N Korea Conducts Nuclear Test

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Minor Axis

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Do you think North Korea is ready to blow itself up or become a nuclear wasteland because they do not know how to store and properly dispose of the nuclear crap?

You may be giving more credit to N.K. than is due... I view the elder leader as a very dangerous individual who does not use logic to make decisions.
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You may be giving more credit to N.K. than is due... I view the elder leader as a very dangerous individual who does not use logic to make decisions.

If I were to blindly read the stories (not insinuating you do), then his brash actions may indicate a level of insanity a little above normal.

However, his country's citizens are not pulling a coup d'etat, which means a) they are satisfied with the life they are living, or b) he effectively keeps the in check with fear; maybe a combination of both, after such a long time in the leadership position.

However, his coyness in playing ball only for a good few months, then changing course indicates it really was a game of diplomacy or whatever you wish to term it. The best defense is a good offense, and by participating in the negotiations for some time may have allowed him to execute some infrastructure moves, which would pave the way (pardon the pun) for reigniting the original plans.

Which would indicate a level of logic not always seen by the general public (me) of their leaders (the PotUS).

So, while you may not think North Korea's leader uses logic, I think his actions indicate a more hidden agenda than meets the eye (at first anyways).

For example, I remember seeing some "Battle 360" program on the History Channel, where a smaller unit of forces retreated into a smaller area, thus limiting the power of numbers of the larger army.

It is a long analogy, but I think it applies.


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If I were to blindly read the stories (not insinuating you do), then his brash actions may indicate a level of insanity a little above normal.

However, his country's citizens are not pulling a coup d'etat, which means a) they are satisfied with the life they are living, or b) he effectively keeps the in check with fear; maybe a combination of both, after such a long time in the leadership position.

Holy shit, the man is fucking insane, his people are starving and have absolutely no hope of improving their lives. He rules as all dictators do with fear, if you stand up or question him and his regime you or your family are killed. That is why the people of NK do not rise up, how would they be able to stand up to an army.
And also you will not hear anything about what happens in NK as Kim what's his name controls the entire NK media, he censors everything and even the people of NK are kept in the dark, they are not allowed communication with the outside world, even prisoners have it better.

The man is crazy and is intent on creating some crazy shit before he dies, people like him make me scared for the future awaiting my sons.


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North korea threaten every two years and never do anything about it, there right on schedule for there bi yearly threat so let them have there fun


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N. Korea will continue to conduct tests to fool USA and UN. The tensioin dies down like what happened prior to the latest test. Then after a cuople of months they will conduct another test. USA and UN will roar again. What next? Then Iran will do likewise and then USA and UN will roar again like the cat and mouse game.


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Holy shit, the man is fucking insane, his people are starving and have absolutely no hope of improving their lives. He rules as all dictators do with fear, if you stand up or question him and his regime you or your family are killed. That is why the people of NK do not rise up, how would they be able to stand up to an army.
And also you will not hear anything about what happens in NK as Kim what's his name controls the entire NK media, he censors everything and even the people of NK are kept in the dark, they are not allowed communication with the outside world, even prisoners have it better.

The man is crazy and is intent on creating some crazy shit before he dies, people like him make me scared for the future awaiting my sons.

Only to someone who is not used to such things, you would say that he is terribly insane.

The people of North Korea have decided it is better to live in fear, than to do anything about their situation.

Sounds like the dictator is winning on that front. Now he does not have to worry (too much) about his people, he can concentrate on other things.


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But I would not think with Obama in charge I would hold out much hope for anything other than appeasement.

That's because diplomacy actually means something in this administration.

Anyways, I agree with the notion that NK is just making noise. The news recycles this story about every six months, we have this same conversation, and then they go away like the passive little place they are. Sure, they have a batshit crazy dictator, but there's a reason our resources are in the ME, not there.

The people of NK have Stockholm Syndrome. They haven't "decided" that living in fear is preferred...they've simply conformed to their ruthless dictator out of routine.


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Do you think North Korea is ready to blow itself up or become a nuclear wasteland because they do not know how to store and properly dispose of the nuclear crap?

Seriously, I think North Korea realizes the advantages of having people living inside of their borders; maybe not showing the socially accepted appreciation, but I do think North Korea understands its citizens value.

He won't let themselves become a nuclear wasteland, but he certainly won't dispose of the waste properly. I bet he throws it all into the pacific.

The guy is crazy and doesn't care for anything but power and money. He spends the money on himself and his military and lets his people starve. That's why we send aid to his people. I don't think the man is stupid, but I don't think he cares about anything but himself. So his decisions will reflect that.

Minor Axis

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The guy is crazy and doesn't care for anything but power and money. He spends the money on himself and his military and lets his people starve. That's why we send aid to his people. I don't think the man is stupid, but I don't think he cares about anything but himself. So his decisions will reflect that.

Characteristic of the temptation facing dictators in combination with their egos?


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It does make me nervous... NK never follows the rules that other countries are obliging to. On one hand, we, the US, have plenty of defense to stand up against a nuclear launch from NK. The likelyhood that they could do any real damage to us is slim to none. So I say, let them flex their muscles, and if they decide to attack us, we'll shoot down whatever they send our way, and retaliate with a force they cannot reckon with.

On the other hand, the possibility of them sending a nuke towards another country exists. Who? I have no idea. Why? I have no idea. But some countries are not equipped to deal with defending against a nuclear strike. So I say, let's take out their ability to launch anything with a quick and clean military operation.

Not sure what to think actually... do we put the US's reputation at risk yet again to try to help out other countries?

Minor Axis

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Diplomacy can't happen unilaterally. North Korea obviously isn't concerned about being diplomatic.

If you take diplomacy seriously, unlike the previous Administration who used it as window dressing, you give it a serious shot and really expend the diplomatic options before resulting to war...


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If you take diplomacy seriously, unlike the previous Administration who used it as window dressing, you give it a serious shot and really expend the diplomatic options before resulting to war...


Diplomacy is what saved our asses during the Cuban Missile Crisis.


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The guy is crazy and doesn't care for anything but power and money. He spends the money on himself and his military and lets his people starve. That's why we send aid to his people. I don't think the man is stupid, but I don't think he cares about anything but himself. So his decisions will reflect that.
This may not be the case.

Adolf Hitler made decisions that had severe reprecussions for the citizens under his rule but it's arguable that he was doing it for Germany's greater good (he seemed to be an avid patriot).


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This may not be the case.

Adolf Hitler made decisions that had severe reprecussions for the citizens under his rule but it's arguable that he was doing it for Germany's greater good (he seemed to be an avid patriot).

The greater good being blonde, blue eyed...

Ok, but seriously we know enough about the situation over there to know that this is not the case.


Some of you seem to be perfectly OK with the fact that we have a corrupt dictator who is trying to push his weight around to increase the amount of foreign aid he gets. He is basically committing extortion. Yet some of you are fine with paying for the things we send over there.


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Ok, but seriously we know enough about the situation over there to know that this is not the case.
How so?
Maybe he wants to establish North Korea as a more prominent force in the world. Maybe he feels his country is under-represented or perhaps he feels that it simply deserves more power, regardless of how many people starve (he may see those people as expendable).


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It does make me nervous... NK never follows the rules that other countries are obliging to. On one hand, we, the US, have plenty of defense to stand up against a nuclear launch from NK. The likelyhood that they could do any real damage to us is slim to none. So I say, let them flex their muscles, and if they decide to attack us, we'll shoot down whatever they send our way, and retaliate with a force they cannot reckon with.

For some reason, I don't think this is all about the United States...

...What about South Korea? If anything goes pare shaped, it's going to be the KPA flooding over the DMZ and throwing EVERYTHING they have at South Korea, not North Korea simply lobbing missiles over to the east coast of the US, although that is a possibility.

On the other hand, the possibility of them sending a nuke towards another country exists. Who? I have no idea. Why? I have no idea. But some countries are not equipped to deal with defending against a nuclear strike. So I say, let's take out their ability to launch anything with a quick and clean military operation.

Clean and quick? I have to disagree.

The 'Korean People's Army' is the 4th largest in the world, with over 1.1 million strong standing army, with a reserve force of 7.7 million. Even with antiquated weaponry, the KPA is still a force to be reckoned with. Over 60% of their military is located within 100km of the DMZ, and I would assume any attempts to strike at their nuclear facilities would result in them invading South Korea.

Not saying that North Korea would win or anything, I just think it would be a very bloody and drawn out affair. This is probably something that North Korea has been preparing for, for about the last 50 years of so.


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Source: The New York Times
North Korea Threatens Military Strikes on South
SEOUL, South Korea — The South Korean and American militaries on Thursday raised their level of alert on North Korea, a day after the Communist North threatened a military clash.
The militaries, which include 25,000 United States troops based in South Korea, raised the alert from Level 3 to Level 2, the Defense Ministry of South Korea said. The shift involves a significant increase in reconnaissance flights and spy satellite activities, as well as more vigorous gathering and analysis of electronic data from the North for signs of possible provocations, ministry officials said.
Level 2 is the second highest level of vigilance and it is invoked when military officials fear “a grave threat” from the North, the defense officials said.