known as greed) is killing our economy. An advanced country should be able to work out a system where medical bills are covered by the system. A competent government should be actively fostering an environment that promotes quality job creation, not minimum wage jobs. Don't rely on corporations to give one damn about average people, they are too focused on enriching themselves (top management). Only the government has the capacity to do this (look out for the people).
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Minor Axis

Well-Known Member
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What notion? Where did it come from? Who supports it? Who mentioned it first here at OTZ? Who repeats it the most?

The defacto message comes from every conservative on this forum and they come from every radical right politician in the country. "Taxes are bad."

only govt has the capacity to look out for people?

oh really

well I should not be surprised as you are a socialist


Corporations look out for people? More LOL. Just the privileged few. Only government is tasked with looking out for society as a whole.
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Well-Known Member
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The defacto message comes from every conservative on this forum and they come from every radical right politician in the country. "Taxes are bad."
Don't try to sidestep. You didn't write "this notion that taxes are bad," you wrote "this notion that all taxes are bad." There's a big difference. Names please. Don't be afraid.

BTW, I think the answer to the first three questions is "No one" and the answer to the last two is "Minor Axis."

Alien Allen

Froggy the Prick
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The defacto message comes from every conservative on this forum and they come from every radical right politician in the country. "Taxes are bad."

Show me where any conservative has said that? Nobody expects a country to live without paying for necessities. Your problem is you and the rest of the liberals can not differentiate from all taxes are bad to excess taxes are bad. Which is what we have been saying. There is only so much money people should have to pay in taxes. Once you get beyond that threshold it is just legalized stealing from one to give to another

Minor Axis

Well-Known Member
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Don't try to sidestep. You didn't write "this notion that taxes are bad," you wrote "this notion that all taxes are bad." There's a big difference. Names please. Don't be afraid.

BTW, I think the answer to the first three questions is "No one" and the answer to the last two is "Minor Axis."

Not really. Ok, I said "all". Ok, so the intent is not all, just most. Now what really has changed? As far as the message from within this forum, I have not heard one positive statement regarding taxes coming from any of our local conservatives. As it is on the national stage, anti-tax is one of the main themes for anti-government posts at OTZ.

Show me where any conservative has said that? Nobody expects a country to live without paying for necessities. Your problem is you and the rest of the liberals can not differentiate from all taxes are bad to excess taxes are bad. Which is what we have been saying. There is only so much money people should have to pay in taxes. Once you get beyond that threshold it is just legalized stealing from one to give to another

You can tell me if I'm wrong. Every conservative politician that is a player says "vote for me and I'll lower your taxes." They are appealing to your self interest. NONE of them will volunteer to have a balanced discussion about how much we want to pay in taxes and what we want in return for our money. And they never want to talk about what services you will lose as a result of taxes being lowered. They may not be saying "all' tax is bad, but they are being dishonest in how they appeal to people. For the most part, you guys mirror this approach in your retoric.
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Well-Known Member
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Not really. Ok, I said "all". Ok, so the intent is not all, just most. Now what really has changed?
"All" of course. That's everything.
As far as the message from within this forum, I have not heard one positive statement regarding taxes coming from any of our local conservatives.
You haven't heard it from me, either. My reason is that we're taxed excessively, not that we shouldn't be taxed, not that you give a shit or that it will change your mantra in any way whatsoever.
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Alien Allen

Froggy the Prick
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Geeze Minor for one who claims to not be a democrat you sure like to blame everything on the right and spin it as bad as the DNC talking heads

You always speak in absolutes. Always

Minor Axis

Well-Known Member
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Geeze Minor for one who claims to not be a democrat you sure like to blame everything on the right and spin it as bad as the DNC talking heads

You always speak in absolutes
. Always

No I don't and I'm getting fatigued wasting my time countering your inaccurate statements. Everything that comes out of your mouth is partisan. And you call me partisan? Look in the mirror.

Demorcrats are dim witted and lack back bone while Republicans are downright evil. Every current Republican front runner makes me shudder with fear. It's my judgement call. Just like you have your bias views at the other end of the political spectrum. And that is not an absolute, it's a relative value. If I'm going to pick someone to be a leader it's going to be someone who has empathy for working class people, not someone who cowtows to big business and trickle down as the ultimate solution for society while corporations are actively undermining, sabotaging workers, classifying them as expendable to suit their own exaggerated, self centered needs.
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Alien Allen

Froggy the Prick
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Of course I am partisan

Partisan towards liberty and fiscal responsibility

I really don't see you addressing much of those issues.

Have you ever voted for anybody other than a democrat that is somebody I would recognize?

I have voted for Ron Paul and Ross Perot in the past. Does that sound like a republican winger?

Doubt you can come up with something to qualify you as nothing but a hard core democrat