I don't see a single thing I can agree with you, here. We may need to break these point out into separate threads to figure them out, because I suspect a lot of these complaints are based on conjecture, and some I wouldn't agree are bad even if proven.
Here is my biggest gripe... for the last 30 plus years there has been an all out war on the working middle class. You guys keep talking about the redistribution of wealth, yet for the last 30 plus years there has been a major redistribution of wealth from the middle class to the top 2%.
What was the distribution 30 years ago?
Tim said:
Before the mid 70's as production went up so went the wages. But since then production continued to grow while wages stagnated. In the 60's and 70's one third of all workers were unionized and today it's less than 8%. This wasn't a natural progression of the free market, it was a concerted effort to destroy organized labor and keep wages artificially low.
But how? If your assertion is true, why would workers quit unions in order to take lower-wage jobs?
Tim said:
The advent of supply side economics or trickle down economics was a complete disaster to this country,
Define "complete disaster."
Tim said:
and add the free trade agreements and you get a recipe for disaster for the working class while the elite flourish. None of this was enacted for the benefit of the people or the country, it was just a way for the elite to dominate and make as much money as possible without regard to the health of this nation.
I don't pay much attention to snowy places. Had Canada benefited from NAFTA as much as Mexico? Have we lost jobs to them?
Tim said:
We have all been fed the bullshit line that it's our fault because we all want cheap goods so we have to offshore our goods and remove the tariffs. It's nothing more than circular logic, if you stagnate the middle classes wages and move our manufacturing overseas, then yes, we will need to buy the cheap goods from other countries. But if given the choice, I would much rather have more expensive goods manufactured in this country and a job that pays me in accordance with my production value so I can pay for them.
But didn't unions drive wages up so much that manufacturers decided to move operations overseas rather than watch their profit margins disappear?
Tim said:
Doesn't it bother anyone here where we have gone as a nation in the last 35 years? We work much longer hours, if married, both partners need to work. The family unit is being destroyed with absentee parents. There is a major division between labor and the elite. We are feeling the crunch everyday while they sit on the wealth of this nation.
We work longer hours now than we did in 1975? Both partners do not
need to work, they
choose to work (My beloved and I live quite well on one income, debt-free). Their choice creates the absentee parents. Thus, the parents' own decisions destroys the family unit. Living within one's means is one of the most important lessons we can teach our children.
Tim said:
Did you just see the reports that came out??? Right now, today, business is doing better than at anytime in our nations history. They are sitting on more cash reserves than ever before and production is through the roof. They are doing this despite being in a major recession... :dunno:
Have you read any analyses why business is sitting on cash rather than investing it? The market is too unpredictable to decide where best to put the money. Washington has thrown the entire economy into chaos. We don't know what new program may suddenly spring up, and bills of 2000+ pages take time to sift through to find the traps and loopholes.
Avoiding pain is not always the best decision.