Of course not, don't be obtuse. But it's certainly not my fault that you didn't ignore me.
Half correct. I am responsible for my actions that I initiate. YOU are responsible for the actions YOU initiate. Responding to me is an action that you initiate, and as such is your responsibility. You really should own it.
No, of course not. Why would I? You are free to participate in what you call derailing your thread. You're also free in denying responsibility for your own actions, as evidenced by you making the choice to deny. Of course, that doesn't mean you're not really responsible for your actions, only that you deny it.
It's certainly your right to flip flop.
Nope, not arbitrary. My actions are mine and not your responsibility. Your actions are yours and not my responsibility. I'm choosing to participate here just as you are. Either of us can choose to stop, and the other holds no responsibility for that choice, either.
Of course not, don't be obtuse.

You're the individual that's refusing an intellectual discussion :eek
You are free to participate in what you call derailing your thread.
Thank you for allowing me the 'liberty'
I am responsible for my actions that I initiate.
Indeed....and I'm not in any way responsible for those actions because I reply to them , or is that over your head?
Of course, that doesn't mean you're not really responsible for your actions, only that you deny it.
That's a non sequitur.
Pure nonsense.
But it does draw out your mental processes concerning logic and how it likely applies to your concept of 'Liberty'.......twisted, to say the least.
"Can you give any good argument that prohibits me from responding?"
Part of your process to disrupt the thread is to challenge my responses to your disruption.
To further continue a diversion.
But it is helping me to better understand your logic and avoidance to the topic at the same time.
You seem desperate to avoid discussing that which you claim to hold most 'holy'.....'Liberty'.
You are actually making my argument for me in a demonstration of avoidance.
And quite rude at the same time......
It's certainly your right to flip flop.
Claiming the right to flip flop in the middle of a debate sounds intellectually dishonest if it's done out of convenience.
And it appears it's not convenient for you to address the thread topic

Let me guess....it's a Libertarian/libertarian right to have the 'Liberty' to be disingenuous and intellectually dishonest out of convenience?
Looks like I'm bringing more out of you than you expected.
"Your position on 'Liberty' obviously becomes arbitrary with a bias toward yourself. "
My actions are mine and not your responsibility.
That's non-responsive to my comment.
Your bias has presented itself as the attempt to disrupt what you don't want to see posted.
But I am gradually pulling out the imagery of a Libertarian/libertarian view on 'Liberty' the more you post.
So far in this thread, you've presented your version as a personal right that supersedes all others as long as you own up to your responsibility of committing those actions.
As I mentioned before.....what is Liberty with out equality?
In a minor way, you are demonstrating what I've suspected for some time.......in the libertarian sense, 'Liberty' is not equality. It's dependent upon ability ....and restriction of ability is a loss of Liberty......but a contradiction, as I've shown before, when actions are used to impinge upon others.
Right here, right now......you are the best example I could have wished for......you demand 'Liberty' while impinging your will upon this thread in a negative sense with out any intended attempt to discuss the topic.
A point with Heartland......to disrupt the sciences, to disrupt education....for the purpose of impressing it's will.......because it has the ability.
I'm choosing to participate here just as you are

I just burned you big time
Either of us can choose to stop, and the other holds no responsibility for that choice, either.
Now you are suggesting I stop?
Hell......I'm just getting started
So.....how do you rationalize 'Liberty' if the concept isn't applied equally?