Fox Mulder
Active Member
Uhh, seriously the "W" bumper stickers on supporters' cars during the past two elections. I saw both "W" and "Dubya" stickers. And no, those stickers were not making fun of him. Check the pronunciation at Wiktionary. Here is a SAMPLE.
Give up?
I'll repeat my previous link in larger letters and underline it for you--unfortunately, I can't use your communication medium of choice (crayons) here on the Interet!
A nickname for George W. Bush. It is usually used by opponents of George W. Bush and those making fun of him.
Do you understand the word "usually" -- it doesn't mean exclusively--it doesn't mean that people on the right don't also use it. This was in response to your absurd claim that people on the left don't stoop to using perjorative names to case aspersions on member of the opposite party!
So do you give up or do I need to use larger letters? I could write it out in crayon, scan it, and post that if it would make it easier for you.