You are consistently illustrating why it's impossible to continue any meaningful interaction. Once you indicated my views were BS, there was no point.
I'll repeat it for you slowly... I tell you what I would prefer to see in heaven, and you call my views BS and that I am attacking your beliefs. I question the documentation upon which your beliefs are based on. If that is an attack it's your problem. I have never linked or tried to link my desires to have a spiritual existence with the documentation that exists for what you believe.
And what makes you any better calling my thoughts BS, especially as a Christian you thought I was some poor lost soul? Your response is basically FU, lol. The reality is that your views are set in stone, that any questions are received as attacks. If you are not up for this kind of a discussion instead of lashing out blindly, and doing EXACTLY what you accuse me of doing, instead try to say something intelligent, or don't get involved.
Even if I believed in spirits, you think your views are better because you have the truth in an old moldy book manipulated by Rome to suit their purposes, lol. This will be my last tit for tat, unless you manage to say something extraordinarily witty. I'm not holding my breath.
You are consistently illustrating why it's impossible to continue any meaningful interaction. Once you indicated my views were BS, there was no point.
I see your point.
Once you've been shown to be a Bullshitter, it would be more logical from your pov to avoid attempting a rebuttal that would only drag out the conversation.
Thank you for conceding you are a Bullshitter
I tell you what I would prefer to see in heaven....
Wow.....that's the first time I think you've used the term 'heaven' in a conversation with me.
As an agnostic with an empirical mindset, isn't the concept of recognizing the possibility of heaven a major contradiction in your personal philosophy? .......wait a're Bullshitting me again!!!
and you call my views BS and that I am attacking your beliefs.
Yeah, getting called out for hypocrisy seems to have upset you.
Well.....that's debate.
I question the documentation upon which your beliefs are based on.
No....your line of questioning was disguised in comparing 'stories' and why one was more or less believable than the other.
MA.......this is exactly the issue I have with you.
You are intellectually dishonest.
You did wind up challenging my personal beliefs, but I didn't present them for debate let alone as fact.
You attacked me as if I was a fundamentalist.
You fucked up and I have called you on it.
You are only making yourself look worse by continuing on in this vein of attack.
I have never linked or tried to link my desires to have a spiritual existence with the documentation that exists for what you believe.
I never claimed you did.
You claim a belief in a fantasy spirit world with no basis for the rationalization other than an issue of it being a belief.......even more interesting is that it's hope......
Hope is the emotional state which promotes the belief in a positive outcome related to events and circumstances in one's life.
You are a hypocrite.
You have a belief with out any basis, call it hope, and attack me on my personal beliefs .
Do you see me arguing with anyone else over their personal beliefs at this time?
I'm not because they projected their position with out attacking me.
Go back and reread my posts in this or any thread. I have not challenged anyone to debate the correctness of what I believe.
You picked me out to challenge while violating you're own logic and admit that your intention all along was to attack Christian beliefs.
You are intellectually dishonest.
You're a hypocrite.
And what makes you any better calling my thoughts BS
What makes me better?
The issue isn't me....the issue is you. And it's not just your thoughts that are Bullshit, it's your honesty in approaching me in the manner that you did.
I think you are a weasel.
especially as a Christian you thought I was some poor lost soul?
I think you've lost a few marbles.
Your response is basically FU, lol.
And the horse you rode in on
The reality is that your views are set in stone
That's my name, don't wear it out....
If you are not up for this kind of a discussion instead of lashing out blindly, and doing EXACTLY what you accuse me of doing, instead try to say something intelligent, or don't get involved
Let me guess, every thing I've posted went completely over your head.
I suspect you've been used to kicking the crap out of fundamentalists.
You fucked up again.
Even if I believed in spirits....
Wow......disclaiming your faith in a fantasy spirit world and all I had to do was show you what a hypocrite you are.
Maybe you'll use a better line on the next target you choose?
you think your views are better because you have the truth in an old moldy book manipulated by Rome to suit their purposes,
:eek....sour grapes ....

This will be my last tit for tat, unless you manage to say something extraordinarily witty. I'm not holding my breath.