Alien Allen
Froggy the Prick
- Export, Import, and Transit Licenses. To help ensure that firearms are transferred only to legitimate users, parties to the Convention are required to establish or maintain an effective licensing or authorization system for the export, import, and transit of firearms, ammunition, explosives, and other related materials. Parties may not permit firearms to be exported or transited across their borders without proper licensing from the receiving and in-transit countries. Included is transit. Define transit
- Marking of Firearms. To improve the ability to track illegal firearms, parties to the Convention are obligated to require, at the time of manufacture, the marking of firearms with the name of manufacturer, place of manufacture, and serial number. Similar markings are required for imported firearms.
- Criminalization of Illicit Production and Sales. Parties that have not already done so are required to adopt laws and regulations criminalizing the illicit manufacture of and trafficking in firearms, ammunition, explosives, and related materials. Does it need (and or) after manufacture or does it mean it includes both?
- Information Exchange. Consistent with their national laws, parties will share information on legislative practices and other national measures to combat illicit trafficking; techniques used to combat money laundering related to illicit transfers; routes customarily used by criminal organizations engaged in illicit trafficking; and the means of concealment used and ways of detecting them. This speaks of practices to combat. Eliminating reloading would sure seem to fall under the umbrella
- International Coordination. Parties agree to cooperate with one another in the effort to eradicate arms trafficking through a single point of contact that will act as the formal liaison among states.
- Law Enforcement Cooperation. The treaty provides for cooperation between the parties in various fields of law enforcement such as extradition, mutual legal assistance, confiscation, and forfeiture.
- Technical Assistance and Training. Parties agree to cooperate to better ensure adequate training in such areas as identification and tracing; intelligence gathering; and detection methods and search protocols at borders.