Our conservative leaning forum members as a rule, seem to think we'd be better off under Republican rule than Democratic rule. Both have been a disaster, but average citizens have a better shot at being represented via Democrats with no shot being represented by Republicans who are preoccupied with coddling the rich. They also think that by deconstructing the major social programs, SS and Medicare, that somehow magically the economy will become wonderful. But that is only part of the equation. We have corporate leaders who believe they are entitled to millions annually while the rest of can go suck hind tit. The wholesale exportation of millions of what were good paying jobs, the continued enrichment of the rich, and subsequent accumulation of wealth in the top 10% guarantees that our economy will continue to suffer for average citizens. The end result of eradicating SS and MC is just another way to take something more from the working class who are all ready in the process of losing it all. Viva La Revolution!
I'm sorry but I disagree with you completely. Robbing the fund along with robbing average people of their livelihoods is the culprit. When middle class income is high, there is high contributions into the system. When contributions lag substantially, the obligation still remains. We can thank the lowering of our standard of living on you know who.
Do you know how much I love this chart? Not for the condition it reveals but the clarity it offers: