Sure. And there still are people making moonshine in the woods too. And they can and sometimes are charged with a federal crime(whether one believes that is just or not is another subject though)
And there already is a tax enforcement agency that could take up the slack targeting that, as you are going to need to shift a large portion of the federal police force away from stopping drugs from coming through the border to other things.
And yes, there will always be the people growing a few plants for themselves, just like I can make beer or wine in my basement for personal use(legally). And that is the way it should be.
Yes, prohibition was an absolute failure. Just like the prohibition on pot and the whole 'war on drugs' has been a complete failure.
But no. The answer to my question is not why duplicate failure, as I do not see the repeal of prohibition as the failure. Prohibition itself was the failure, repealing it was the cure.
And there still are people making moonshine in the woods too. And they can and sometimes are charged with a federal crime
Not really comparable....the level of sophistication to production is on a different level.
All one needs is a hand full of seeds and a garden plot....or fence row.
And there already is a tax enforcement agency that could take up the slack targeting that, as you are going to need to shift a large portion of the federal police force away from stopping drugs from coming through the border to other things.
You missed the point.....neither crime nor the violence stops.....only the arrests directly relating to usage would stop with the result of a society in further trouble and medical support further burdened.
And yes, there will always be the people growing a few plants for themselves, just like I can make beer or wine in my basement for personal use(legally). And that is the way it should be.
Again, you soft sell your argument. Marijuana will grow prolifically as a won't

Actually, the only way your scenario would work is if the majority of users grew their own. This favors the suburbs and rural communities, but not the inner cities where violent crime already exists.
Yes, prohibition was an absolute failure. Just like the prohibition on pot and the whole 'war on drugs' has been a complete failure.
The 'whole war on drugs' hasn't been a complete failure.
Excluding pot, hard drug abuse has been on the decline.
The issue is cost and the extreme amount of incarcerations associated with pot abuse.
I agree there need to be changes, but not legalization as it introduces more problems to the point of a negative impact.
That recent Rand report estimated pot abuse would about double since 1978 along with an increase of abuse of hard drugs.
And let me be clear, I'm not arguing pot is a gateway drug.
The issue is acceptance of the concept of drug use/abuse.
Some 7/8 years ago, Rand also put out a paper ....that as a generality.... pot was not a gateway drug whose usage enticed users into experimenting further with harder drugs, but whose initial acceptance was already that bridge into a culture of drug abuse. Pot is seen as a safe means of that entry.
So the issue isn't just one of simple control, it also about persuading a person not to initially embrace the concept of being in a culture of drug use/abuse.
And that, considering the way people live with prescription and over the counter medicines, is what is failing. We do live in a society that seems to be continually increasing acceptance of entering this drug culture ....and it's this acceptance that also reflects failure.
Prohibition itself was the failure, repealing it was the cure.
It was a bad law in that it was ineffectual with negative results. That I agree with.
But the issue was alcohol abuse and neither instituting the law nor it's repeal provided a working solution to that issue.....alcohol abuse.
Legalization of pot as a recreational drug does not address reducing drug abuse.
It merely opens the door to arguments for legalizing harder drugs.
If alcohol, why not pot, if pot, why not hash, if hash,..... why not cocaine......and on and on.