Legal Age For Sex

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THe law is mainly put in place to keep older individuals from taking advantage of younger individuals .. and to give them a ledge to hold onto when trying to prosocute those individuals who choose to take advantage.

Truth is most 16 yr olds are not ready for caring for children or for "serious" relationships. The law is set in place to both protect minors from others who would wish to harm them, and also to help protect them from themselves .. just like not being able to drive, drink, join the military, or vote until they become a certain age.

People don't like people making decisions for them .. but the truth of the matter is .. sometimes people NEED someone to make decisions for them .. to help keep their irrational actions under control. And teenagers are NOTORIOUS for making irrational decisions.
Excellent post.


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There's no "right" answer to this question as everyone is different. I know of some people who are 20 years old and still aren't mature enough (IMHO) to engage in sexual activity.

But in order to protect those who can't protect themselves, there probably does need to be a law. A minimum age of consent is probably the only way to accomplish this. Trying to evaluate individuals case by case is just way too subjective.

In most states, I believe it's 16, with some having age range limits for their partners. As it is, it seems like a reasonable solution to me. It's not perfect, but there's no such thing as a perfect system.

The part that bothers me the most is the double standard that exists in the legal system with regard to adult age. And I'm not talking about the drinking age being 21.

There are countless cases where criminals who are minors are evaluated to determine if they should be tried as adults. I've never heard of a case where a someone under the age of consent was evaluated to be considered an adult.

A 15 year old commits a crime. "He knew what he was doing. He should be tried as a adult." Happens all the time.

A 15 year old girl has sex with a 19 year old man. No one is asking if the 15 year old should be considered an "adult."

The double standard being, the 15 year old girl did not know what she was doing and there is no question about it. But the 15 year old boy who commits a crime suddenly has his age come into question.

If there is to be a minimum age, apply that equally.


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The main thing is .. young girls bodies are not physically ready (development wise) to produce children. While they CAN produce children .. they really shouldn't.


The cake is a metaphor
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The main thing is .. young girls bodies are not physically ready (development wise) to produce children. While they CAN produce children .. they really shouldn't.

I'm not saying your wrong, but do you have any scientific proof to back that up? :)


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There's no "right" answer to this question as everyone is different. I know of some people who are 20 years old and still aren't mature enough (IMHO) to engage in sexual activity.

But in order to protect those who can't protect themselves, there probably does need to be a law. A minimum age of consent is probably the only way to accomplish this. Trying to evaluate individuals case by case is just way too subjective.

In most states, I believe it's 16, with some having age range limits for their partners. As it is, it seems like a reasonable solution to me. It's not perfect, but there's no such thing as a perfect system.

The part that bothers me the most is the double standard that exists in the legal system with regard to adult age. And I'm not talking about the drinking age being 21.

There are countless cases where criminals who are minors are evaluated to determine if they should be tried as adults. I've never heard of a case where a someone under the age of consent was evaluated to be considered an adult.

A 15 year old commits a crime. "He knew what he was doing. He should be tried as a adult." Happens all the time.

A 15 year old girl has sex with a 19 year old man. No one is asking if the 15 year old should be considered an "adult."

The double standard being, the 15 year old girl did not know what she was doing and there is no question about it. But the 15 year old boy who commits a crime suddenly has his age come into question.

If there is to be a minimum age, apply that equally.
best post in this thread :clap

bolded the highlights ;)


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The key is that hormones induce fertility. Within the western world girls are exposed to a lot of hormones, they also produce a lot themselves when they are overweight. Especially in the US girls reach fertility at a very young age: on average they have their menarchy (their period) at age 11, in western Europe that is at age 13, in Japan it is age 17.

Having menarchy and thus releasing an egg does not mean the body is able to accomodate pregnancy, the body of the girl is still growing: think about the pelvis for instance.
I think this accelerated development is very unnatural.

My expert (my wife is assistant to a high-risk ObGyn, she is also an antepartum teacher. You got questions, she got answers) says this about teen pregnancy:

There is a greater risk for loss, preterm labour and stillbirth associated with very young women who get pregnant. However as far as that goes it would be beneficial to have this type of pregnancy monitored either by a high risk OB who specializes in children, or an obstetrician who understands the unique needs of the teenager. These needs are mostly nutrition and lifestyle related, although there can also be some hormonal issues if the girl is still menstruating irregularly at the time of conception.

The hormonal issues might not be as great as the lifestyle issues. A thirteen year old girl that is engaging in intercouse is also not well supervised, and very likely to engage in other risky behaviours.

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Minor Axis

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A 15 year old commits a crime. "He knew what he was doing. He should be tried as a adult." Happens all the time.

A 15 year old girl has sex with a 19 year old man. No one is asking if the 15 year old should be considered an "adult."

The double standard being, the 15 year old girl did not know what she was doing and there is no question about it. But the 15 year old boy who commits a crime suddenly has his age come into question.

If there is to be a minimum age, apply that equally.

There was a 17 year old male somewhere down South who was locked up for over 10 years for having consensual sex with a 15 year old. The double standard hammered him, plus he was black...


The cake is a metaphor
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You proved it to me :) And that fat chicks are especially fertile :24:

:O :O :O

Do Japanese girls really on average get to 17 before their first period. That's a marked difference. :eek

Goat Whisperer

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Oh and what about when some old perverted guy has sex with a 16 year old when she really wasn't ready. But, it was still consented. Now this old guy has also video taped it, and put it up all over the web, ruining this girl's reputation and her confidence. but, since it isn't illegal to have sex with a consenting 16 year old, just because she didn't know what she was doing, nothing can be legally done. It can't be counted as statutory rape, it can't be "kiddie porn" It's perfectly legal... does that seem fair?

Peter Parka

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Oh and what about when some old perverted guy has sex with a 16 year old when she really wasn't ready. But, it was still consented. Now this old guy has also video taped it, and put it up all over the web, ruining this girl's reputation and her confidence. but, since it isn't illegal to have sex with a consenting 16 year old, just because she didn't know what she was doing, nothing can be legally done. It can't be counted as statutory rape, it can't be "kiddie porn" It's perfectly legal... does that seem fair?

That happens with girls of 18 too, hell! it happens with women of 68! Girls (and boys ) mature at different rates. No system will ever be perfect in this regard.

Goat Whisperer

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That happens with girls of 18 too, hell! it happens with women of 68! Girls (and boys ) mature at different rates. No system will ever be perfect in this regard.
Yes but an 18 year old should be expected to mature a little bit more, plus 68 year olds usually aren't still in high school.


The cake is a metaphor
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It doesn't matter Bri, sorry :)

It's everyone on this planet that can suffer from what you describe.

Hell, I've consented to sex myself and woken up the next morning and thought "Oh dear fucking god....."


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16 is about wrong.

think of it this way, you had a daughter and she was dating a 22 year old.
your a guy, you know the mind of a man ..and yet a llittle girl whos bearly hit puberty and can bearly comprehend an adult conversation should engage in a realtionship physically or mentallyc with someone whos beyond their years?
i know everyone is different and matures at a different age, but if this young lady is mature as she may claim she is ( whoever she may be) shouldnt she have atleast the common sense enough to know that this isnt right at her age and its not in the least bit normal..but what is normal now-a-days anyways..
i just honestly think in MY opinion that 16 is wayyyy to young to know about anything let alone making a decsion like that..Older guys will pressure the younger girl to have sex and engage in all sorts of bad things a 16 shoudnt even know about..i think its just wrong morally and every other way and im sure every single mother and father on this fourm would just look at you in discust and think wtf...
just imagine your little baby girl, being taken advantge of by an old man whos 20-25-35-40-65....when does the world actually stop to think that THIS IS FUCKING SICK!!!
anywayss, i have a VERY VERY strong opinion about it.
maybe the reason they changed the legal age to marry was because some idiot was young and nieve and decided it would be smart to be made a house wife and be married with children at 16? wasnt that how it was a whillleee back..and now its different.
if a 16 year old was meant to be with an older man/women...mature or not...than there would be no law..
CLEARLY there is something wrong with that sitchation.. i dont care how mature you may think she is..your just looking at it from how mature she may god but shes bearly hit puberty and most likely just got her period not to long before that..
think clearly.
this is just a discsting topic and it angers me ..lOl
hope i didnt offend anyone !!

Hmm, you know im gonna have 2 agree here! i think 16 is to young! But in all honesty..does it really matter what the law imposes on age limits?..depending on the individual..they are going to do it anyway?

I have a 14 year old daughter, and the thought that she is legaly able to have sex in 2yrs is vile! But....i was only 17 when i had her, and i still to this day look back and think of myself as a child, and feel anger towards the man who to me was suppose to be the responsible one! Dont get me wrong...we are each responsible for our own actions...but at that age we still havnt formed moral views, we have hormones that have the effect of a nuclear bomb...and whatever anyone believes, you wanna be part of the herd!!

Now, ive just re-read all that and OMG dont i go on?
But in all seriousness, is an age limit really going to stop anything??


Valued Contributor
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16 is about wrong.

think of it this way, you had a daughter and she was dating a 22 year old.
your a guy, you know the mind of a man ..and yet a llittle girl whos bearly hit puberty and can bearly comprehend an adult conversation should engage in a realtionship physically or mentallyc with someone whos beyond their years?
i know everyone is different and matures at a different age, but if this young lady is mature as she may claim she is ( whoever she may be) shouldnt she have atleast the common sense enough to know that this isnt right at her age and its not in the least bit normal..but what is normal now-a-days anyways..
i just honestly think in MY opinion that 16 is wayyyy to young to know about anything let alone making a decsion like that..Older guys will pressure the younger girl to have sex and engage in all sorts of bad things a 16 shoudnt even know about..i think its just wrong morally and every other way and im sure every single mother and father on this fourm would just look at you in discust and think wtf...
just imagine your little baby girl, being taken advantge of by an old man whos 20-25-35-40-65....when does the world actually stop to think that THIS IS FUCKING SICK!!!
anywayss, i have a VERY VERY strong opinion about it.
maybe the reason they changed the legal age to marry was because some idiot was young and nieve and decided it would be smart to be made a house wife and be married with children at 16? wasnt that how it was a whillleee back..and now its different.
if a 16 year old was meant to be with an older man/women...mature or not...than there would be no law..
CLEARLY there is something wrong with that sitchation.. i dont care how mature you may think she is..your just looking at it from how mature she may god but shes bearly hit puberty and most likely just got her period not to long before that..
think clearly.
this is just a discsting topic and it angers me ..lOl
hope i didnt offend anyone !!

I am 16, I lost my virginity to a 21 year old. I have no regrets, he asked of nothing. I'm mature enough to know what I did, I was then. The legal age here in Australia is 16, and I think that is wise, sure maybe not everyone is mature enough, but the way the world goes these days most are.

My Mum knows everything that I have done, and she loves me jsut the same, she isn't disgusted, angry or even sad, she knew I wouldn't do something stupid and not have thought about it.

I don't know how old you are, but people don't judge maturity on their looks, but on their way of acting, thinking, talking and everything else. I hit puberty when I was in year 6, at the age of 11! Research this shit before you start saying that 16 year olds are immature, because quite frankly, I don't think I'm that immature, in fact, I'm a lot more mature then some adults.

Goat Whisperer

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Age does effect maturity though! I consider myself to be fairly mature, but, the last part of your brain to develop is REASON without reason even the most "mature" 16 year olds can make big mistakes.