Patriots In Exile Club

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Alien Allen

Froggy the Prick
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  • Export, Import, and Transit Licenses. To help ensure that firearms are transferred only to legitimate users, parties to the Convention are required to establish or maintain an effective licensing or authorization system for the export, import, and transit of firearms, ammunition, explosives, and other related materials. Parties may not permit firearms to be exported or transited across their borders without proper licensing from the receiving and in-transit countries. Included is transit. Define transit

  • Marking of Firearms. To improve the ability to track illegal firearms, parties to the Convention are obligated to require, at the time of manufacture, the marking of firearms with the name of manufacturer, place of manufacture, and serial number. Similar markings are required for imported firearms.

  • Criminalization of Illicit Production and Sales. Parties that have not already done so are required to adopt laws and regulations criminalizing the illicit manufacture of and trafficking in firearms, ammunition, explosives, and related materials. Does it need (and or) after manufacture or does it mean it includes both?

  • Information Exchange. Consistent with their national laws, parties will share information on legislative practices and other national measures to combat illicit trafficking; techniques used to combat money laundering related to illicit transfers; routes customarily used by criminal organizations engaged in illicit trafficking; and the means of concealment used and ways of detecting them. This speaks of practices to combat. Eliminating reloading would sure seem to fall under the umbrella

  • International Coordination. Parties agree to cooperate with one another in the effort to eradicate arms trafficking through a single point of contact that will act as the formal liaison among states.

  • Law Enforcement Cooperation. The treaty provides for cooperation between the parties in various fields of law enforcement such as extradition, mutual legal assistance, confiscation, and forfeiture.

  • Technical Assistance and Training. Parties agree to cooperate to better ensure adequate training in such areas as identification and tracing; intelligence gathering; and detection methods and search protocols at borders.
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Having way too much fun
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But don't you see that it's a huge stretch? Besides, we were signatories to the treaty since 11/4/1997

This isn't anything new and the right wing is making it sound like Obama decided to outlaw reloading to fuck with the gun owners of America... Hell, Obama had nothing to do with the signing of this treaty and he sure as hell didn't have anything to do with the language...

It's nothing but a straw man put up by the right. If there was ANYTHING to this, it would be all over the media.

Alien Allen

Froggy the Prick
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But don't you see that it's a huge stretch? Besides, we were signatories to the treaty since 11/4/1997

This isn't anything new and the right wing is making it sound like Obama decided to outlaw reloading to fuck with the gun owners of America... Hell, Obama had nothing to do with the signing of this treaty and he sure as hell didn't have anything to do with the language...

It's nothing but a straw man put up by the right. If there was ANYTHING to this, it would be all over the media.
I imagine in 1965 it was a stretch to think cigarettes would be banned in a bar too.. :eek ;)

That is the trouble with you liberals. Ya gotta think outside the box. :24:

Proactive and not reactive :D


Having way too much fun
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Do you realize that I have my own collection of guns, and not just for hunting either? If ANYONE was trying to limit my ability to own or buy guns, I would be all over them in a heartbeat. But I will not participate in the spreading of lies to further the agenda of the gun lobbyists. Because they are not the true friend of the gun owner.

Alien Allen

Froggy the Prick
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Do you realize that I have my own collection of guns, and not just for hunting either? If ANYONE was trying to limit my ability to own or buy guns, I would be all over them in a heartbeat. But I will not participate in the spreading of lies to further the agenda of the gun lobbyists. Because they are not the true friend of the gun owner.

The thing you seem to miss is how the govt can get their way. They do things in increments. That way there is a minor uproar at first which subsides. Then after a while they ratchet up things just a bit more. I have seen it done many times and in many ways directly in my work. Look at the clean water act. It was put together in the 80's but it is interpreted and expanded every year. If you were to ask a lot of people that voted for that if they would have envisioned the scope of regulations we have today those morons who voted with out reading would probably tell you they are very surprised if not shocked. I am talking about the middle of the roaders. Not the ones on the left that embrace anything environmental. Those would have said it never went far enough. And IMO it is the middle roaders that get things elected.


DT3's Twinkie
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It's along the lines of the National Rifle Association who believes any regulation of guns is step 1 and step 5 is the government takes my gun away. Standard fear campaign to hinder any gun regulation if it makes sense or not.

What y'all miss is that Obama won't take anyones guns away, he'll just tax you to the point where you won't be able to afford to use them.


That's how they get around the 2nd Amendment, I mean y'all won't even admit that the potential excessive taxation on ammunition is fucking rediculous.

But I guess he's going to have to find some way to fund the added welfare recipients that have never paid taxes..


DT3's Twinkie
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But don't you see that it's a huge stretch? Besides, we were signatories to the treaty since 11/4/1997

This isn't anything new and the right wing is making it sound like Obama decided to outlaw reloading to fuck with the gun owners of America... Hell, Obama had nothing to do with the signing of this treaty and he sure as hell didn't have anything to do with the language...

It's nothing but a straw man put up by the right. If there was ANYTHING to this, it would be all over the media.

No it wouldn't. All the media is interested right now, is how they can manage to get enough people on tv saying that the Obama opposition is racist, narrow minded and homo-phobic.

When fucking Jenine Garafolo becomes a fucking political expert, it's a world gone mad.

I just can't wait til he caps hollywoods salary:D


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Holy Moly, thanks Tim. Typical Right Wing Bull Shit as usual? I turned on my radio yesterday. Unfortunately one of the Rock stations I listen to (in Houston, Tx, The Arrow) have Right Wing Commentators in the morning. Before I got it switched I heard the bemoaning of not being able to reload ammo. Just how many conservatives out there, don't worry about letting truth get in the way of their smear campaigns? It's friggn unbelieveable.
Yup. I really hate it when someone tries to advance their cause by stretching the truth. It only hurts in the end, when the stark truth is all that's needed.


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What y'all miss is that Obama won't take anyones guns away, he'll just tax you to the point where you won't be able to afford to use them.


That's how they get around the 2nd Amendment, I mean y'all won't even admit that the potential excessive taxation on ammunition is fucking rediculous.

But I guess he's going to have to find some way to fund the added welfare recipients that have never paid taxes..
You got that shit right! :nod:
He'll keep choices free on the surface, but make the cost of the "wrong" choice prohibetedly expensive.


Having way too much fun
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What y'all miss is that Obama won't take anyones guns away, he'll just tax you to the point where you won't be able to afford to use them.


That's how they get around the 2nd Amendment, I mean y'all won't even admit that the potential excessive taxation on ammunition is fucking rediculous.

But I guess he's going to have to find some way to fund the added welfare recipients that have never paid taxes..

You got that shit right! :nod:
He'll keep choices free on the surface, but make the cost of the "wrong" choice prohibetedly expensive.

Can anyone please point me in the right direction where he has proposed this? Anyone?

If anyone can show me where he said that this is what he wants to do, I will give them everyone of my tokenz...

Alien Allen

Froggy the Prick
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Can anyone please point me in the right direction where he has proposed this? Anyone?

If anyone can show me where he said that this is what he wants to do, I will give them everyone of my tokenz...

Here is a start. Now I have to go find the evidence;)
Henderson Daily News > Archives > News > Election results boost gun sales for area stores

“Obama wants to put a 500 percent tax on all of our ammunition,” James said. “Right now, you can go to Wal-Mart and buy a box of shells for $20. With Obama's plan, the same box of shells is going to cost you $120. So just to shoot your deer rifle, it's going to cost you $120 for 20 rounds.”


Having way too much fun
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:24: Keep looking

And this is exactly the crap I keep talking about. When these people keep saying he's going to tax the shit out of ammo to get around the second amendment when there is nothing to base it on...

Alien Allen

Froggy the Prick
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:24: Keep looking

And this is exactly the crap I keep talking about. When these people keep saying he's going to tax the shit out of ammo to get around the second amendment when there is nothing to base it on...

How much you want to bet the taxes will be raised. Not saying how much but I would say it will be a significant amount.


Having way too much fun
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How much time are we talking about? Because I'm willing to put up anything you want...


Well-Known Member
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Can anyone please point me in the right direction where he has proposed this? Anyone?

If anyone can show me where he said that this is what he wants to do, I will give them everyone of my tokenz...
It's the pattern.
  • Tax the piss out of tobacco so people can't afford to buy them, rather than prohibiting them outright.
  • Destroy competition in the healthcare system, which makes any healthcare besides gov't healthcare so expensive only the richest can afford it.
  • Make gov't programs so attractive that gov't dependence is easier than independence and self-determination.
It's no different than the contracts most companies have that require you to agree to arbitration rather than sue when they fuck up. You don't have to sign, but you can't get what you want unless you do.


Having way too much fun
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So now that you looked and didn't find anything about him raising taxes on ammo or guns, can you stop bringing it up in every debate? :D Please!

Alien Allen

Froggy the Prick
Reaction score
So now that you looked and didn't find anything about him raising taxes on ammo or guns, can you stop bringing it up in every debate? :D Please!
Did I do that in another thread??

How much time are we talking about? Because I'm willing to put up anything you want...
It won't take too long. Narcissists like Obama are not very patient :D

Plus his bull shit is gonna get old after a while and his support for this nonsense he is promoting will wane away.
It would be within 2 years. Probably by the end of this year I would guess though.