To say that Paul is against welfare is an understatement. He's rabidly against any form of social support. And here comes another contradiction. His support of the OWS. The OWS isn't just a leftwing anti-business socialist movement. It does address social pressures from the recent economic melt down and argue for a greater involvement of the government in supplying economic need to those in distress. Whether you are for or against the OWS on their politics, their core argument is about social and economic equity.
This also caught my eye when I read that and I agree with your statement on the OWS. This is one of the largest things that does concern me with Paul as a Nation without any sort of social support is simply bound for revolution as we Humans do not like inequality on many levels.
His extremely tight fiscal policies would definitely be beneficial for the United States in one (bust most likely two) Presidential terms by putting the reins on the overspending but I most definitely would NEVER vote him in as Emperor for Life ... not that I think I would for anyone ... ever hehe.
Overall, the term "Liberty" sure does seem to be in the eye of the beholder, huh?