Patriots In Exile Club

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Re: The Conservatives In Exile Club

Hey jassilem--you know we are only kidding. The problem is people outside the US need to lighten up (Canadian, Englismen, errr, women! ;) ). Seriously--people from outside the US bash the US on a regular basis--constantly. Yet, the minute anyone from the US even makes so much as a joke about another country, that country's member is incensed. I mean if you people can't take a joke, you shouldn't be participating in this thread. I am quite sure that Evan and DT3 have the utmost respect for you people as individuals just like you do for them, even though you might not feel the same about the country as a whole.

Hell, I respect Canada's military--both of those guys do a great job!!! :24::24::24:

Sorry Mellissa--couldn't resist--you know I love you and Jim!!! ;)


Quick Canadian anecdote before I quit whoring here:

The Canadian Marines are pretty cool. I got to help train a bunch of them in urban warfare up in Virginia. They were wearing jungle camo and I joked and said I hope that wasn't what they were gonna wear when they went to Iraq. They said they do wear the jungle camo to the desert. I laughed and asked why, the response:

"So we don't get mistaken for fuckin Americans!!!"
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Re: The Conservatives In Exile Club

Oh and since everything is supposed to be a joke I would presume this is ok too right?!!?!??!?!



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Re: The Conservatives In Exile Club

See wasn't that fun:D

Evan I swear the pic is older than I am LOL.

Just think of if this way when you want to tease a Canadian we are proud of our country too.

If someone from the outside makes fun of yours you guys get riled too right?

Pride is a two way street! ok .. I didn't mean to sound like I was a whiny bitch..I am hormonal and sometimes that makes me not see the funny side of things :ninja


DT3's Twinkie
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Re: The Conservatives In Exile Club

Evan I swear the pic is older than I am LOL.

Just think of if this way when you want to tease a Canadian we are proud of our country too.

If someone from the outside makes fun of yours you guys get riled too right?

Pride is a two way street! ok .. I didn't mean to sound like I was a whiny bitch..I am hormonal and sometimes that makes me not see the funny side of things :ninja

But I promise you Donnie and I would laugh with you if you made fun of the US;)

It's not personal. This threads intent was for CONSERVATIVES to discuss CONERVATIVE issues, but obviously that got warped into a we are supposed to feel bad for being conservatives thread.

And that's not gonna happen...Not on my watch:D

GoldDust Woman

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Re: The Conservatives In Exile Club

Yes we do--but that's not going to change the cost of medical care. How in the world can you reduce the cost of medical care unless you develop robots. When people get very sick and they have to have continuous ongoign care, all those people have to earn a living--that's a HUGE cost. And how are we going to keep young bright minds interested in medicine when you ask them to pay 500,000 in tuition and spend 8 years AFTER 4 years in college all going to school and not earning any money to take a government salary as a government doctor???

People have fucking unrealistic expectations as to what can be accomplished in reforming healthcare. You may be able to reduce the costs somewhat, but bills in the hundreds of thousands for very sick people is NEVER going to change--you need to understand that.

You can't convince me that chemotherapy research hasn't been paid for, over and over again. Besides that, knucklehead, I'm talking about the pharmaceutical companies right now. I'm certain that the researchers have been well paid for years, for the invention of many chemotherapies. Why can't they put a cap on the price, like we have caps on our insurance? Google FOLFOX, it's been used for years. But still, the price is 10 grand per infusion. It's out of balance. End of story.

So, basically what you're saying is, pray to God that you never get sick, because you're going to lose your job, lose your life savings, lose your ass, lose your insurance coverage because you hit your cap, and then lose your life. But! The fucking researchers continue to get paid, and paid well. Screw that.


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Re: The Conservatives In Exile Club

It won't let me do it either :( But it does explain why Evan wanted a lock of my hair... :eek

Well that just sounds kinky!

But I promise you Donnie and I would laugh with you if you made fun of the US;)

It's not personal. This threads intent was for CONSERVATIVES to discuss CONERVATIVE issues, but obviously that got warped into a we are supposed to feel bad for being conservatives thread.

And that's not gonna happen...Not on my watch:D

If it looked like I was saying you should feel bad about being a conservative anywhere.. That's not what the fuck I was meaning... At least you know what you are. Up here our politics aren't so cut and dry..

Yes it does--I can't believe you stuck you whole head up there!!! :24::24::24:

I hope the hell he used lube first :eek


DT3's Twinkie
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Re: The Conservatives In Exile Club

Well that just sounds kinky!

If it looked like I was saying you should feel bad about being a conservative anywhere.. That's not what the fuck I was meaning... At least you know what you are. Up here our politics aren't so cut and dry..

I hope the hell he used lube first :eek

Not directed at you personally, see this is my point. Say something in general and it spreads like wildfire.

What I said was simply a response, not aimed directly towards you;)


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Re: The Conservatives In Exile Club

Not directed at you personally, see this is my point. Say something in general and it spreads like wildfire.

What I said was simply a response, not aimed directly towards you;)

In true Canadian fashion I was ready to apologize even for something I didn't do.. :surrender:surrender:surrender

Fox Mulder

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Re: The Conservatives In Exile Club

You can't convince me that chemotherapy research hasn't been paid for, over and over again. Besides that, knucklehead, I'm talking about the pharmaceutical companies right now. I'm certain that the researchers have been well paid for years, for the invention of many chemotherapies. Why can't they put a cap on the price, like we have caps on our insurance? Google FOLFOX, it's been used for years. But still, the price is 10 grand per infusion. It's out of balance. End of story.

There you go--put a cap on prices when they get too high--we should do that on oil too.

I could go through why capping prices doesn't work--they tried that in the old soviet union--how did that work out???

I'm not saying that you can't reform--I am simply stating that the costs are still going to be astronomical--does it really matter if the bill is $500,000 or $650,000?

So, basically what you're saying is, pray to God that you never get sick, because you're going to lose your job, lose your life savings, lose your ass, lose your insurance coverage because you hit your cap, and then lose your life. But! The fucking researchers continue to get paid, and paid well. Screw that.

What the fuck does that have to do with reform? Seriously?

And now give us your solution to that? We "cap" the price that can be charged for services? How does that work? After $500,000 in medical costs, all the healthcare providers work for free? Or the government starts paying after a certain amount? SOMEONE STILL HAS TO PROVIDE THE CARE--SOMEONE STILL HAS TO PAY.

There are ways to reduce those costs--but I can fucking assure you its not going to come from government regulation or some magical universal healthcare program adminsitered and run by the ever efficient federal government. This is not a thread for debating how to reform healthcare--I was simply pointint out that all you are doing is complaining about a problem that can't be fixed by regulation or price-capping and that people need to understand that unless the healthcare workers are willing to work for free, the cost of providing care to terminally ill or very sick people is ALWAYS going to be astronomical. Its not different in law--companies pay millions of dollars in legal fees because some cases take thousands of hours of work. You can't waive the magic liberal wand of goverment intervention and change any of that.