Peter Parka
Well-Known Member
maybe as a comproise we could bring back the 11+, I'd be in favour of that.:nod:
Get use to it. You'd think he was paid by the word. His motto is "why say in 5 words what you can in 500". You just have to learn to throw out the wishy-washy-cover-my-ass crap and dig down to what he is really trying to say. After about 1000 of his posts you'll learn.
i'm flattered there strauss....i had no idea you actually read the long stuff :thumbup
ok....time for the witty, biting retort
You're an idiot.
Oh wait...."retort" I read that as "short".
I only read every fourth word, same meaning is conveyed either way.
Doctors getting paid by the government aren't exactly living out of boxes. The doctor I go to used to work somewhere in the U.K. and he said it was much better.
maybe as a comproise we could bring back the 11+, I'd be in favour of that.:nod:
*Clears throat*
You are misinformed and suffering from BDS. Bush has spent the most of any president EVER on education. I am not defending his position just making you aware of FACTS--the public school system was screwed up before Bush took office and will be screwed up after he's out and no matter who the next president is.
If you want to know who to blame, blame the public school unions. There have been TONS of stories done on this--in fact 20/20 did a story on it (John Stossel was mobbed by angry union teachers). We already spend more than any other nation on public schools but we spend less of it actually educating the students.Why in the world do you think throwing more money at the problem will fix it? :confused
That's why we need vouchers. I wouldn't eliminate the public school system, I would just offer parents choices. Why should iltos, errr, I mean Isasl (whatever the fuck his initals are!) have had to pay both taxes for the public school AND to pay for private school for his daugher? :confused It makes no sense. The teachers unions have the country by the collective balls--it is a bloated system with hundreds of millions of dollars wasted on layers of administration. The only way to make the public schools competetive it to, Duuuuuuuuuuuuuh, give them some competion--right now--THEY HAVE NONE! 95% of our nations parents can't afford private schools. Black parents in the inner city support school vouchers by an overwhelming 80% when polled because they want the opportunity to get their kids out of the horrible conditions we have in our public schools in most of lower income areas in the country.
Yes of course, how silly of me to think i could possibly offend you over a screen name....but to be completely really makes no difference, i still see a very selfish man who if held a cure to a deadly disease would hold it higher than us little people...and demand money for life. Sickens me. enjoy
ok, i'll bite.....what this a reference to.....age? :unsure:
I was wondering also.
Is that a Nobel peace prize I see in your future?![]()
Thank you. And I will.
Seriously, though, if I put my time and effort into it, I'd want a return. TANSTAAFL. It cost me to make it, it's gonna cost you to use it.
You are misinformed and suffering from BDS. Bush has spent the most of any president EVER on education. I am not defending his position just making you aware of FACTS--the public school system was screwed up before Bush took office and will be screwed up after he's out and no matter who the next president is.
If you want to know who to blame, blame the public school unions. There have been TONS of stories done on this--in fact 20/20 did a story on it (John Stossel was mobbed by angry union teachers). We already spend more than any other nation on public schools but we spend less of it actually educating the students.Why in the world do you think throwing more money at the problem will fix it? :confused
choices are great :nod:That's why we need vouchers. I wouldn't eliminate the public school system, I would just offer parents choices.
actually, open enrollment districts stimulate their own competition....even with their severely taxed resources, they somehow manage to both raise test scores (even if failing to do "as good" as the feds require) AND maintain a variety of interesting -and considered by some to be unnecessary- "artsy fartsy" programs that add to the depth of experience education is supposed to provide, imo.The only way to make the public schools competetive it to, Duuuuuuuuuuuuuh, give them some competion--right now--THEY HAVE NONE!
well again -and i'm not pushing open enrollment as THE solution- but in the district my daughter attended, it did provide that opprotunity....those kids who were left in the "lower income area" neighborhood schools -which, on scale from outstanding to "horrible", tended to be at the bottom- were there, from my perspective, because either their parents just weren't involved enough to care, or because they were so involved in a political agenda that their kids became pawns in the game.Black parents in the inner city support school vouchers by an overwhelming 80% when polled because they want the opportunity to get their kids out of the horrible conditions we have in our public schools in most of lower income areas in the country.
of course you'd want something for it......but what i think wedz means is that you might hold people to ransom......unrealistically high prices for the gift of life
its happened before and it'll happen again
How on earth would I be holding people to ransom? They don't have a right to my product. If they demand that I give it away for free, or even just sell it for a lower price, they are holding me at ransom, claiming that they have a right to what I've created and that I should sacrifice to them. AND I DO NOT SACRIFICE.
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