Occupy Oakland Raids

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The Man

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IF they needed to be moved...moving them one by one. There weren't that many. I believe the article states they were not required to move. You can check that out for me in case I'm wrong
How can you move them one by one if they are arm locked together...thats the entire purpose of the arm link correct?

The Man

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You could be wrong about this you know. According to the statements in the article I posted they were not suppossed to be removed. I am able to accept if this is correct, that the cops messed up.

Irrelevant..they were given instruction by the police and refused..they should comply and follow up in civil court if they had the right to be there.
Reasonable force was used for movement ....whether they needed moved or not is a separate issue

All Else Failed

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You just play one on the internet, right?

See this is evidence to me that you may not know what a neo-conservative is. There are different types of conservatism.

They are not allowed to use chemical or non lethal or any other weapons as a convenience. You are simply repeating the same talking points I heard on the right wing shows today.

Talk to any cop. They are allowed to use pepper spray if it will make apprehending or handling people easier. They are trained to do it that way. Nothing new at all.

Good to know I have that kind of mental control over you. That's expected of the type of person that laughs at others suffering at the hands of police brutality.

haha, no I wouldn't call it that. There have been people much worse than you in here before. You're simple a source of entertainment.

and good job at posting that e-thug picture seeing as how you've basically been posing as one threatening me and others on here. You'll grow up one day.

The Man

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There were enough cops to do the lifting in unison...we are talking about intelligent beings, aren't we?
And lift them from behind?..all at once?
Have you tried lifting a grown person from behind?..then add in resistance.
Then do what set the entire chain else where to block another location?

No mspoppy....move means move..not hang on to your partner...to be lifted all at once...later when other officers arrive.

They were sprayed...no big deal....they kept hanging on...they didnt mind it at all
As a matter of fact they got exactly want they wanted...forced movement by police.
Everyone is a winner

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I suspect if arrest is what these students wanted and the police had walked away that they would eventually get tired of sitting there and they would move. No point in resisting if there is noone around to resist.

The Man

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Either that or they knew they didn't have to move...I guess the cops got suspended for doing a good job
Doesnt matter whether they believed they had to move or not...the cops tell you to move you move..or its resisting.
If the cops are in the wrong take it up in civil court..

By the way I havent read the article..who cleared then to not be moved?


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What part of excessive force do you not understand? Are you trying to take the piss or do you really have the thought process of a fucking moron just like I happen to be?

Excessive force would have been smackin' 'em upside the head a dozen times with their billy club not spraying 'em with some shit that will warsh off with some water.

I'm going with the moron option for you given this comment. The unfortunate thing is you can't beat me in the moron department cuz I is the biggest moron here.

Go take some Tylenol and lay the fuck down - your asshole has gotta hurt with your own head so far up it.

I would love to say that's the case because at least then there would be some relief from the constant barrage of cry baby shit spewing from your pacifist mouth. Get the fuck off your ass and go do some real yippin' to the people that might be able to effect some change. Go ahead Johnny... you show 'em how fucking tough you really are. While you're at it take a few shots of spray for the team.


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Doesnt matter whether they believed they had to move or not...the cops tell you to move you move..or its resisting.
If the cops are in the wrong take it up in civil court..

By the way I havent read the article..who cleared then to not be moved?

Here is part of the article. It might not be able to be accessed as it was a temporary pass link. My mistake. It can be accessed by google for the temporary pass to read.
Quote from article: "I eagerly await the results of the review, and intend to act quickly to implement reforms that will safeguard the rights of our students, faculty and staff to engage in nonviolent protest," said U.C. Davis Chancellor Linda Katehi in a statement Monday. During an appearance Monday morning on a San Francisco radio station, Ms. Katehi said campus police were supposed to allow students to continue nonviolent protests.
Police "were not supposed to use force. It was never called for. They were not supposed to move the students," Ms. Katehi said on the public radio station, KQED. "I was filled with outrage and sadness," she added.


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Point is if they were within their rights not to move, and someone screwed up, then they are not the little monster nasties you want them to be.


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See this is evidence to me that you may not know what a neo-conservative is. There are different types of conservatism.

I'd wager a Ben Franklin I have a greater grasp of conservatism than you can imagine. You, my friend, are a conservobot whether you admit it or not. It has become quite popular today for right wingers like you to deny it, but you still mange repeat the propaganda - often verbatim what was said on the radio the same day. But reformed conservatves like me see through your facade. You are a typical right wing radio listener - whether you listen to El Rushbo or one of his many wannabee local conservobot talk jocks - you still abide by the same propaganda.

Talk to any cop. They are allowed to use pepper spray if it will make apprehending or handling people easier. They are trained to do it that way. Nothing new at all.

Funny you say talk to any cop. I listened to several today on the radio, and not a single one corroborated your claim.

haha, no I wouldn't call it that. There have been people much worse than you in here before. You're simple a source of entertainment.

I'd call it exactly that. I've debated your type for years. You'll think of me tonight and as you awake in the morning and we will shower and dine together . I'll occupy your dreams.

and good job at posting that e-thug picture seeing as how you've basically been posing as one threatening me and others on here. You'll grow up one day.

I've never threatened anyone tough-boy. I simply suggested it would be entertaining to watch someone like you get a taste of pepper spray and see if you laugh then. You see I've been through chemical weapons training and had to endure military grade CS gas certification annually. That meant having to stand in a building so thick with CS gas that you could not see - and not panic and run for the door - while following the instructions of the instructors for as long as they felt it was necessary.

Bottom line - you don't know what the fuck you are talking about. And you bet your ass I'd pay to watch you put your money where your mouth is.

The Man

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Here is part of the article. It might not be able to be accessed as it was a temporary pass link. My mistake. It can be accessed by google for the temporary pass to read.
Quote from article: "I eagerly await the results of the review, and intend to act quickly to implement reforms that will safeguard the rights of our students, faculty and staff to engage in nonviolent protest," said U.C. Davis Chancellor Linda Katehi in a statement Monday. During an appearance Monday morning on a San Francisco radio station, Ms. Katehi said campus police were supposed to allow students to continue nonviolent protests.
Police "were not supposed to use force. It was never called for. They were not supposed to move the students," Ms. Katehi said on the public radio station, KQED. "I was filled with outrage and sadness," she added.
What were they protesting?.......err..why were they blocking the path?


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Excessive force would have been smackin' 'em upside the head a dozen times with their billy club not spraying 'em with some shit that will warsh off with some water.

I would love to say that's the case because at least then there would be some relief from the constant barrage of cry baby shit spewing from your pacifist mouth. Get the fuck off your ass and go do some real yippin' to the people that might be able to effect some change. Go ahead Johnny... you show 'em how fucking tough you really are. While you're at it take a few shots of spray for the team.

Damn Geezer, you're a funny old fucker. :24:

And unlike many, I have been up off my ass and been to the protests, and will go to more. I'll also write some checks to the American Civil Liberties Union to help them sue the ass off these corporate Praetorian Guards that pass for law enforcement in the United States today.

G'nite ya cranky old Canuck bastard. I gotta take my pinko commie hippie ass to bed so I can get up at 0400 and earn some quid to give to the cause of freedom and liberty so old curmudgeon's like you south of the border can be free to piss and moan about people like me. ;)

The Man

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Point is if they were within their rights not to move, and someone screwed up, then they are not the little monster nasties you want them to be.
Sure they are
Failure to comply.
Little rebel arm linkers..told to move and refused..they were warned but were willing to take the spray
It was a choice..they wanted to be sprayed...So why are people complaining?


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Damn Geezer, you're a funny old fucker. :24:

And unlike many, I have been up off my ass and been to the protests, and will go to more. I'll also write some checks to the American Civil Liberties Union to help them sue the ass off these corporate Praetorian Guards that pass for law enforcement in the United States today.

G'nite ya cranky old Canuck bastard. I gotta take my pinko commie hippie ass to bed so I can get up at 0400 and earn some quid to give to the cause of freedom and liberty so old curmudgeon's like you south of the border can be free to piss and moan about people like me. ;)

Finally after all this time you're getting the message. And to think people were saying there wasn't any hope for you. Ha... where they wrong eh !

Sweet dreams moonbeam...........................

*** betcha he'll get up in the morning and think that last post of his was nothing but a bad dream ***


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What were they protesting?.......err..why were they blocking the path?

OK, Look...I have mixed feelings and thoughts about all this OWS and OOS, and all the other O's. However, when something does not sit right in me, I pay attention to it. This did not look or feel right, and I think I am accurate....Everyone out there protesting is not a thug or a malcontent. Cops can get overzealous, or they can get the wrong info from their superiors. Saying that doesn't mean I hate them. And challenging you doesn't mean I have to try and change you or make you my enemy.
I can just as fast jump on someones case about their rant that is pro OWS, as yours, for some of what I percieve as their inconsistencies...it makes no difference to me. We are just going in circles here so I am going to back off. You didn't even attempt to read the article...I put some of the dialogue up for you, and you regressed, so I guess we are done for tonight...til the next round my friend:willy_nilly:

The Man

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OK, Look...I have mixed feelings and thoughts about all this OWS and OOS, and all the other O's. However, when something does not sit right in me, I pay attention to it. This did not look or feel right, and I think I am accurate....Everyone out there protesting is not a thug or a malcontent. Cops can get overzealous, or they can get the wrong info from their superiors. Saying that doesn't mean I hate them. And challenging you doesn't mean I have to try and change you or make you my enemy.
I can just as fast jump on someones case about their rant that is pro OWS, as yours, for some of what I percieve as their inconsistencies...it makes no difference to me. We are just going in circles here so I am going to back off. You didn't even attempt to read the article...I put some of the dialogue up for you, and you regressed, so I guess we are done for tonight...til the next round my friend:willy_nilly:
One shouldn't let their feeling determine as to whether or not the force was excessive...let alone in this case "whether or not they had a right to be there"..which is irrelevant to the instructions given of "move it..you are blocking the path"...Force was needed and used.

But yet we dont even know if they had a right to block the path per the article....by no means does it make it official.
She said she was looking for a way to have non violent protests ...no law was stated that they had the right.

Even if they did they/ still should have complied and took the matter up in civil court as a police harassment .
Holler at you tomorrow Mspoppy