The public school system is horrible and needs to be fixed, no doubt. But it is in everyone's interest to educate our children. When the population as a whole has a good education, it benefits all of us as a nation. This is why Miss Jones down the street, who has no children, still contributes tax dollars to educating the children in her neighborhood.
i'm actually still a huge believer in the IDEA of public education....and the reality of parental involvement......not just at home, but at being the ONLY way that currently exists to keep the idea of "school community" alive
but i finally surrendered to it's failure, too, and put my daughter in a private school (long story which basically illustrated to me that what she needed to succeed, and what the school could offer, were nearly at opposite ends of the spectrum.....
broadened my horizons, tho.....there are lots of alternatives to both mainstream public AND private schooling out there....the burden is on the parent, imo, to stay in touch with their kids and make sure they are in the educational environment they need.