Legal Age For Sex

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Peter Parka

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Very sensitive subject this seeing we have different ages so what do you think it should be? Personally I think it's a tough one because people mature at different ages. I guess and its an imperfect view, 16 is about right.
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The cake is a metaphor
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From my experience, and that might not be one shared by everybody.

Girls generally lose their virginity younger than boys, around 14/15 seems to be the age I find.
Whereas boys maybe not til 16 or later, I was 17 myself.
I guess that would fit in with the idea that girls mature faster than boys.


The OTz Gold-Digguh!!
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16 is about wrong.

think of it this way, you had a daughter and she was dating a 22 year old.
your a guy, you know the mind of a man ..and yet a llittle girl whos bearly hit puberty and can bearly comprehend an adult conversation should engage in a realtionship physically or mentallyc with someone whos beyond their years?
i know everyone is different and matures at a different age, but if this young lady is mature as she may claim she is ( whoever she may be) shouldnt she have atleast the common sense enough to know that this isnt right at her age and its not in the least bit normal..but what is normal now-a-days anyways..
i just honestly think in MY opinion that 16 is wayyyy to young to know about anything let alone making a decsion like that..Older guys will pressure the younger girl to have sex and engage in all sorts of bad things a 16 shoudnt even know about..i think its just wrong morally and every other way and im sure every single mother and father on this fourm would just look at you in discust and think wtf...
just imagine your little baby girl, being taken advantge of by an old man whos 20-25-35-40-65....when does the world actually stop to think that THIS IS FUCKING SICK!!!
anywayss, i have a VERY VERY strong opinion about it.
maybe the reason they changed the legal age to marry was because some idiot was young and nieve and decided it would be smart to be made a house wife and be married with children at 16? wasnt that how it was a whillleee back..and now its different.
if a 16 year old was meant to be with an older man/women...mature or not...than there would be no law..
CLEARLY there is something wrong with that sitchation.. i dont care how mature you may think she is..your just looking at it from how mature she may god but shes bearly hit puberty and most likely just got her period not to long before that..
think clearly.
this is just a discsting topic and it angers me ..lOl
hope i didnt offend anyone !!

Peter Parka

Well-Known Member
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16 is about wrong.

think of it this way, you had a daughter and she was dating a 22 year old.
your a guy, you know the mind of a man ..and yet a llittle girl whos bearly hit puberty and can bearly comprehend an adult conversation should engage in a realtionship physically or mentallyc with someone whos beyond their years?
i know everyone is different and matures at a different age, but if this young lady is mature as she may claim she is ( whoever she may be) shouldnt she have atleast the common sense enough to know that this isnt right at her age and its not in the least bit normal..but what is normal now-a-days anyways..
i just honestly think in MY opinion that 16 is wayyyy to young to know about anything let alone making a decsion like that..Older guys will pressure the younger girl to have sex and engage in all sorts of bad things a 16 shoudnt even know about..i think its just wrong morally and every other way and im sure every single mother and father on this fourm would just look at you in discust and think wtf...
just imagine your little baby girl, being taken advantge of by an old man whos 20-25-35-40-65....when does the world actually stop to think that THIS IS FUCKING SICK!!!
anywayss, i have a VERY VERY strong opinion about it.
maybe the reason they changed the legal age to marry was because some idiot was young and nieve and decided it would be smart to be made a house wife and be married with children at 16? wasnt that how it was a whillleee back..and now its different.
if a 16 year old was meant to be with an older man/women...mature or not...than there would be no law..
CLEARLY there is something wrong with that sitchation.. i dont care how mature you may think she is..your just looking at it from how mature she may god but shes bearly hit puberty and most likely just got her period not to long before that..
think clearly.
this is just a discsting topic and it angers me ..lOl
hope i didnt offend anyone !!

All I know is an ex of mine from years back got together with a man in his mid 40s when she was 16. I thought that was pretty bad a first but you know what? He treats her well, they have a kid together and are perfect for each other. I dont see how any one who saw their relationship could say that is sick, it's beautiful.:nod:


The OTz Gold-Digguh!!
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All I know is an ex of mine from years back got together with a man in his mid 40s when she was 16. I thought that was pretty bad a first but you know what? He treats her well, they have a kid together and are perfect for each other. I dont see how any one who saw their relationship could say that is sick, it's beautiful.:nod:

okay & take what i said up their..
imagine, you end up having a child..its watch her growup and as every father is..your going to be strick on the guys she dates jsut because you know how guys can be as you are yourself one..
and your daughter is now 16 but you still see her as youe little girl.. and which she is very much so...
and an older man about 40 or whatever his age may be takes her out to dinner and wines and dines her..BUT thats okay because he treats her good?
nooo wayy in hell would ANY sane parent in their right bloody mind let their daughter go out with a man that age to have a potential relationship with..
would you or would you not let your 16 year old daughter go out to dinner with a man whos 40-25-30-65 whaever the case maybe..
i think that their should be an age gap where its not aloud...their should only be a 4 MAYBE 5 year difference if your only 16.. thats old enough
a 16 to date a 20-21 year old..thats pushing it..but hey everyone matures differntly..when shes 20 nd wants to date a 40 all the power to her.. even 18..but 16...iunoo its fucked
i think..
so would you or would you not let your 16 year baby girl date a 40 yearold whatever his age may be man >???

Peter Parka

Well-Known Member
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Yup, I think I would, there's nothing really I cold do to stop it, I'd rather have it out in the open, sure I'd have my reservations but I'd rather it be open so I could accept it and be in a better position to deal with it.


Between darkness and wonder
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How do you figure that?

Well, the more people have sex, the more likely they are to catch sexually transmitted infections (STIs) or sexually transmitted diseases. If we make the commitment to one partner, then we know what the risks are. And if we know where they've been, as well as where we've been, the risks are minimal.
According to God, one of the purposes of marriage is for procreation because the institution of marriage provides a stable basis for a loving and devoted family. Many women wouldn't end up getting pregnant before they're ready and having abortion, keeping the child and having hardships, or leaving the child up for adoption. Not only does the parents future get torn, but also the child's. Many children don't even know who their parents are.


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Just because 1 works .. hundreds of others won't.

You have to wonder about a man who is sexually attracted to such a young girl .. 16 is pretty young for a 40 yr old. When you look at statistics .. generally speaking a man of that age engaging in sexual desire for a teenager .. is generally known as a sex offender .. because their sexual preference is skewed from the norm of society.

Girls these days have voluptuous bodies at 10-12 yrs old sometimes .. should that also be ok?

Peter Parka

Well-Known Member
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Well, the more people have sex, the more likely they are to catch sexually transmitted infections (STIs) or sexually transmitted diseases. If we make the commitment to one partner, then we know what the risks are. And if we know where they've been, as well as where we've been, the risks are minimal.
According to God, one of the purposes of marriage is for procreation because the institution of marriage provides a stable basis for a loving and devoted family. Many women wouldn't end up getting pregnant before they're ready and having abortion, keeping the child and having hardships, or leaving the child up for adoption. Not only does the parents future get torn, but also the child's. Many children don't even know who their parents are.

Yeah see, fideity has nothing to do with marriage, in the real world, it has to do with love and unfortunately a lot of marriages arn't based on that So finding a celebate partner is a lot more secure on that basis than a bit of paper!


The cake is a metaphor
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Pople, stop trying to take away my right to have sex out of wedlock

i fucking like it!! :D


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i guess i am kind of biased on this... yes, i agree 16 is too young.. but at the same time, my husband is 12 years older than me. when we met i was 18, he was 30. we didnt sleep together until i was like 21 almost 22 though. but yeah, 16 is way too young to be having sex. hell , it was the last thing on my mind when i was 16. at that age, girls should be enjoying high school going out with their friends and thinking about their futures


The cake is a metaphor
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Just a little food for thought, in the UK boys and girls can sign up to the military from 15years and 9 months old, and in the US I believe it's 17.

Now I won't get started on the ridiculous way of running things in America (go serve your country and if you survive 3, 4 or 5 years, come back and you'll finally be old enough for a glass of bubbly), but I believe if your country deems you old enough to serve for it, you are old enough to have sex.


Well-Known Member
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As for what is legal age I would say at least when one is declared an adult in their perspective country.

Personally, I agree with Tempermental's post 100%.

16 year olds have no business having sex. Sex produces babies. 16 year olds are not ready to raise children. Until a person is prepared to fully deal with the possible consequences of their actions they have no business committing said actions. To do so just isn't very bright.

Minor Axis

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According to God, one of the purposes of marriage is for procreation because the institution of marriage provides a stable basis for a loving and devoted family.

Can someone tell me where God invented the institution of marriage? I do believe this is an institution pushed by the Church for a "stable moral society"

16 year olds have no business having sex. Sex produces babies. 16 year olds are not ready to raise children. Until a person is prepared to fully deal with the possible consequences of their actions they have no business committing said actions. To do so just isn't very bright.

I think there was a time when 13 year olds getting married was acceptable but that might have been because people were dying at 40. (But I don't know for sure). But for society today, what if 16 year olds could have sex and not get pregnant or transmit STDs? Besides the moral objection, would there be any other reason? You all know it's a completely natural desire that nature (God) put into us.

Minor Axis

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Actually, its origins are believed to be related to property--a way to keep property in families (dowry, etc.). Marriage is very important in modern times because of children. Marriage creates a more stable environment for raising children. Now before anyone starts arguing with me, no I'm not saying that single parents can't do a good job or that married couples don't screw it up.

Sorry for off topic response...
Speaking of property, I remember reading somewhere that was one of the reasons the Catholic church changed their policy about married priest (1200 or so?). Married priest's property went to their families. Single priest's property went to the church? True?


The OTz Gold-Digguh!!
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i guess i am kind of biased on this... yes, i agree 16 is too young.. but at the same time, my husband is 12 years older than me. when we met i was 18, he was 30. we didnt sleep together until i was like 21 almost 22 though. but yeah, 16 is way too young to be having sex. hell , it was the last thing on my mind when i was 16. at that age, girls should be enjoying high school going out with their friends and thinking about their futures

you were 18 that is totally different.
there is such an age gap and so much you learn between 16 and 18.;.


The OTz Gold-Digguh!!
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Yup, I think I would, there's nothing really I cold do to stop it, I'd rather have it out in the open, sure I'd have my reservations but I'd rather it be open so I could accept it and be in a better position to deal with it.

Yes you can stop that, im sorry but thats just could you ever let somene do that...

i dont think i can speak on this topic anymore.. its getting me all flustered and angry..lOlL

SO my opinions are mine, and you have yours..good luck with trying to prove yours!!! :)


The OTz Gold-Digguh!!
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i just re-read my comment above..
i didnt mean that in any mean way at all, or a rude snotty way..lOlL
i was just saying that im frusterated lol just cause my opinion about this is so strong