Patriots In Exile Club

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Re: The Conservatives In Exile Club

Basically what I pitched you on last night, I just took some time to think about it and expand on the verbage.

Simple ideology IMO:

Eliminate all special interest groups on Capitol Hill, they can do whatever they want, but they need to steer clear of DC politics and its employees, elected officials work for the citizens of the environs they represent.

By definition "Special Interest" indicates the representation of limited factions of the whole, simply put you cannot serve two masters, you either work for the people or you work for lobby, in which case you both need to be removed from congress and/or the chamber either by re-election or by banishment via Senate.

Streamline the IRS essentially based upon Consitutional rights protecting no taxation without representation:

It is an honor to pay taxes, there is no argument that am American citizen paying taxes to support thae various ventures we partake in all in the name of ever expanding our values, and collective destinies gives a citizen a feeling of personal ownership, and investment in the collective future of our nation, however the leveraged taxation system is badly flawed, combined with the heavily taxed private sector in our various industries and corporate enterprises we of the Millineum Party call for a flat taxation of its citizens, along with re-negotiated tax bases for industry and corporations.

The government can compensate for some loss in tax revenues by investigating and streamlining government contracts, searching for ways to improve purchasing processes, and investigating overcharges by contractors, simply put a $5 hammer is not going to cost the taxpayer $1000 without legal consequence.

There is some of what I'm working on Donnie
I'm all for it, but I strongly recommend swinging by the library and picking up Neal Boortz's book on the fair tax ;)
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Re: The Conservatives In Exile Club

I'd also like to see a commitment to state's rights and limiting the role of federal government, but maybe that's just the Reb in me :D

Imagine if the lobbyists had to lobby all 50 states if they wanted something (like gay marriage or gun control) instead of a few congressman.


DT3's Twinkie
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Re: The Conservatives In Exile Club

I'm all for it, but I strongly recommend swinging by the library and picking up Neal Boortz's book on the fair tax ;)

I say:thumbdown

Flat taxation, this is how you squash class warfare, you make 250,000 a year and pay let's say 15%

You make 25,000 a year and pay 15% then that fact that one pays more by virtue of income, it's no longer personal;)

Gone with sliding scale taxation

Then you balance with leveraged taxation of industry and corporations, you boost large cap write offs for corporations which inevitably will encourage spending.

You have to de-clog the arteries that move the money, and the way I think you do that is limiting branches of arteries and increasing the health of what's left.


DT3's Twinkie
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Re: The Conservatives In Exile Club

I'd also like to see a commitment to state's rights and limiting the role of federal government, but maybe that's just the Reb in me :D

Imagine if the lobbyists had to lobby all 50 states if they wanted something (like gay marriage or gun control) instead of a few congressman.

Imagine what would happen if they lobby, and nobody listens anymore;)


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Re: The Conservatives In Exile Club

I say:thumbdown

Flat taxation, this is how you squash class warfare, you make 250,000 a year and pay let's say 15%

You make 25,000 a year and pay 15% then that fact that one pays more by virtue of income, it's no longer personal;)

Gone with sliding scale taxation

Then you balance with leveraged taxation of industry and corporations, you boost large cap write offs for corporations which inevitably will encourage spending.

You have to de-clog the arteries that move the money, and the way I think you do that is limiting branches of arteries and increasing the health of what's left.
I'll buy it :cool

Alien Allen

Froggy the Prick
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Re: The Conservatives In Exile Club

national sales tax. everybody contributes

the only thing exempt would be food, medical, autos and homes


DT3's Twinkie
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Re: The Conservatives In Exile Club

national sales tax. everybody contributes

the only thing exempt would be food, medical, autos and homes

Wanna run with me:D

I lean towards the notion that we are going to have to think totally outside the box to get everything back on track, if our system worked so well, then you would have to believe that the condition we're in is a fluke.

That's just fucking insane:D


DT3's Twinkie
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Re: The Conservatives In Exile Club

I'm also brainstorming on ways to limit the powers of labor unions. Not for nothing, but I'm totally okay with them wanting to ensure safe, clean work environments for workers, but Unions don't use competency based pay scales, at least not all of them.

In order to be effective, corporations have to measure wages based on competencies, otherwise there is no value in an employee striving for anything other than simply standing around waititng for the next guaranteed raise.

GoldDust Woman

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Re: The Conservatives In Exile Club

Costs me nothing, and it covers all major problems, 90% dental & vision, etc. It's sufficient for everything I've dealt with thus far.

What is your lifetime cap on your insurance, if you don't mind me asking?

Our healthcare needs reform in a big way, due to the cost of care. Here's an example.

My brother has excellent insurance. He has worked his ass off since he was old enough to have a paper route as a youngster. My brother, being the educated, intelligent man that he is, climbed the corporate ladder of success. Over his lifetime he's paid an ungodly amount of taxes because he makes an ungodly amount of money and has ALWAYS done the right thing. He's truly an asset to society.

Here's the rub.

He was diagnosed with colon cancer. It wasn't early detection by any stretch of the imagination. Due to the severity of his illness, he's been placed into the disabled group. After surgery this past April, he started chemotherapy. The chemo treatments were scheduled for a 3 month run. Every other week he'd get his chemo infusion, to the tune of 10 GRAND per infusion. So, 6 treatments over a 3 month period... well, you do the math.
Then? He had to go through 5 weeks of radiation, 5 days a week, to the tune of 10 GRAND per day.
Keeping up with the math, here?
Now, he's on a little break for 6 weeks, then he gets to receive 6 more sessions of chemo infusion.

In the meantime, he has to see his Oncologist, each and every Monday for lab work, vitals, etc., as well as a monthly appointment with our family Doctor.

Surgery, pet scans, cat scans, ultra sounds, port-a-caths, prescriptions, etc., charges thus far, are off the chart.

Bottom line. He has a million dollar LIFETIME cap on his healthcare policy. A million dollars. We're well over half a million right now.

The problem with the cost of healthcare, is that it's not comparable to what most people earn. Most people don't earn 10 grand A DAY, so how can a zap in a machine, cost 10 GRAND a day? My brother is in the machine for maybe 5 minutes, per session. 10 grand for 5 minutes. :eek

We asked the nuclear medicine folks one day how many people go through those radiation doors a day. Know how many? 75!! So, nuclear medicine is making 750 GRAND a DAY. (Of course it's paid by insurance, but c'mon!)

So, yes, we need serious healthcare reform.


DT3's Twinkie
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Re: The Conservatives In Exile Club

Mind you I didn't say do away with them......But limit the power, there's no reason an outside entity should be deciding how a company should compensate employees who are being sold as "qualified" to do a job.

In other words, if you are "qualified" to perform a task, then you should be fairly compensated, but that shold be the only expectation.

Minor Axis

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Re: The Conservatives In Exile Club

I'm also brainstorming on ways to limit the powers of labor unions. Not for nothing, but I'm totally okay with them wanting to ensure safe, clean work environments for workers, but Unions don't use competency based pay scales, at least not all of them.

In order to be effective, corporations have to measure wages based on competencies, otherwise there is no value in an employee striving for anything other than simply standing around waititng for the next guaranteed raise.

Your description of employees standing around waiting for the next pay raise is one of the primary myths about union employees if you are saying this is a standard.

All of the union employees I work with work their asses off. In unionized airlines (as with all airlines), the pay scale was dictated by the companies and in the past they based it on gross weight of the aircraft and a couple of other factors.

You don't need competence based pay scales because pilots are proven competent before they are allowed to take control of an aircraft. Factory workers must be competent to work on the assembly line or the assembly line will break down. However they must meet a work standard. At my company, union or not, if you don't perform, you're going to get fired.


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Re: The Conservatives In Exile Club

oh shit evan what did you start buddy lol

Wedz... It is almost inevitable that people in america will be this sincere with their opinions of the current government. I dont know how it is in the UK but things here are different in that sense. Not to say the UK represses its critics, i am not sure what/how things are over there.

BUT being critical of the government is within Evans, and anyone else's right to do so. sure it may be harsh it may be blunt but there will always be critics.

EVAN, you need to add fuzzwifers to your conservatives in exile club lol and while i cant vote add me as a mexican honorary ambassador LOL


DT3's Twinkie
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Re: The Conservatives In Exile Club

Your description of employees standing around waiting for the next pay raise is one of the primary myths about union employees if you are saying this is a standard.

All of the union employees I work with work their asses off. In unionized airlines (as with all airlines), the pay scale was dictated by the companies and in the past they based it on gross weight of the aircraft and a couple of other factors.

You don't need competence based pay scales because pilots are proven competent before they are allowed to take control of an aircraft. Factory workers must be competent to work on the assembly line or the assembly line will break down. However they must meet a work standard. At my company, union or not, if you don't perform, you're going to get fired.

My point is not all unions work that way. And my question is simple:

If they have been proven competent, why should they have to pay a union, to ensure a fair wage:dunno

I have never needed anyone to speak on behalf of me, I progress based on performance and competency, so should the rest of the working community.

I think unions were great when they were protecting the safety and health of workers, and fighting for fair wages, but I think that freedom has been exploited to the point of tail wagging the dog in corporate America, a large corporation shouldn't have to maneuver around lofty contract verbage, and having a gun put to their heads to keep the doors open.

I say you get in a huff and walk out, you stay gone...Adios

If GM locked out auto workers, where are they going to go? China?


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Re: The Conservatives In Exile Club

national sales tax. everybody contributes

the only thing exempt would be food, medical, autos and homes

I just have on question in that. Are you going to also allow things like diapers and personal care products that people need?


DT3's Twinkie
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Re: The Conservatives In Exile Club


that is just tough shit !! :D



Minor Axis

Well-Known Member
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Re: The Conservatives In Exile Club

My point is not all unions work that way. And my question is simple:

If they have been proven competent, why should they have to pay a union, to ensure a fair wage:dunno

I have never needed anyone to speak on behalf of me, I progress based on performance and competency, so should the rest of the working community.

I think unions were great when they were protecting the safety and health of workers, and fighting for fair wages, but I think that freedom has been exploited to the point of tail wagging the dog in corporate America, a large corporation shouldn't have to maneuver around lofty contract verbage, and having a gun put to their heads to keep the doors open.

I say you get in a huff and walk out, you stay gone...Adios

If GM locked out auto workers, where are they going to go? China?

For any economic system to work without the threat of revolution it must benefit the majority. Humans are not perfect, no system is perfect. The problem is what is deemed fair and who decides? Depends on whom you ask. If you look at this country in the 1800's the work environment for blue color workers sucked, but the owners of companies thought working 12 hours a day for a pittance was fair. Obviously employees want a living wage. Now what's the definition of a living wage- enough to stay alive or enough to enjoy life? My point is for blue color type jobs, employers have always been happy to dictate wages and unions appeared specifically because the system was not deemed fair by the majority, the workers. Historically it's been up to the employees to use the only tool they have, collective bargaining to get more than the bare minimum.

I'm not implying that all company owners are selfish bastards, but apparantly enough of them were/are. :) "This is my hard earned money!" seems to be the motto. That is only partially true, it was their idea and their management, but they needed a team, a hard working, competent team to get the dream realized. Everyone on the team should benefit with more than just survival wages.

And no, as I'm certain to be accused of, I'm not and have never advocated that workers should get an equal share as the owners or upper management. The differences I've had in this forum with certain members is about what is fair. There is a conservative feeling that "fair" is whatever crumbs management decides to throw their workers. As a worker I don't have to accept it.

I have a question about the Conservatives in Exile Club- Is it a self-imposed exile or do you feel your philosophy has been repudiated in this election? A good question to ask might be, why did conservatives support such an incompetent, fiscally irresponsible, politically dangerous, clearly-lacking-conservative-qualities administration for the last 8 years? An Administration who felt they were entitled to operate above the law.

Don't conservatives have competence standards when it comes to your elected officials? ;) Some of you will scream that because Obama is elected it's the end of civilization without acknowledging that your cherished Party has all ready taken this country to the brink. The hypocrisy and double standards of human politics is amazing.


DT3's Twinkie
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Re: The Conservatives In Exile Club

For any economic system to work without the threat of revolution it must benefit the majority. Humans are not perfect, no system is perfect. The problem is what is deemed fair and who decides? Depends on whom you ask. If you look at this country in the 1800's the work environment for blue color workers sucked, but the owners of companies thought working 12 hours a day for a pittance was fair. Obviously employees want a living wage. Now what's the definition of a living wage- enough to stay alive or enough to enjoy life? My point is for blue color type jobs, employers have always been happy to dictate wages and unions appeared specifically because the system was not deemed fair by the majority, the workers. Historically it's been up to the employees to use the only tool they have, collective bargaining to get more than the bare minimum.

I'm not implying that all company owners are selfish bastards, but apparantly enough of them were/are. :) "This is my hard earned money!" seems to be the motto. That is only partially true, it was their idea and their management, but they needed a team, a hard working, competent team to get the dream realized. Everyone on the team should benefit with more than just survival wages.

And no, as I'm certain to be accused of, I'm not and have never advocated that workers should get an equal share as the owners or upper management. The differences I've had in this forum with certain members is about what is fair. There is a conservative feeling that "fair" is whatever crumbs management decides to throw their workers. As a worker I don't have to accept it.

I have a question about the Conservatives in Exile Club- Is it a self-imposed exile or do you feel your philosophy has been repudiated in this election? A good question to ask might be, why did conservatives support such an incompetent, fiscally irresponsible, politically dangerous, clearly-lacking-conservative-qualities administration for the last 8 years? An Administration who felt they were entitled to operate above the law.

Don't conservatives have competence standards when it comes to your elected officials? ;) Some of you will scream that because Obama is elected it's the end of civilization without acknowledging that your cherished Party has all ready taken this country to the brink. The hypocrisy and double standards of human politics is amazing.

The name is an excerpt from Sean Hannity


DT3's Twinkie
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Re: The Conservatives In Exile Club

Basically the future of the conservative base is at risk, not because of Obama, but because the politcal parties need to change.

The problem with the left is they are moving too far to the left, while I think the right is moving a little ccloser to center.