Fox Mulder
Active Member
Actually I don't think they would. You'll just have to find an example to prove me wrong.
The problem if we gave you examples, you wouldn't believe it. I gave you an example in another thread how badly Kerry distorted Cheney's relationship with Haliburton--I gave you a link to bipartisan group that said Kerry lied about Cheney. That's one example of thousands I could give you but you'd write it off as bullshit.
I also gave you an entire thread about how badly the Democrats distorted the FISA wiretap issue--I gave you cites to the only two federal cases where the judges both decided in favor of the President, but you still believe Bush's wiretapping is illegal despite the fact the law is crytal clear on it.
Like Alien Allen said, both parties play these games and you have to be a complete political hack to believe your party does not.