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The Man

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Can't see how you simply repeating yourself creates a story where none exists.

The incident was not disclosed sooner because the military does not discuss classified surveillance missions

Straight from the story that you quoted Are you calling your own source a liar?:24:
Thats your position not mine
I pasted the article..to show it was hidden from the public and used bogus reasoning.
Classified has nothing to do with it.....then being unclassified after the election...If thats your position I have a spot on the moon for sale just for you.
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The Man

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LOL..... Obama won. The more people stamp their feet and claim otherwise the more ridiculous they look.:24:

I'm sure that there are some intelligent and rational Republican voters out there, but they're not posting much on this forum.

LOL..... Obama won. The more people stamp their feet and claim otherwise the more ridiculous they look.:24:

Wrong thread elroy

I'm sure that there are some intelligent and rational Republican voters out there, but they're not posting much on this forum

Perhaps they got sick of the pukes posting on here

The Man

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I'd love to hear your twisted logic to try and justify such a monumentally obvious misconception.

You have no idea what or who you are even arguing with...One thing for sure American politics get you pretty emotional.

Let me ask you this....How can you stand to live in a nation so boring that you have to jump in blind on a forum and discuss something you know nothing about.

Aside from some burglaries...pretty dull there isnt it?


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It's no argument. It's a clarification, a simple matter of law. We are a representative republic. Our representatives make decisions by democratic process. We choose many of our representatives by democratic process, but not our president.

You seem to be jumping to Dundee's defense. There's nothing to defend, though he seems to be convinced that he's in an argument.

not defense, just trying to understand what you were syaing, and why it was relevant to the topic at hand....

The Man

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not defense, just trying to understand what you were syaing, and why it was relevant to the topic at hand....

What do you think about punk Obama hiding Iran trying to take out one of our planes{until after the election}

Kakapo Dundee

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It's no argument. It's a clarification, a simple matter of law. We are a representative republic. Our representatives make decisions by democratic process. We choose many of our representatives by democratic process, but not our president.

You seem to be jumping to Dundee's defense. There's nothing to defend, though he seems to be convinced that he's in an argument.

Semantics. If the president were decided by the winning party after the vote, your argument might be valid.However, since the parties announce and publicise their presidential intentions well before the vote, you're clutching at straws.


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What do you think about punk Obama hiding Iran trying to take out one of our planes{until after the election}

I think you are full of shit, just like always. It wasn't classified, it just wasnt released to the media. Just like in my line of work, when someone gets shot we dont run and call the media to tell them about it. If they find out and ask for information we give them what we can without jeapordizing the investigation. So despite having your panties in a wad because Obama won, no foul play on this one!

Kakapo Dundee

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What do you think about punk Obama hiding Iran trying to take out one of our planes{until after the election}

Can't believe that you're still pushing this drivel. Your ignorance has been exposed, to knowingly repeat an untruth is dishonourable.

The incident was not disclosed sooner because the military does not discuss classified surveillance missions


Kakapo Dundee

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I think you are full of shit, just like always. It wasn't classified, it just wasnt released to the media. Just like in my line of work, when someone gets shot we dont run and call the media to tell them about it. If they find out and ask for information we give them what we can without jeapordizing the investigation. So despite having your panties in a wad because Obama won, no foul play on this one!

Summary of truth. :thumbup

The Man

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Can't believe that you're still pushing this drivel. Your ignorance has been exposed, to knowingly repeat an untruth is dishonourable.

The incident was not disclosed sooner because the military does not discuss classified surveillance missions

If you believe that you are a fucking idiot.

The Man

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I think you are full of shit, just like always. It wasn't classified, it just wasnt released to the media. Just like in my line of work, when someone gets shot we dont run and call the media to tell them about it. If they find out and ask for information we give them what we can without jeapordizing the investigation. So despite having your panties in a wad because Obama won, no foul play on this one!

I think you are full of shit, just like always.
Not at all rob...I didnt say it classified.
It wasn't classified, it just wasnt released to the media.

Right....until after election.

Just like in my line of work, when someone gets shot we dont run and call the media to tell them about it.

Shooting are usually made public the next day...even if an election is going on rob.

If they find out and ask for information we give them what we can without jeapordizing the investigation.

Whats to investigate?...2 jets fired on one of our planes?...you want the name of the pilots..nothing to investigate.
Oh wait...both jets had malfunctions nor did they know our plane in international water.
You do understand Iran just committed an act of war by firing at one of our planes in international waters.

So I guess all options are off the table as Obama says...LOL...they are off alright.

They spit in his face just before the election....same as calling him a pussy.
Then the pussy...like a pussy hides it from the public until after the election.

Whats next rob?...Iran just fired at one of our planes in international water.
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The Man

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Can't believe that you're still pushing this drivel. Your ignorance has been exposed, to knowingly repeat an untruth is dishonourable.

The incident was not disclosed sooner because the military does not discuss classified surveillance missions

You are a fucking idiot if you believe that.
It was held until after the election
Hell even rob said it wasnt classified
You agreed with the post


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Not at all rob...I didnt say it classified.

Right....until after election.

Just like in my line of work, when someone gets shot we dont run and call the media to tell them about it.

Shooting are usually made public the next day...even if an election is going on rob.

If they find out and ask for information we give them what we can without jeapordizing the investigation.

Whats to investigate?...2 jets fired on one of our planes?...you want the name of the pilots..nothing to invesigate.
Oh wait...both jets had malfunctions nor did they know our plane in international water.
You do understand Iran just committed an act of war by firing at one of our planes in international waters.

So I guess all options are off the table as Obama says...LOL...they are off alright.

They spit in his face just before the election....same as calling him a pussy.
Then the pussy...like a pussy hides it from the public until after the election.

Whats next rob?...Iran just fired at one of our planes in international water.

Shootings are not made public the next day, Police and Military don't release information like these to the media...blame the media for not finding out about it...you are hunting for conspiracies and seem to be foaming at the mouth a little....

The Man

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Shootings are not made public the next day, Police and Military don't release information like these to the media...blame the media for not finding out about it...you are hunting for conspiracies and seem to be foaming at the mouth a little....

So are you claiming then we didnt have a plane shot at?
Whats the conspiracy rob?
Plane was shot at and withheld from the public until after the election.
There is no conspiracy rob...it happened.
Feel free to try and debunk it if you like.

The Man

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Why is Obama NOT giving a speech about Iran committing an act of war by firing upon a US military vessel {plane}

Is it because he got punked out before the election?
Is he still being a punk?


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So are you claiming then we didnt have a plane shot at?
Whats the conspiracy rob?
Plane was shot at and withheld from the public until after the election.
There is no conspiracy rob...it happened.
Feel free to try and debunk it if you like.

Are you fucking kidding? I never said there wasn't a plane shot down, why do you unecessarily twist shit?
The conspiracy theory you are peddling like a bag of garbage is that Obama intentionally squashed it to make sure it came out after the election....No he didn't, you blithering idiot. Just because the media didnt get the story until after, doesnt mean there was an intention to hide it for the election!
Now is Obama a pussy for not carpet bombing Iran, because one of our unmanned drones was shot AT, not down but at? Then what about Russia and China and God forbid the Number of N korean surface to air missiles that have sought our our spy planes,
shit we should just fight the whole damn world...
Right TM? fight em all, so we aren't "pussies" ?

The Man

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Are you fucking kidding? I never said there wasn't a plane shot down, why do you unecessarily twist shit?
The conspiracy theory you are peddling like a bag of garbage is that Obama intentionally squashed it to make sure it came out after the election....No he didn't, you blithering idiot. Just because the media didnt get the story until after, doesnt mean there was an intention to hide it for the election!
Now is Obama a pussy for not carpet bombing Iran, because one of our unmanned drones was shot AT, not down but at? Then what about Russia and China and God forbid the Number of N korean surface to air missiles that have sought our our spy planes,
shit we should just fight the whole damn world...
Right TM? fight em all, so we aren't "pussies" ?

Then why did it come out AFTER the election rob?
Not before?

So why did the media get it AFTER the election rob?

The Man

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Robert Dreyfuss on November 9, 2012 - 10:06 AM ET

So what happened in the Persian Gulf?

Let’s take at face value the American report that two Iranian jet fighters attacked a US drone near Iran’s coast, and that the event occurred on November 1.

First, had the event been disclosed at the time, there would have been enormous political pressure on President Obama to fire back. That’s true even though the United States ought not send drones, even unarmed reconnaissance drones, into or near Iran at a moment of great tension. The United States says that the drone was operating in international waters, which may or not be true, since we already know that American drones enter Iran itself, as evidenced by the one malfunctioned and was captured deep inside Iranian territory near Afghanistan. Still, if then world had known of the Iranian foray against the drone last week, either Obama would have been compelled to counterattack—something that he undoubtedly would have avoided doing, given that the result might have been an escalating conflict—or he would have been subject to last-minute accusations that his administration is weak and feckless.

As The New York Times reports:

Had the Iranian attack been disclosed before Election Day, it is likely to have been viewed in a political context—interpreted either as sign of the administration’s weakness or
, conversely, as an opportunity for President Obama to demonstrate leadership.


Even the liberal media is saying is was withheld until after the election for a reason !


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I don't know homes, why don't you aske them? make sure to go to their underground, scare dof Obama hide out because clearly he put the stank down to make them hide it....
Because they just didnt know about it...Is the military supposed to go to the news everytime someone takes a crack at them....oh wait it already says it isnt there policy to discuss....
quit looking for shit where there isnt shit

The Man

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Just like the punk led us to believe the Libya attack was over a video.
We find out later it wasnt....we did nothing to rescue them
What a punk