Is God A Hypocrite?

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OTz's Official Spanish Hottie
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Where do those morals come from? We are not born with morals or ethics, we learn them or adopt them, mostly from out peers and society. You even changing your reality is simply a chemical response to stimuli.

Take it this way, you can experience nothing without chemical responses you cannot control.
thinking that all forces that influence us are chemical responses to stimuli is very simplistic and outdated. Human beings have cognitions, are able to reason, and able to take decissions. I think I spoke largely about morals before, lol
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All Else Failed

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thinking that all forces that influence us are chemical responses to stimuli is very simplistic and outdated. Human beings have cognitions, are able to reason, and able to take decissions. I think I spoke largely about morals before, lol
No, its not. You cannot experience somehting if there isn't a stimuli. You wouldn't experience it at all, out brains and bodies work off of stimuli.


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No, its not. You cannot experience somehting if there isn't a stimuli. You wouldn't experience it at all, out brains and bodies work off of stimuli.

I gotta agree with this statement. If you cant taste, touch, smell, hear or see it, you wouldn't know it was happening, if it was in fact happening at all. And anything that you do sense is a direct stimuli to one or more of your five senses.


OTz's Official Spanish Hottie
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No, its not. You cannot experience somehting if there isn't a stimuli. You wouldn't experience it at all, out brains and bodies work off of stimuli.
sigh, is getting tiring, you know? Cognitive psychology - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Just read something on cognitive psychology so you know what I mean. We experience things that of course change us, but you can't reduce us to a stimuli response process. We aso think and act acoording to what we expect to obtain, the risk, and the control we percieve in the situation.


OTz's Official Spanish Hottie
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I gotta agree with this statement. If you cant taste, touch, smell, hear or see it, you wouldn't know it was happening, if it was in fact happening at all. And anything that you do sense is a direct stimuli to one or more of your five senses.
Yes, I agree, but that all you percieve is based on stimuli doesn't mean that because of that you can't choose, which is what he is saying. We are more that beharioural learning machines. We think and evaluate the actions we may take, and that was my point :)

All Else Failed

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Yes, I agree, but that all you percieve is based on stimuli doesn't mean that because of that you can't choose, which is what he is saying. We are more that beharioural learning machines. We think and evaluate the actions we may take, and that was my point :)
I wasn't even talking about free will there.

All Else Failed

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Oh my darling' Maybe you have not had the unique pleasure of experiencing something that has no physical stimuli. You'll have to trust that it can happen, despite what the scientific evidence says to the contrary. And it's not just religious experiences that are affected.
Ok, here's how our brains work:

Brain = thing that controls your body, and everything it does

Nervous system = Paths that let electrical and chemical signals run through them, as a messenger system for the body and brain.

Stimuli = Anything that will cause those messengers (chemical or electrical) to send information to your brain to react to somehting.

Now, in order for you to feel, taste, smell, hear, see ANYTHING....there HAS to be a stimuli involved. People are talking about "divine" experiences. they describe them as the feeling of joy, happiness etc etc. Well guess why you even felt those emotions (supposedly)? STIMULI. THERE IS ABSOLUTELY NOTHING that you can experience if it isn't some sort of stimuli, your brain won't even recognize it.

I challenge you to give me something you think you have free will over, and I will give you reasons on why you don't.


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THERE IS ABSOLUTELY NOTHING that you can experience if it isn't some sort of stimuli, your brain won't even recognize it.

I challenge you to give me something you think you have free will over, and I will give you reasons on why you don't.
... just because we process information through our senses does not mean that we do not have free will do with that processed information as we choose.


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I am responding to your post (stimuli) right now. I choose to respond instead of moving on to a different thread, which is what I tend to do if I get bored or disenchanted with the spirit of a discussion.

All Else Failed

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I am responding to your post (stimuli) right now. I choose to respond instead of moving on to a different thread, which is what I tend to do if I get bored or disenchanted with the spirit of a discussion.
Why won't you answer the question? This has to do with free will and stimuli.

All Else Failed

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I am responding to your post (stimuli) right now. I choose to respond instead of moving on to a different thread, which is what I tend to do if I get bored or disenchanted with the spirit of a discussion.

You respond because what I am saying is going against what is ingrained in your brain's chemistry. All of your thoughts and beliefs are stored up there, and if you see somehting you disagree with, your brain tells you "hey, this goes against my beliefs that have been instilled into me". All your morals and ethics are learned, and stored into the parts of your brain that differentiates what your brains conceives as "right" or "wrong", "agree" or "disagree". You "choose" to respond because its just a reaction from me asking you to. You didn't have to respond, and you think that is free will, your choice, right? Not so simple, because you may think you can just leave this thread anytime you want, but its really just your brain dealing with a problem in a different way.


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I'm sorry, I don't feel like watching a video at the moment. I'm tired.

You respond because what I am saying is going against what is ingrained in your brain's chemistry.
Nope. I'm not trying to prove anything here. Just having some friendly convo.

All of your thoughts and beliefs are stored up there, and if you see somehting you disagree with, your brain tells you "hey, this goes against my beliefs that have been instilled into me".
I see a lot of things all over the world, on this forum, with family and friends that I do not 'agree' with, etc. - I do not always feel compelled to respond or interject. And even sometimes when I do feel compelled, I still choose not to.

All your morals and ethics are learned, and stored into the parts of your brain that differentiates what your brains conceives as "right" or "wrong", "agree" or "disagree". You "choose" to respond because its just a reaction from me asking you to. You didn't have to respond, and you think that is free will, your choice, right? Not so simple, because you may think you can just leave this thread anytime you want, but its really just your brain dealing with a problem in a different way.
You just used a lot of words to describe a choice.

Even so, it makes no difference if things are learned or not. Learning is another example of stimuli where we take what we learn and we decide what to do with that knowledge.

All Else Failed

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Nope. I'm not trying to prove anything here. Just having some friendly convo.

I see a lot of things all over the world, on this forum, with family and friends that I do not 'agree' with, etc. - I do not always feel compelled to respond or interject. And even sometimes when I do feel compelled, I still choose not to.

You just used a lot of words to describe a choice.

Even so, it makes no difference if things are learned or not. Learning is another example of stimuli where we take what we learn and we decide what to do with that knowledge.
Your body telling you to be tired is a pretty good example of something out of your control. You may think you "chose" to not watch it because you "want" to rest, but its really just a internal, biological function where your body is telling you to rest. Not your choice at all.

You may see it as friendly debate, but what is really going on is disagreement on a low level, which is governed by your internal, biological circumstances.

The level of will to respond depends on various things also. The environment you are in, what type of mood you're in, everything down to what you ate this morning effects your "choices".

Yes, learning is stimuli. But we use or do not use the information based upon what we already have internally within us. I can tell you right now that you are who you are because of your genetic makeup, which off the bat narrows your "choices" down to begin with.

But meh, I've said what needed to be said. Just watch the video.


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Your body telling you to be tired is a pretty good example of something out of your control. You may think you "chose" to not watch it because you "want" to rest, but its really just a internal, biological function where your body is telling you to rest. Not your choice at all.
Correct but just because we have biological factors to take into consideration does not mean that critical thinking is not taking place. It is and it is taking into consideration those biological factors. When I am tired I can choose to drink a Red Bull or go take a nap.