Let Me Into Your Beliefs...

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What drives these beliefs? Is there a relevant difference from yours compared to any other faith that is not premised on a personal bias?

Why should we worship God just because he's the creator and the most intelligent being? To many keeping their personal freedoms would mean more than submitting to something they disagree with...even if the price is going to 'hell'.

My belief is driven by a need to know the truth. The truth about the past the present and the future. It struck a chord in my moral conscience. It was a giant bitter sweet wake up call, a breathe of fresh air to a new kind of freedom.

John 8:32
32 Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.
Matthew 11:30
For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.


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My belief is driven by a need to know the truth. The truth about the past the present and the future.

i can agree with the quest for knowledge.....but isnt it considered sacrilegious or blasphemous.... or something to know the future?,..from what i recall the only "person" that god gave that ability to was jesus, and to profess such seems like it would be along the lines of knowing the mind/will of god and isnt that supposed to be a no-no to assume that you know the mind of god. at certain instances in the bible god would divulge limited knowledge of what was to come but it was only a handful of individuals who were more faithful/righteous followers than 99.99999999% of anyone who has lived in several hundred years

this made more sense in my head ,.... i've been awake all night so ignore me,..im feeling a little loopy :crazy:


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My belief is driven by a need to know the truth. The truth about the past the present and the future.

I think this is a common reason people believe in God. Some people feel more discomfort from uncertainty than others. It's worth considering though that it doesn't really matter if the believer is correct.They just need to think their beliefs are true to find comfort. Realization of this fact is probably what prevents me from taking comfort in religious belief. This could cause me distress except, fortunately, I handle uncertainty pretty well. But I understand the need to believe and some things are worth believing whether they're true or not.


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i can agree with the quest for knowledge.....but isnt it considered sacrilegious or blasphemous.... or something to know the future?,..from what i recall the only "person" that god gave that ability to was jesus, and to profess such seems like it would be along the lines of knowing the mind/will of god and isnt that supposed to be a no-no to assume that you know the mind of god. at certain instances in the bible god would divulge limited knowledge of what was to come but it was only a handful of individuals who were more faithful/righteous followers than 99.99999999% of anyone who has lived in several hundred years

this made more sense in my head ,.... i've been awake all night so ignore me,..im feeling a little loopy :crazy:

God has always sent out his prophets to warn us of what is to come . He has always tried to guide us to righteousness before hand but clearly warns us of what will happen if we dont listen such as in the flood of Noahs day as well as Sodom and Gomorrah . Interestingly the people of Ninevah were warned to turn away from their immoral practices by Jonah and they listened and were not destroyed .

We are to take notice of these events and know that God is true to his word . Jesus has warned of a final cleansing of the earth which effects each one of us. This is where main stream 'Christian' religion has a lot to answer for. I would be throwing stones if i were to go any further on that though.

God warns us to not listen or consult with spirit mediums that have fallen from grace who will only lead you astray. Every one of Gods requirements are for our own good and for the good of others.


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God has always sent out his prophets to warn us of what is to come.

Can you give an example of a prophecy where the occurrence of the event is recorded by a source other than the bible? The story of Sodom and Gomorrah is not convincing because we don't have any reason to believe that it actually happened. We know a global flood didn't happen.

I have asked that question to others who believe in prophecy and have yet to be shown any real evidence. Two more things, the prophecy must have been recorded before the event in question and must not be so vague as to be fulfilled by coincidence. Such as a powerful nation will attack and defeat a weaker nation in the next 100 years.


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God has always sent out his prophets to warn us of what is to come . He has always tried to guide us to righteousness before hand but clearly warns us of what will happen if we dont listen such as in the flood of Noahs day as well as Sodom and Gomorrah . Interestingly the people of Ninevah were warned to turn away from their immoral practices by Jonah and they listened and were not destroyed .

We are to take notice of these events and know that God is true to his word . Jesus has warned of a final cleansing of the earth which effects each one of us. This is where main stream 'Christian' religion has a lot to answer for. I would be throwing stones if i were to go any further on that though.

God warns us to not listen or consult with spirit mediums that have fallen from grace who will only lead you astray. Every one of Gods requirements are for our own good and for the good of others.

those arent prophets...those are televangelists asking for a buck so they can support their mistress's...they get the info from "the greatest story ever told" , god wouldn't talk to them if he needed bail money....events that are more legend/folk lore/hearsay than anything else because their isn't any proof and as i said very few people who haven't lived for hundreds of years and seriously....when was the last time an invisible supreme being guided you to anything?...its your faith in your religion and your interpretations of events that have transpired in your life as well as the bible that leads you to believe these things (your perception is your reality).

please dont think im coming down on you, your religious beliefs or Christianity..if it sounded that way i appologise but i hear the same thing all time and it doesnt make sense...to many religions with to many holes and to many contradictions.

i do believe in something greater than myself, what it is... i dont know,..but their has to be...because im a fucking wingnut and the rest of the world isnt much better


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Can you give an example of a prophecy where the occurrence of the event is recorded by a source other than the bible? The story of Sodom and Gomorrah is not convincing because we don't have any reason to believe that it actually happened. We know a global flood didn't happen.

I have asked that question to others who believe in prophecy and have yet to be shown any real evidence. Two more things, the prophecy must have been recorded before the event in question and must not be so vague as to be fulfilled by coincidence. Such as a powerful nation will attack and defeat a weaker nation in the next 100 years.

Have a look at this link ...its interesting

We obviously werent around at the time of these prophesies to know that they were foretold but there is evidence that they happened. Remember God doesnt want you to follow him because of proof or unhealthy fear ...it must be by faith and hope. Not blind faith but what i call educated faith ...dont just accept it or reject it but search for it .


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Have a look at this link ...its interesting

We obviously werent around at the time of these prophesies to know that they were foretold but there is evidence that they happened. Remember God doesnt want you to follow him because of proof or unhealthy fear ...it must be by faith and hope. Not blind faith but what i call educated faith ...dont just accept it or reject it but search for it .

how do you search for faith?


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Have a look at this link ...its interesting

Yeah, that is interesting. I don't doubt there have been many natural disasters that have spawned many legends. But I see no reason to believe Sodom and Gomorrah were destroyed by God with fire from heaven or Lot's wife was turned into a pillar of salt. The only supposed witnesses of these supposed events were Lot and his two daughters. Yet it is not known whether these people actually existed or are legends themselves. I'm looking for the prophecy of an event that is actually known to have happened. If prophecy is real then it should not be hard to come up with one historical event that was prophesied.


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Karen: I really liked what you said about searching for the truth. I applaud people who aren't willing to just sit around and take it as it comes, but are motivated to get out there and find their own versions of why we are here. While I do not believe in what you believe in, I think that half of knowing the truth is accepting that there is a chance that what we do believe may not wind up being how it is; that being said, it is nice to meet a Christian who explains their point of view (actually know what you're talking about too, which is great), and yet doesn't get lost in the "I'm right and your wrong" mentality.

Thanks for the breath of fresh air!

Minor Axis

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For me personally... I do not believe in a soul. It just doesn't make any sense. Where did all these souls come from? 10,000 years ago there were only 1 million people on the earth (1 million souls) in 1810 there were 1 billion people (1 billion souls) and today there are over 6.5 billion people. So where do all these souls come from and where do they go?
For those that believe in reincarnation, how does the math work out?

I believe we are born into this world sharing living cells from our mother and father that are nurtured into what we are today. One day we may reproduce, but we will all die at some point. and that's it

Basically your saying if it does not exist within our limits of knowledge, then it does not exist. I say, "I don't know."

I believe that everything in existence was created by God Jehovah / Jahweh ( to include both acceptable personal names ) . Before you tune out please dont pigeon hole my faith . I am not a member of a church and my beliefs have a foundation in Gods word not doctrines of men !

I believe God created mankind to inhabit the earth, to enjoy the beauty of it and eachother ...to take care of it and to live for ever. I believe that Gods purpose has not changed and He will once again through Jesus Christ bring peace to the earth but we can judge for ourselves how well we have taken care of it .:(

I believe that there is a spiritual world that we are unable to fully understand but we sense the existence of it. I believe the truth about life, where we have been, where we are now and where we are going is written in the Holy scriptures Gods inspired word.... the Bible. I believe that God gives life and recieves it back ....He is good, kind, patient, loving, fair and forgiving toward all but is the eternal judge of what is and isnt righteous for the good of all mankind. He disciplines and punishes and he forgives and rewards. He is unquestionably the highest form of intelligence.

God has always sent out his prophets to warn us of what is to come . He has always tried to guide us to righteousness before hand but clearly warns us of what will happen if we dont listen such as in the flood of Noahs day as well as Sodom and Gomorrah . Interestingly the people of Ninevah were warned to turn away from their immoral practices by Jonah and they listened and were not destroyed .

We are to take notice of these events and know that God is true to his word . Jesus has warned of a final cleansing of the earth which effects each one of us. This is where main stream 'Christian' religion has a lot to answer for. I would be throwing stones if i were to go any further on that though.

God warns us to not listen or consult with spirit mediums that have fallen from grace who will only lead you astray. Every one of Gods requirements are for our own good and for the good of others.

When it comes to spiritual specifics, especially when it comes to well meaning people speaking of the truth of God, from my perspective, you've just latched onto a unsubstantiated framework of belief. It's no different than preaching about the truth of Harry Potter or Lord of the Rings. I've said many times I feel spiritual, but I've seen nothing specific to lay my hopes and fears upon, especially a divine father, who loves us, has a list of rules for us to follow, and intervenes in our lives to make our existence better. Holding up the Bible is a meaningless gesture to anyone who analyzes what is there from a neutral perspective instead of a self serving perspective.

He will once again through Jesus Christ bring peace to the earth. You've been indoctrinated/assimilated. There is no way you'd come up with this on your own. ;) The fallacy of your thinking is that if you believe in heaven and spirits that live for ever, then the stop we make on Earth is not our real reality. If we are all going to end up in Heaven, what difference does it make if there is peace on Earth? Instead look at the Earth as a place for self improvement. If we are not challenged, we learn nothing.
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cam elle toe

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As far as souls and reincarnation go...try imagining it to include the whole universe, as well as "in between" lives....does that better fit the concept of "where did all the souls come from"?

The amount of souls does not have to equal the amount of "bodies/vessels" on THIS planet at any one time.

Yes, our population has exploded. All this could mean is that more souls at this point in time, have chosen to incarnate on earth. The rest could be in "heaven"...on other planets/universes....in "hell"..LOTS of places.

They could even now be incarnated as dogs, cats or cows for all we know.;)


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Instead look at the Earth as a place for self improvement. If we are not challenged, we learn nothing.

I applaud your optimism. When life hands you a lemon, you should make lemonade. But just to play devil's advocate, your view is too narrow. You and I are among the lucky ones. There are many on earth who are not being improved and have no chance of it. For example, spending a mere couple years on earth living in near starvation before finally succumbing is not an opportunity for self improvement.

They could even now be incarnated as dogs, cats or cows for all we know.;)

In your estimation, how far down the chain must we go before getting to soulless animals? Just curious.
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cam elle toe

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I applaud your optimism. When life hands you a lemon, you should make lemonade. But just to play devil's advocate, your view is too narrow. You and I are among the lucky ones. There are many on earth who are not being improved and have no chance of it. For example, spending a mere couple years on earth living in near starvation before finally succumbing is not an opportunity for self improvement.

In your estimation, how far down the chain must we go before getting to soulless animals? Just curious.

I dont believe they ARE soulless.....just from a different soul "group" for want of a better word.

and theres that word "believe"....I prefer the phrase.."what makes the most sense to me".

It allows me to expand and change my "beliefs" when I learn or read something new.


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I dont believe they ARE soulless.....just from a different soul "group" for want of a better word.

So I take it dogs, cats, cows and humans are all in the same soul group. How far down the chain do you think we need to go before we get to animals outside our soul group?