Your detective and reading skills are unsurpassed! Bravo!

Unless you were there gathering the data, or have high factual confidence in the neutrality of the data, it's
exactly a matter of who you want to believe.
Nowhere have I claimed the data is biased. I just said its not in a form and format conducive to drawing meaningful comparisons, which its not.
Again, take GDP. I can't compare the raw GDP data of the US and say Camaroon and say US workers are more productive. The fact that US GDP is something like 1000X that of Cameroon doesn't tell me shit about how productive US workers are compared to workers in Camaroon. All it tells you is that the total value of goods and services produced in the US is higher than Camaroon.
Now take and adjust that GDP data for population, ie per capita GDP. That will give you a meaninful comparison as to how productive the workers are. If on average a US worker produces $10k in goods and services and the average worker in Camaroon produces $100 in goods and services, you can reasonably say that US workers are more productive.
You CAN NOT use life expectancy values that include factors COMPLETELY UNRELATED TO HEALTH CARE to compare how good health care systems are. Think of it this way, with the unrelated factors, if two health care systems were both equally effective, keeping sick people alive to age 100, the one with more accidental instant deaths (car accidents and the like) would have a lower life expectancy. Thats just the way the math works.
The burden is not on me to disprove the numbers the posted as a viable comparison, the burden is on you to show that they are. It should be a simple task to just read the methodology and make a rational logical decision.
In contrast, the table I posted tells you exactly what they did to adjust the data. Its normalized for accidental death. The full mathematical methodology is also included in the full text.
Now maybe this concept is non-obvious to people who don't deal with data on a daily basis, but the concept shouldn't be hard to understand...