Occupy Oakland Raids

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All Else Failed

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I'd wager a Ben Franklin I have a greater grasp of conservatism than you can imagine. You, my friend, are a conservobot whether you admit it or not. It has become quite popular today for right wingers like you to deny it, but you still mange repeat the propaganda - often verbatim what was said on the radio the same day. But reformed conservatves like me see through your facade. You are a typical right wing radio listener - whether you listen to El Rushbo or one of his many wannabee local conservobot talk jocks - you still abide by the same propaganda.

No see you probably don't. Trust me, I am not a mainstream conservative or a neo-con. Most of them would outright disagree with many of my ideas.

PS I don't listen to talk radio at all. But keep trying.

Funny you say talk to any cop. I listened to several today on the radio, and not a single one corroborated your claim.

That is funny because I saw interviews with cops on some of the major news networks and all of them said this is way overblown. Go figure.

I'd call it exactly that. I've debated your type for years. You'll think of me tonight and as you awake in the morning and we will shower and dine together . I'll occupy your dreams.

lmao man you got creepy QUICK. Go take a break from this for a bit you're mentally decompensating.

I've never threatened anyone tough-boy. I simply suggested it would be entertaining to watch someone like you get a taste of pepper spray and see if you laugh then. You see I've been through chemical weapons training and had to endure military grade CS gas certification annually. That meant having to stand in a building so thick with CS gas that you could not see - and not panic and run for the door - while following the instructions of the instructors for as long as they felt it was necessary.

Bottom line - you don't know what the fuck you are talking about. And you bet your ass I'd pay to watch you put your money where your mouth is.


I'd loooove to spray your smart ass down with pepper spray and see how much you fucking laugh.

can't wait for you to desperately search for a lame excuse to not call this a threat.

So in closing, you've proven to say and do things that you accuse others of, then deny it later. This makes you a massive hypocrite. You also like to threaten people and play up the "tough guy" personae on here which is undeniably a sign of control issues.
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The Man

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They were not suspended by people that hated them or find it fashionable to hate cops. Here is an article I found.

Found the link you posted to another member

According to your link
That took 5 minutes to load it says and stops..with no way to see the rest of the article


The University of California at Davis put its campus police chief on administrative leave two days after she defended university police officers who pepper-sprayed nonviolent protesters on campus Friday.
In a statement Monday, the university said Chief Annette Spicuzza has been put on leave while the university investigates the incident, in which police were captured on video spraying pepper spray into the faces of seated demonstrators. The university announced Sunday that ...


So it appears as if the university police performed the move...with approval of the campus police chief.

It comes back to the spray.........perhaps they can also tell us how they were supposed to move the brats when they refused to comply.
They hire private Police then whine when they do their job....brilliant

Peter Parka

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Amazing the amount of Americans in this thread who would rather their country be more like China and want to live in a police state. God bless the land of free speech and all that.


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I dont arm link like a pussy..when I have something to express.
Then chant....Shame on you------ Shame on you ---Shame on you ---after getting sprayed.
What fucking twits:24:............let me guess you approve?
They should have moved when instructed to do such....but arm linking is for a pussy..if one is going to resist then do it proper....dont force the cops to use force then blame it on the cops for public sympathy..thats a method akin to liberal tactics
I was going to ask how you would recommend they resist, if their form of resisting is "like a pussy", but I see you've already answered that:
I dont resist so I am no expert..
So since you admit yourself even weaker than a pussy, your opinion in this situation isn't really worth much.

Doesnt matter whether they believed they had to move or not...the cops tell you to move you move..or its resisting.
If the cops are in the wrong take it up in civil court..
This is an incredibly dangerous attitude to hold. It translates into cops can do anything they want, just take it up in court after the fact.

You fall into that school of thought that says "If you don't have anything to hide, you shouldn't mind them coming in to search your home."


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Exactly what means of removal is acceptable?

Or do we allow anarchy to rule and just let them stay?
We're talking specifically about a knot of people sitting on a sidewalk and linking arms. That's hardly anarchy. It's also not a reason for violent force. Police in America are supposed to meet force with like force, aren't they? Or are they supposed to use overwhelming force (shock & awe)? It's not a big deal in a nonviolent protest to peel one person away at a time and arrest them for whatever criminal charge there might be plus resisting arrest.


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The 10-year-old in me just piped up that if they tazed one, the current would hit them all. That might be all it would take.

Alien Allen

Froggy the Prick
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We're talking specifically about a knot of people sitting on a sidewalk and linking arms. That's hardly anarchy. It's also not a reason for violent force. Police in America are supposed to meet force with like force, aren't they? Or are they supposed to use overwhelming force (shock & awe)? It's not a big deal in a nonviolent protest to peel one person away at a time and arrest them for whatever criminal charge there might be plus resisting arrest.

The anarchy is the refusal to move as directed.

I still am waiting to hear of a better way. Because most of the times when people lock together is not pretty getting them separated.

Were I to be there I would have done the same thing except I would have been more active warning that this was coming and almost pleading for cooperation rather than looking like I was going to enjoy spraying it.

If it is a matter of using pepper spray or a baton or tazer I would think the spray is the better of the choices.

I think this is more a matter of some just wanting to let them continue to sit. As I said before maybe they should have been told if they sat then they could sit there until they shit their pants I guess?


Active Member
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Amazing the amount of Americans in this thread who would rather their country be more like China and want to live in a police state. God bless the land of free speech and all that.

It's fucking sad is what it is. You have little punk asses here who laugh at protesters excercising their First Amendment rights and getting pepper sprayed. People like that are cunts that would cry like a little bitch if that happened to them. And then they'd be crying about their rights being violated. Frigging hypocrites - civil rights only applies in their pea brains when it agrees with their misguided right wing ideals.

All Else Failed

Well-Known Member
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Amazing the amount of Americans in this thread who would rather their country be more like China and want to live in a police state. God bless the land of free speech and all that.

I'm not sure you know what a police state is then. Several major cities have bent to OWS's will and let them stay LONGER than they wanted them to, and in most cases dropped all charges against them.


Having way too much fun
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I'm not sure you know what a police state is then. Several major cities have bent to OWS's will and let them stay LONGER than they wanted them to, and in most cases dropped all charges against them.

Show me where it states in the constitution that there is a time limit on peaceable protest.
Show me the part where it says that you can enact laws that stifle free speech or the right to assemble.


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Is the belief that these people are breaking the law by being there? I won't dispute that for argument's sake and because I do not know the details. If this was the case, I am left to wonder...were they arrested first? Did the officers attempt to handcuff them and take them into custody for the specific law they broke before using force of that nature?

I suppose that is the issue more than anything; were ethical measures taken.

Alien Allen

Froggy the Prick
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Show me where it states in the constitution that there is a time limit on peaceable protest.
Show me the part where it says that you can enact laws that stifle free speech or the right to assemble.

Interesting read about freedom of speech and assembly


another site. The following
The Supreme Court has struck a balance between these competing goals of free speech and keeping order. The Court has held that the government may place reasonable restrictions on the time, the place, and the manner in which people speak and assemble. So, the government can limit the hours of assembly in a public park so long as that limitation is reasonable. Courts have consistently held that shutting down public parks at night is a reasonable thing to do, even if it means that people will not be able to utilize the park to assemble.



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Holy shit, lol. VERBATIM quotes being posted here from FOX. Internet tough boy all else failed - who giggles at students getting pepper sprayed - stated "the cops are allowed" to use pepper spray in circumstances like these. Megan Kelly and Bill O'Reilly say the same fucking thing!! :24:

FOX says - FOX-Bots repeat. Classic!!! Way to think for yourelves boys. :clap


BUT - that's not the really funny part. Megan Kelly says "Pepper spray is essentially a food product". I'm really disappointed the FOX parrots didn't repeat that line. That would have been EPIC!

Some funny internet comments on Megan:

Megyn Kelly on fire hoses: "It’s a sports beverage, essentially!"

Megyn Kelly on police dogs: "It’s a family pet, essentially!"

Megyn Kelly on tasers: "It’s static cling, essentially!"

Megyn Kelly on rubber bullets: "It’s a pencil eraser, essentially!"

Megyn Kelly on hand grenades: "It’s a Fourth of July firework, essentially! God bless America."

Megyn Kelly on brains; "It's skull space-filler, essentially."