You can answer these questions first then I'll have to decide if I believe you.As far as living like a King, it's not relative. I'm comfortable, but not rich. No one would look at me and say I'm living like a king, not if they understand the spectrum of wealth that exists in this world. However by my estimate I'm in the top 85-90% of income as compared to the average, but you might agree there is a huge spectrum from $100k-100m (or more?) per annum near the top in a narrow band of percentages.
If I made less than $20k a year, I would most definitely think you live like a king, and I might wonder how you could possible sleep in your "comfortable" bed at night knowing how little I had. That's not relative?
Personally, I think if you are in the top 85% of earners, you should be giving at least half of your annual income away to those who need it more. You could quite easily live in a smaller home, less expensive car, buy less expensive groceries, never eat out, and wear only used clothing.