Men and their deteriorating moral and family values.

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Greatest I am

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Men and their deteriorating moral and family values.

As members of Western democratic nation, we have witnessed a marked deterioration in morality and family values.

Children start at an early age to sample the pleasures life offers them in the world of drugs, sex, autonomy and abuse of the safety nets that we as parents have put in place for them.
They do these things because they see us, their parents, doing the same thing. We are reaping what we are sowing. It is impossible to keep our abusive adult activities from passing down to our children. They know all our little secrets and tricks and will continue to emulate us.

Over time, looking at parents and our interaction with our children; especially today; the internet and other technologies have drastically reduced the parent child interaction. It is obvious to anyone withgood judgement; collectively our morals and ethics have declined along with our family values.

Proof of this lies in how we allow our children to dress and act.

We are basically allowing our children, male and female, to look and act like skanks and whores.

We are allowing or male children to run amuck and act like irresponsible bull studs with no responsibility for their illegitimate children. We men also facilitate the rampant drug us, both legal and illegal.

Both men and women are to blame. Men, as the institutionally sanctioned heads of the family; must carry more blame. The world is not witnessing men stepping up to this responsibility. You, as a man are not walking your talk.

As men, if we are to call ourselves true men, should consider doing so. Perhaps we can stop acting like spoiled children ourselves and start giving our children a good example.

Women will also have to stop looking like and teaching their daughters to look like skanks and whores. We must stop teaching our children to idolize certain questionable entertainers who will do nothing but ensure a next generation of skanks and whores.

Do you agree?


P S. Morality has a price. To increase ours will take wealth. Are our children worth it to us?
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After reading this painfully strewn block of text, it occurs to me that you sir, are in dire need of a screaming orgasm.


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Men and their deteriorating moral and family values.

As members of Western democratic nation, we have witnessed a marked deterioration in morality and family values.

You have also started a thread on legalizing something you call 'forgiving' drugs.....
Surely you see a connection between allowing the rampant abuse of such drugs and the deterioration of morality and family values?

Perhaps we can stop acting like spoiled children ourselves and start giving our children a good example.
How the hell can you rationalize widespread abuse of drugs with setting a good example to children?
Seems a gigantic contradiction.


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Men and their deteriorating moral and family values.

As members of Western democratic nation, we have witnessed a marked deterioration in morality and family values.

Children start at an early age to sample the pleasures life offers them in the world of drugs, sex, autonomy and abuse of the safety nets that we as parents have put in place for them.
They do these things because they see us, their parents, doing the same thing. We are reaping what we are sowing. It is impossible to keep our abusive adult activities from passing down to our children. They know all our little secrets and tricks and will continue to emulate us.

Over time, looking at parents and our interaction with our children; especially today; the internet and other technologies have drastically reduced the parent child interaction. It is obvious to anyone withgood judgement; collectively our morals and ethics have declined along with our family values.

Proof of this lies in how we allow our children to dress and act.

We are basically allowing our children, male and female, to look and act like skanks and whores.

We are allowing or male children to run amuck and act like irresponsible bull studs with no responsibility for their illegitimate children. We men also facilitate the rampant drug us, both legal and illegal.

Both men and women are to blame. Men, as the institutionally sanctioned heads of the family; must carry more blame. The world is not witnessing men stepping up to this responsibility. You, as a man are not walking your talk.

As men, if we are to call ourselves true men, should consider doing so. Perhaps we can stop acting like spoiled children ourselves and start giving our children a good example.

Women will also have to stop looking like and teaching their daughters to look like skanks and whores. We must stop teaching our children to idolize certain questionable entertainers who will do nothing but ensure a next generation of skanks and whores.

Do you agree?


P S. Morality has a price. To increase ours will take wealth. Are our children worth it to us?

I'm copying this to my computer. I think I found a use for it...



Slightly Acidic
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I'd like to know just who is responsible for this "institution" that has sanctioned men as the head of households? By whose authority do they get to make that pronouncement? I think there just might be a few billion women on this planet who might not agree that men are somehow "sanctioned" to be their superiors.


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a ton of modern women are massive failures as well

Well fuck you very much, Ron :p

I'm pretty sure every generation thinks the one below them is screwing everything up, running riot with drink and drugs and underage sex, and needs to be stopped before it's too late. But we also look at our parents and say 'gosh they were far too conservative about modern life'.

Different to how things were once done doesn't always mean bad.


old, but new
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i will agree that kids are growing up faster now a days. my children are exposed to way more than i ever was at their age. that being said...its my responsibility as a parent to make sure they are getting exposed to the things i want them to. do i cuss, yes i do but not around my children. do i have sex, yes but not in front of my children.

my 16 year old knows that i do not want to be a grandma yet. i can tell him until i am blue in the face about sex before marraige. i was 16 once.....i did what i wanted to. that being said...i tell him to make smart choices....realize that whoever he sticks it in....who else has she had stick it in.....cover it up, too many diseases and pregnancy. because i tell him this does it make me less of a mom, or prove that i have a lack of morals...NO.

as parents we all strive to give our children more than we had, and to not make the same mistakes that we did. we can preach or talk til blue in the face about sex, drugs, are still gonna "buck the system" that in no way makes me immoral or to assume that my husband has no morals as well. you cant lump everyone into the same group and say we are allowing our children to do this.....

Greatest I am

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You have also started a thread on legalizing something you call 'forgiving' drugs.....
Surely you see a connection between allowing the rampant abuse of such drugs and the deterioration of morality and family values?


If all moral values are projected in the laws of the nation, then having stupid laws is counter to moral actions.

Legalizing drugs that kill us and making illegal drugs that do not is insane.

What is the best moral lesson for us to give our children?
For them to use laws for the greatest gain to society or to use laws for the least?

How the hell can you rationalize widespread abuse of drugs with setting a good example to children?
Seems a gigantic contradiction.

Better for free men to abuse themselves than to have others add to that abuse with laws of prohibition.

What is the best model for children?

Seeing law used to punish those who want to be responsible for their own bodies, good or bad in the eyes of others,
seeing law used to allow people to be autonomous and have control of their bodies and lives?


Greatest I am

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I agree with alot of your post GIA. Kids are definitely growing up too fast these days

I do not mind so much the rate that children grow up at.

The problem is that they grow up following the example of irresponsible parents, peers and society.


Greatest I am

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What does this mean?

Have you noticed that poorer you are, the more likely it is that you will get in trouble with the law?

IOW, poor people are basically forced to do more evil and be less moral in our eyes.

The richer you are, the less likely are the chances that you will need to break a law and show immorality.

Check the number of unwed mothers who got pregnant just to get on the dole and get away from an even poorer life at home.

If we want immorality to drop in our countries, we will have to invest in the poor and middle classes.


Greatest I am

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I'd like to know just who is responsible for this "institution" that has sanctioned men as the head of households? By whose authority do they get to make that pronouncement? I think there just might be a few billion women on this planet who might not agree that men are somehow "sanctioned" to be their superiors.

Would you agree that the majority in the world follow the Abrahamic God?
Christians, Catholics, Muslims and Eastern orthodoxy are what, 80% of the population of the world?

Would you also agree that in those religions, the male is pronounced to be the head of women?
If not, read Genesis 3.


Greatest I am

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i will agree that kids are growing up faster now a days. my children are exposed to way more than i ever was at their age. that being said...its my responsibility as a parent to make sure they are getting exposed to the things i want them to. do i cuss, yes i do but not around my children. do i have sex, yes but not in front of my children.

my 16 year old knows that i do not want to be a grandma yet. i can tell him until i am blue in the face about sex before marraige. i was 16 once.....i did what i wanted to. that being said...i tell him to make smart choices....realize that whoever he sticks it in....who else has she had stick it in.....cover it up, too many diseases and pregnancy. because i tell him this does it make me less of a mom, or prove that i have a lack of morals...NO.

as parents we all strive to give our children more than we had, and to not make the same mistakes that we did. we can preach or talk til blue in the face about sex, drugs, are still gonna "buck the system" that in no way makes me immoral or to assume that my husband has no morals as well. you cant lump everyone into the same group and say we are allowing our children to do this.....

Yes I can and to tell a 16 year old to screw other children is immoral.

Would you like to see him or his girlfriend have to take on the responsibility of parenthood or run away from them?
