Let Me Into Your Beliefs...

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So I take it dogs, cats, cows and humans are all in the same soul group. How far down the chain do you think we need to go before we get to animals outside our soul group?

noooo....animals are in a different soul group to us. I read a book about it once YEARS ago, and how they only re-incarnate amongst their own soul group.

There was a whole heirachy from insects up to dogs.

It was quite interesting, and bits of it did make sense to me. I dont subscribe to the "alll thieves come back as dogs" or "cows are sacred" school of thought though;)


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noooo....animals are in a different soul group to us. I read a book about it once YEARS ago, and how they only re-incarnate amongst their own soul group.

um,..wouldn't that lead to inbred souls with two head or three eyes or other malformations?

Minor Axis

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As far as souls and reincarnation go...try imagining it to include the whole universe, as well as "in between" lives....does that better fit the concept of "where did all the souls come from"?

The amount of souls does not have to equal the amount of "bodies/vessels" on THIS planet at any one time.

Yes, our population has exploded. All this could mean is that more souls at this point in time, have chosen to incarnate on earth. The rest could be in "heaven"...on other planets/universes....in "hell"..LOTS of places.

They could even now be incarnated as dogs, cats or cows for all we know.;)

If we are to consider the possibility of souls there is no reason to believe that Earth is the only place where souls reside. (I agree with you in this aspect ;))

I applaud your optimism. When life hands you a lemon, you should make lemonade. But just to play devil's advocate, your view is too narrow. You and I are among the lucky ones. There are many on earth who are not being improved and have no chance of it. For example, spending a mere couple years on earth living in near starvation before finally succumbing is not an opportunity for self improvement.

Your argument is that if you look at the millions who suffer through miserable experiences, there is no opportunity for self improvement. I'd say even in dire situations that opportunity exists. The other option is that if there is a God, he does not really care what happens to us while on earth, let the chips fall where they may. But it does not preclude that "this life" is the only opportunity your soul is plunged into a flesh and blood class room. (I'm not saying I believe in souls. I'm just sympathetic to the concept.) :)


Having way too much fun
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Basically your saying if it does not exist within our limits of knowledge, then it does not exist. I say, "I don't know."

You're not even close to understanding what I am saying.
Let me see if I can make this clearer for you. When you are talking about the unknown, when you speculate about the supernatural, it is open season on any belief. Meaning everything ever suggested holds the same truth. If you are going to believe in a soul (a creation from someones imagination) then you should also believe in Scientology and that we are all implants from planet Xenu or you should believe that there is no soul. Pick your poison from the millions of different beliefs throughout history, they are all just as likely. It's just that you found believing in souls or an afterlife (or whatever you believe) is more palatable than the rest of the theories. How does that make it correct or even possible? The understanding that this isn't your belief, that it's a subscription to what someone else dreamed up should be your first clue that it isn't real. Your belief isn't something new and radical, you just subscribed to the one that "made sense" to you based on your upbringing and knowledge base.

As far as souls and reincarnation go...try imagining it to include the whole universe, as well as "in between" lives....does that better fit the concept of "where did all the souls come from"?

The amount of souls does not have to equal the amount of "bodies/vessels" on THIS planet at any one time.

Yes, our population has exploded. All this could mean is that more souls at this point in time, have chosen to incarnate on earth. The rest could be in "heaven"...on other planets/universes....in "hell"..LOTS of places.

They could even now be incarnated as dogs, cats or cows for all we know.;)

So you believe in God then, right? I mean you can't possibly believe that the universe started from a singularity and expanded and evolved to what it is today. That it must have been created by God who also created these souls.
Or do you believe that souls are created? That they were created right along with the creation of the universe?


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I think (and this is the belief of the therapeutic community) spirituality fills an emotional need for people who connect to it, and as we know with love, for example, emotional needs/drives are not always built out of the most logical or even relevant materials.

When someone sees a "missed spot" on their theory of the universe, they change it. Done. Onto a new theory of spirituality. Ok wow, the world as we know it is now completely different. That's the freedom spirituality gives over religion.

Humans get and change emotional ideas so frivolously, it seems more than foolish to balance the entirety of the universe and its purpose on one or even a large collection of emotional ideas. They're so saturated with bias they can hardly be considered useful.

While most of us seem to agree religion has its downsides, and should be kept to its own circle, it seems like spirituality is considered so much more noble, something to really be pondered outwardly, when it doesn't really have the right to be. In essence, spirituality is just one giant mental game of Clue that busies our minds and soothes our insecurities. All sorts of things share that description (sex, drugs, psychosis, Sudoku) but we don't treat them the same way in society.

Spirituality is not a negative thing for those who need it, but it's silly to talk about :p


Glorified Maniac
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I think we evolved from amoeba to a primitive savage state the we are in now and that we are all pretending to be civilized but we are not there yet
I think we have lost some great knowledge from history that we should all reflect on
we are all electric and there are fields of communication that go way beyond our current studies
its right in front of us but we cant see it
we should be more knowledgeable of our bodies

Minor Axis

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I think we evolved from amoeba to a primitive savage state the we are in now and that we are all pretending to be civilized but we are not there yet
I think we have lost some great knowledge from history that we should all reflect on
we are all electric and there are fields of communication that go way beyond our current studies
its right in front of us but we cant see it
we should be more knowledgeable of our bodies

In the spectrum of what I can imagine, I agree we are primitive organisms.

You're not even close to understanding what I am saying.
Let me see if I can make this clearer for you. When you are talking about the unknown, when you speculate about the supernatural, it is open season on any belief. Meaning everything ever suggested holds the same truth. If you are going to believe in a soul (a creation from someones imagination) then you should also believe in Scientology and that we are all implants from planet Xenu or you should believe that there is no soul. Pick your poison from the millions of different beliefs throughout history, they are all just as likely. It's just that you found believing in souls or an afterlife (or whatever you believe) is more palatable than the rest of the theories. How does that make it correct or even possible? The understanding that this isn't your belief, that it's a subscription to what someone else dreamed up should be your first clue that it isn't real. Your belief isn't something new and radical, you just subscribed to the one that "made sense" to you based on your upbringing and knowledge base.

I understand. There is nothing outside the soundproof room without doors and windows. :p Btw, I don't believe there are spirits and souls. I just hope there is.


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Karen: I really liked what you said about searching for the truth. I applaud people who aren't willing to just sit around and take it as it comes, but are motivated to get out there and find their own versions of why we are here. While I do not believe in what you believe in, I think that half of knowing the truth is accepting that there is a chance that what we do believe may not wind up being how it is; that being said, it is nice to meet a Christian who explains their point of view (actually know what you're talking about too, which is great), and yet doesn't get lost in the "I'm right and your wrong" mentality.

Thanks for the breath of fresh air!

Awesome attitude :) I cant take any credit though all glory goes to the Almighty Father and Son team.

I have always felt that the word of God is much better understood in action rather than the hypocritical word that is sadly found in the world today. I can truly understand why it makes no sense to most people.

Minor Axis

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i still want to know how someone searches for faith

You pick the speculation about a divine power that comforts you the most.

So sorry ...my bad... it is a search for truth that you can put faith in ...
I knew what i meant LOL ;)

Ironically, latching onto a faith locks you in to a belief box, and then you try to fit everything you know about the world into this box, but there are no standards for validity in this process, other than what makes you feel good. This is not a search for truth but for self comfort.


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It doesn't appear there are many universal truths, so the problem with "searching for truth that you can put faith in" is you didn't (and many don't) specify it as YOUR truth.

It's often assumed or implied that your almighty father and son team play for everyone's city ;) If you don't have the jersey, so to speak, there must be something wrong with you, but you benevolently admit it might be too complicated or something for people, so you understand. How kind :24:


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You pick the speculation about a divine power that comforts you the most.

Ironically, latching onto a faith locks you in to a belief box, and then you try to fit everything you know about the world into this box, but there are no standards for validity in this process, other than what makes you feel good. This is not a search for truth but for self comfort.

Thats the thing about Christianity... it didnt suit me in fact it confronted me and peeled back the layers of comfort. God disciplined and reproved me. Jesus made changes in me that brought peace to my life.

Minor Axis

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Thats the thing about Christianity... it didnt suit me in fact it confronted me and peeled back the layers of comfort. God disciplined and reproved me. Jesus made changes in me that brought peace to my life.

I'm happy for you. Let's just not talk about truth, ok? :)


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Nobody really knows the truth about the supernatural. It's just some people are open minded enough to realize that and some are not.

Minor Axis

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I'm happy for you. Let's just not talk about truth, ok? :)

edit: Karen, in hindsight my original reply might seem harsh. I am happy for you. I was not implying you were not being truthful. I believe what you are saying about changes in your life based on your faith. But this is more a testimonial about the effect of faith on your life, not a discussion about ultimate truth, the existence of divine beings who hold dominion over our lives and post-Earth lives. Faith may be the basis of comfort, but is not a basis for the discussion of truth based on our motivations and what makes us feel good.


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In terms of "truth," it simply doesn't exist in terms of religion. Of course, we have some truths among these religions. We do know that Jesus existed, we know that Guatama existed...etc. However, all of the "organs" that make up these people and their supposed supernatural existences are simply guesses, beliefs and assumptions. But that is essentially what religions are based on; you don't KNOW you simply BELIEVE. There is no proving religion. To Karen, Christianity may be the very essence of truth in her life...unfortunately, while I think that is wonderful, there is simply no way of finding out for certain...at least not until death.