I'll stay focused on my participation in these threads. Some members feel passionate about their positions.
Then I agree, Smith's integrity is in question. But when I compare two people who claim spiritual interaction what makes that one's claim true and the other false? Everything we know about Jesus is the writings of others. Smith serves as a great example of the power of persuasion. Surround any individual with enough people who believe, and there you go. There is no external proof in the case of Smith or of Jesus. IMO no God required. There are just a bunch of followers who spread the word.
Until I can witness, the miracles attributed to Jesus or whatever miraculous thing Smith was supposed to have done, I'd call it group delusion. The interesting thing about scripture is that my understanding is that very little if anything was written during Jesus life. It was written after his death, in some cases a couple hundred years later. So the people being deluded did not even witness any of the miracles. They are just easily influenced and willing to believe. I can easily imagine God up there, not the Biblical God with all these purported requirements for human beings, but a divine entity sitting there chuckling, "suckers!" That's if it even gets involved with us on a personal basis.
I'd be happy to hear about any prophecies written close to 2000 years ago that have come true.
The difference between me and a religion is that I've not set up a church and preached this concept as gospel nor have I asked for money to support me and my cause. And as I've said before I have not reached the threshold of belief because I have nothing to go on but a feeling and hope. I make no claims about God's love, expectations, requirements, or punishments. However, I'll admit that the only reason I find the spiritual realm appealing is due to love.
The church for whatever reason includes the Old Testament as... a... testament, something that is supposed to have a basis for truth/faith. If it's in the book, it holds as much importance to the Church as Christ's story. I consider a lot of the OT to be a tall tale. Consequently it undermines church teachings and authority. It does serve a purpose though, by keeping around such questionable, I'd say outlandish stories, it helps people like me recognize it for what it is.
Yes, I believe I hope.
Some members feel passionate about their positions.
Some members seem to feel more passionate about what other members believe
what makes that one's claim true and the other false?
The issue isn't whether Smith's position is true or false.......it's false beyond reasonable doubt. His crimes are documented.
There are no ways to address Christ's life other than the written history of 2000 years ago.
We call that scripture and his life is only chronicled in the New Testament.
It's up to the reader to discern the validity.
You want a trial ( in the legal sense) scenario, but even the concept of the topic ( a superior being that mostly resides out side our physical reality) evades scientific investigation, so forensics are out of the question automatically in regard to most of these ancient claims.
Essentially, it's an issue of considering the accounts of those involved.
Consider, how can you even prove you have a 'spirit' with in you when medical science has problems defining 'conscious thought'. It's not the brain but it definitely has an association with it. Is it real or just an accumulation of interacting electrical impulses?
If it's only the latter, I should point out that after the brain turns off in death, those electrical interactions no longer exist.
So how would you prove the validity of your own belief in spirituality using science....a tool that only investigates this physical/material existence?
You ask for proofs statements where none can be generated because the topic is faith based.
Until I can witness, the miracles attributed to Jesus or whatever miraculous thing Smith was supposed to have done, I'd call it group delusion.
Why should I care what you believe......unless you are imposing it on me?
All you are doing is arguing why you reject certain beliefs.
Sincerely, I don't care what you believe or why beyond curiosity.
If you state a belief as fact, I might be interested on several levels.
First would be enlightenment, the second would be determining the validity of the claim.
I actually enjoy debating fundamentalists on evolution.
But let's face it......your posts do argue for the rejection of Christian faith. I see an agenda that keeps popping up,,,,,,,challenge the unknowable, challenge what can't be addressed, challenge faith as if it were an investigatable fact.
Really, what do you care what faith I embrace?
You are obviously not investigating for your personal benefit/enlightenment.
You've already rejected the concept of a superior being.
But, curiosity again, how are you able to embrace an unknowable on one hand and reject it on another?
You argue with me to prove my faith, but have constructed one for yourself with out a shred of basis.
Why can't you accept that I see my faith as the best explanation for the unprovable.
You do. You see your spirituality as the best explanation.
Should I argue that your beliefs are bogus?
I'd be happy to hear about any prophecies written close to 2000 years ago that have come true.
'true'....again with the sophistry.
See how you constantly attack faith through context?
The coming of Christ in the New Testament is the accepted fulfilling of Old Testament prophecies.
Of course, atheists don't feel the same as the believers

Gotta prove it scientifically
The difference between me and a religion is that I've not set up a church and preached this concept as gospel
I'm not here representing a church or organized religion.
You are here to deny and rebut faith on a scientific level.....a major contradiction of concepts.
I have no idea why you keep explaining your position.
It's irrelevant to the discussion .
You argue essentially that religion/faith is foolish from a secular pov because you can't investigate a belief on a scientific level.
Well of course faith can't be investigated on a scientific level. It wouldn't be faith if it could, it would be evidence with proof statements.
Maybe you are used to arguing with fundamentalists that do consider faith (derivations of the Holy Bible ) as proof statements that can be scientifically studied.......but you aren't addressing one now .
The church for whatever reason includes the Old Testament as... a... testament, something that is supposed to have a basis for truth/faith.
Are you debating me or a church?
What part of 'the life and lessons of Christ' start in the New Testament didn't you understand?
What are you debating?
Attacking organized religion or the concept of faith?
If it's in the book, it holds as much importance to the Church as Christ's story.
I'm not a church.
I'm not a member of a church.
I've never been a member of a church.
What does that statement have to do with anything I've been discussing?
I've even posted my belief that the Holy Bible isn't the inerrant Word of God.
Are you just using this discussion with me to attack organized religion?
The more I discuss faith with you, the more I see that as your agenda.
I consider a lot of the OT to be a tall tale.
That's nice for you.