Better for free men to abuse themselves than to have others add to that abuse with laws of prohibition.
What is the best model for children?
Seeing law used to punish those who want to be responsible for their own bodies, good or bad in the eyes of others,
seeing law used to allow people to be autonomous and have control of their bodies and lives?
Again, you need to correct the formatting of the post I'm quoting.
From your post as originally viewed:
You have also started a thread on legalizing something you call 'forgiving' drugs.....
Surely you see a connection between allowing the rampant abuse of such drugs and the deterioration of morality and family values?
Your response:
That appears either your failure of observation or denial of reality.
Continued response:
If all moral values are projected in the laws of the nation, then having stupid laws is counter to moral actions.
That's an 'if' statement irrelevant to my comment and position. You need to deal with reality and respond.
I don't argue for the present criminalization laws.
Your argument, however, is one of advancing a culture of drug abuse in the obvious face of it's negative impact.
So far, your argument is one of denial.
Continued response:
Legalizing drugs that kill us and making illegal drugs that do not is insane.
Arguing for a culture of drug abuse is also insane.
What is the best moral lesson for us to give our children?
For them to use laws for the greatest gain to society or to use laws for the least?
The best is to write laws wisely.
So far, your argument is one of teaching children that there is no downside in conducting a lifetime spent in a culture of drug abuse and essentially that the selfish quest for instant gratification over rides rational thinking.
How the hell can you rationalize widespread abuse of drugs with setting a good example to children?
Seems a gigantic contradiction.
( format issues )
Better for free men to abuse themselves than to have others add to that abuse with laws of prohibition.
What is the best model for children?
This line of reasoning is under the heading of 'fallacy'.
False/defective logic
What you are presenting is called a false dilemma, or commonly ....either/or fallacy.
You are limiting the choice to fit your bias.
Your bias being to argue for legalization of a culture of drug abuse, not the welfare of children that are lacking of capacity to make adult judgement.
The best model for children is truth and a model to present is that restraint can have rewards in this situation, not your position of underwritting a mental and physical negative.
That's the third choice you neglected to present.
you posted:
Seeing law used to punish those who want to be responsible for their own bodies, good or bad in the eyes of others,
You are merely denying the gravity of what acceptance of a culture of drug abuse entails and ignoring that my position focuses on restraint of abuse rather than punishment as a means of control.
Your position is one of arguing in a manner that condones drug abuse.
Here it is------>
"Better for free men to abuse themselves "
And there's another fallacy.
It's a fallacy of comparison. Incorrect comparison.
It's better that men not be abused by any means, free or not.
Seeing law used to punish those who want to be responsible for their own bodies, good or bad in the eyes of others,
Another fallacy.
Children are not considered responsible but are definitely impressionable.
The concept of 'good or bad' is being made in their subconscious and you are arguing that drug abuse is a positive concept that imparts freedom, when the reverse is actually the situation.
It's an issue of chemical slavery.
Your argument is one of relative influence on children. Meaning lesser dependence is preferable to greater dependence, rather than a model that presents independence as a virtue.
................. allow people to be autonomous and have control of their bodies and lives?
What a crock
That's generally not a trait of chemically induced entertainment by drugs seen as dangerous to mental health and society .
Talk about distortion of reality :cool
BTW.....drug use and abuse in Portugal has not been legalized, it's been decriminalized . I've posted this in your other thread with a responsible source.,8599,1893946,00.html
The sale of drugs is still illegal.
I favor decriminalization of use/abuse.
But definitely not legalization........that sends the message of drug abuse being acceptable conduct. That merely intensifies social problems associated with drug abuse. It's not a solution.
As far as your quoting libertarian sources....I've been noticing the concept 'libertarianism' means, to libertarians, not concepts of individual freedom so much , more the concept of what the individual is free to get away with in imposing himself/herself upon others.
Ludvig's motto is: "do not give in to evil but proceed ever more boldly against it."
Seems rather contradictory to an argument of acceptance and support of a culture of drug abuse.