Republican Judgement

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Slightly Acidic
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You can answer these questions first then I'll have to decide if I believe you. ;) As far as living like a King, it's not relative. I'm comfortable, but not rich. No one would look at me and say I'm living like a king, not if they understand the spectrum of wealth that exists in this world. However by my estimate I'm in the top 85-90% of income as compared to the average, but you might agree there is a huge spectrum from $100k-100m (or more?) per annum near the top in a narrow band of percentages.

If I made less than $20k a year, I would most definitely think you live like a king, and I might wonder how you could possible sleep in your "comfortable" bed at night knowing how little I had. That's not relative?

Personally, I think if you are in the top 85% of earners, you should be giving at least half of your annual income away to those who need it more. You could quite easily live in a smaller home, less expensive car, buy less expensive groceries, never eat out, and wear only used clothing.
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Alien Allen

Froggy the Prick
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The only plan I would support is Rand Pauls

it is the only thing even close to curbing the debt

the others are smoke and mirrors

fat chance though it will get any traction as you all know those Tea Party types are insane.

Minor Axis

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minor you need to watch
v for vendetta and if you already watched it
watch it again
then watch inglorious bastards again
then watch red dawn

I really like V4V. I don't see the connection with the others.

do not base your thoughts on money
base it on freedom

Is this the answer? If so you really need to be sending this to corporate America. ;)

If I made less than $20k a year, I would most definitely think you live like a king, and I might wonder how you could possible sleep in your "comfortable" bed at night knowing how little I had. That's not relative?

Personally, I think if you are in the top 85% of earners, you should be giving at least half of your annual income away to those who need it more. You could quite easily live in a smaller home, less expensive car, buy less expensive groceries, never eat out, and wear only used clothing.

So much for your judgment on multiple levels. Lol! :p

BTW, here is shot from my garden. That's my guest house over in the back 40. I worked hard for this and deserve to consume what a thousand people could, put together. That's cause I'm special...
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Having way too much fun
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The only plan I would support is Rand Pauls

it is the only thing even close to curbing the debt

the others are smoke and mirrors

fat chance though it will get any traction as you all know those Tea Party types are insane.

Yeah why the hell would we need those pesky federal agencies like the department of energy? I can't see a reason to have a federal agency to regulate nuclear power plants. We would have much cheaper electricity if the government would get out of the way and leave it to the free market...



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Yeah why the hell would we need those pesky federal agencies like the department of energy? I can't see a reason to have a federal agency to regulate nuclear power plants. We would have much cheaper electricity if the government would get out of the way and leave it to the free market...

About DOE

The mission of the Department of Energy is to ensure America's security and prosperity by addressing its energy, environmental, and nuclear challenges through transformative science and technology solutions.
Goal 1: Transform our Energy Systems - Catalyze the timely, material, and efficient transformation of the nation's energy system and secure U.S. leadership in clean energy technologies.

Goal 2: The Science and Engineering Enterprise - Maintain a vibrant U.S. effort in science and engineering as a cornerstone of our economic prosperity, with clear leadership in strategic areas.

Goal 3: Secure Our Nation - Enhance nuclear security through defense, nonproliferation, and environmental efforts.

Goal 4: Management and Operational Excellence - Establish an operational and adaptable framework that combines the best wisdom of all Department stakeholders to maximize mission success.
We don't need it for all this. If by 'regulate' you mean inspect for safety & such as that, then of course we need that. Looks to me like it could use a bit of pruning, though.

Alien Allen

Froggy the Prick
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Yeah why the hell would we need those pesky federal agencies like the department of energy? I can't see a reason to have a federal agency to regulate nuclear power plants. We would have much cheaper electricity if the government would get out of the way and leave it to the free market...


do you even know what his plan is or did you just pull this out of your ass?

unless I am mistaken it entails a freeze. Not a bull shit freeze but a real one

and then a 1% reduction each year over the next 5 years

there is nothing close to a reduction in spending in any of the current plans out there

and what the fuck does that all have to do with eliminating the dept of energy?

sure he wants that but it has nothing to do with this current issue

and when did nuclear plants start? before the dept of energy started

and yeah I would gut that fucking dept anyway. Those safety issues can be dealt with via another avenue. Dept of Energy was Peanut Boy Carters wet dream if I am not mistaken. That should say it all.


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Strongest evidence of The Party instead of 2 separate parties. How many big government departments have been dismantled by the Repubs? Erm, I think the answer is none.

Minor Axis

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How Republicans Screwed the Pooch. Conservatives don't bother reading this as it will just ruffle your feathers. The GOPpers are toxic for the country. When is el stupido John Q Public going to figure this out?? Indeed. The worst thing is that the Dumbs (Dems) appear completely ill prepared to fight them. We are doomed. This country will have to sink to the depths with maximum pain before there is a chance of correction, maybe revolution.

Specifically, they did four things: 1) cut taxes (with a heavy tilt toward the rich), 2) waged two wars on the national credit card (one of which was against a country that had nothing to do with 9/11 and posed no serious threat to America), 3) passed a prescription drug benefit with no pay-for (the first entitlement in American history without a revenue source), and 4) deregulated Wall Street (which helped turn the American economy into a casino and touched off the Great Recession).
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Alien Allen

Froggy the Prick
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we don't get any help either when the friggin media plays part of the game

they castigated the tea party newbs for daring to take the stance that they would vote as they saw fit and based on their views that got them elected and not give a damn about being elected again

we need to flush out one hell of a lot of the garbage in congress

on both sides


Well-Known Member
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we don't get any help either when the friggin media plays part of the game

they castigated the tea party newbs for daring to take the stance that they would vote as they saw fit and based on their views that got them elected and not give a damn about being elected again

we need to flush out one hell of a lot of the garbage in congress

on both sides
I don't know how they designate who's supposed to be "tea party" and who isn't. If there's a list I'd like to see how they voted.

Minor Axis

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Upset about the bipartisan screwin' we got?

I'm extremely unhappy. I saw Dems coming up with more debt reduction proposals and the GOPpers telling them fuck you, we must protect the rich. Time ran out and the Dems blinked refusing to ride the country over the default cliff. Boy are they fucked up as compared to the patriotic, liberty for all Tea Party. :sarcasm


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It was all a fiction. A drama. Look around. Now that the lights are back on nothing's changed, except the floor's a little sticky and the kid with the flashlight has some trash to pick up.


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I'm extremely unhappy. I saw Dems coming up with more debt reduction proposals and the GOPpers telling them fuck you, we must protect the rich. Time ran out and the Dems blinked refusing to ride the country over the default cliff. Boy are they fucked up as compared to the patriotic, liberty for all Tea Party. :sarcasm


Please show me where a Democrat came up with a plan that reduced the deficit and the national debt. Don't give me Harry Reid's plan either... that did about the same thing as Boehner's bill... reduced planned spending. Both of those bills will still result in a net deficit and debt increase. The only budget plans that actually reduce spending and the deficit are Rand Paul's and Paul Ryan's.

All I have to say is that I'm proud of my congressman for voting no on the House bill. I'm glad I have a representative with at least half a brain.


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I heard that using Washington math. continuing to spend at the same levels we're spending at today, with no increase but no reduction, that would count as a $9 trillion CUT!
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Alien Allen

Froggy the Prick
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This dog and pony show in DC just further exposes them for the hypocritic morons they truly are.

Anybody see the show on NBC the other day where they followed some of the people in congress last week.

Did you get a look at how plush some of those places they work in are. The friggin womans bathroom would rank as one of the most luxurious ones anywhere.

Now we are being told the cuts will lead to a recession when we already are headed into one with one more down quarter. And you can bet enough idiots that vote will lap it up and give cover to another Keynesian friggin stimulus probably.

ah but they all compromised in the end.

wonder how much in spending on bribes to other countries they will cut. Or get the hell out of 3 wars. Oh wait I forgot Libya is not a war.

Minor Axis

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Please show me where a Democrat came up with a plan that reduced the deficit and the national debt. Don't give me Harry Reid's plan either... that did about the same thing as Boehner's bill... reduced planned spending. Both of those bills will still result in a net deficit and debt increase. The only budget plans that actually reduce spending and the deficit are Rand Paul's and Paul Ryan's.

All I have to say is that I'm proud of my congressman for voting no on the House bill. I'm glad I have a representative with at least half a brain.

Your proud? That's fucked up and living in a dream world, be my guest. Fucking with the debt ceiling is not the way to fight the debt problem as reflected in the outcome.

And if we are looking at relative, the Dems plan would have reduced debt more the the GOP. And I'm not going to go search for a link to show you.

And now that our (U.S) credit rating has been downgraded who are we going to blame? Would this have happened any way or can we thank the good ole GOP for pushing a process that is usually used to pay for what has all ready been spent, into a crisis pushing us to the brink?

I'm not thrilled with Democrats either. Watching the ship of government it appears that incompetent retards are driving the boat, and every so often the psychotically ill uncle breaks out of his cell to turn the boat towards the edge of the world and the retards are barely able to restrain him.

Your not going to shoot me down. I'm feeling a little bit like a genius having pulled out of the market 2 weeks ago... :D


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Fucking with the debt ceiling isn't to blame. Blame allowing the spending to reach the ceiling. Had Bush & his congresses spent within their means we wouldn't even be having this conversation. Same for Obama & this congress.

Every plan called for around $4 trillion in "cuts." The actual overwhelmingly bipartisan agreement was 1/4 of that. That tells me that no one was remotely serious about their published "plans."

Minor Axis

Well-Known Member
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Fucking with the debt ceiling isn't to blame. Blame allowing the spending to reach the ceiling. Had Bush & his congresses spent within their means we wouldn't even be having this conversation. Same for Obama & this congress.

Every plan called for around $4 trillion in "cuts." The actual overwhelmingly bipartisan agreement was 1/4 of that. That tells me that no one was remotely serious about their published "plans."

The debt ceiling deals with money all ready spent. While you may think it is wonderful, I believe it is fucked up. Uncertainty and the inability to deal with our problems was part of the reason we got down graded.

Bush fucked us royally, but all Republicans think he is a wonderful guy. LOL. Obama was in a position of how to keep the economy running. I have no idea where we'd be today if Obama said, "screw it, I'm not spending any more" and let the economy fall. I know that automatically in principle, you'd approve of this, but I don't know how bad it would have gotten. I do realize at some point we must take our medicine, but revenue is part of the solution and it's a part that the Republicans refuse to acknowledge. American's have all ready stated that they want to keep their social security and medicare. Congress needs to work together to restructure these programs appropriately. As the Republicans want no part of these programs, they don't represent average Americans. Throw those bastards out and find representatives who are willing to fix this in a way that helps average Americans, not Wall Street, Banks, and large multinational corporations to the exclusion of average Americans.


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The debt ceiling is about borrowing money. They SAY it's about paying back what's already spent, but the "cuts" were in planned future increases in spending, not any real spending. They're planning to spend at an even greater velocity than ever, and need the ceiling raised to cover it. If they froze spending levels at the current level we wouldn't need to raise the ceiling.

Of course Americans want their stuff!
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